Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 500 You Don't Know About Gu Anxi's I Quantity, 1

Chapter 500 You don't know anything about Gu Anxi's strength

Gu Mingzhu lowered her eyes, "I know you are also interested in him..."

Lin Hua's smile became stronger: "Yeah?"

Gu Mingzhu was a little annoyed: "You don't need to pick words! Your imaginary enemy is not me."

She turned on the phone and pushed it in front of Lin Hua: "Ms. Lin knows who our common enemy is after seeing this."

Lin Hua looked down at the photo quietly——

In the snapped photos, Wang Jingyao was sitting on the outside, and Gu Anxi was on the inside, wearing a men's coat.

Mr. Wang was only wearing a shirt, so one could imagine whose male coat belonged to it.

And the way Mr. Wang looked at Gu Anxi, it is not an exaggeration to describe it as doting.

It can be said to be the way a man looks at a woman, or the way an old father looks at his daughter...

Any woman who is interested in Wang Jingyao will be sour after seeing this photo!

Lin Hua pushed the phone back and said softly, "Miss Mingzhu, I advise you to delete this photo, it's not a good thing to keep in your hand."

Gu Mingzhu remained silent.

She added: "In Beicheng, who doesn't want to have Mr. Wang's favor? But, it depends on fate! It doesn't mean that whoever wants to get it will be easy."

Gu Mingzhu looked at Lin Hua: "Aren't you angry?"

Lin Hua smiled faintly: "I'm not his wife, nor his legitimate girlfriend. What right do I have to be angry? It's his freedom to treat whoever he likes and whoever he doesn't."

Gu Mingzhu frowned: "Aren't you afraid that she will snatch Mr. Wang?"

"Aren't you interested too? Do I have to treat all the girls who are interested in Mr. Wang as enemies?" Lin Hua shook her head, "Isn't that too tiring?"

"Besides, I'm afraid, I'm afraid I'll offend Mr. Wang, and I won't even be able to keep my current life." After all, Lin Hua is old, and smiled lightly: "Miss Mingzhu, I don't think Mr. Wang has expressed anything to you, right? It's best not to ask about your personal affairs, let alone speculate, it's not fun to get involved with a Gu family."

That's all she said, and she didn't want to entangle with this wayward little girl anymore, so she got up, paid the bill and left.

Gu Mingzhu was left sitting there alone, quietly.

She didn't understand, Lin Hua was obviously the one with the best chance, why she couldn't move when she looked at the photos!

Does she not care about Mr. Wang?

Just as Gu Mingzhu was in a daze, another person sat down beside her.

She looked up and saw that it was Jiang Chaoge.

"Didn't you go to France? Why are you back?" Gu Mingzhu was in a bad mood, and she didn't call sister Chaoge as sweetly as before.

Jiang Chaoge didn't bother with her either, and smiled lightly: "Come back and see my mother! It's your pearl. I haven't seen her for a month, so I'm the target?"

Gu Mingzhu bit her lip and said nothing.

Jiang Chaoge smiled again, "Mr. Wang is not someone you can control, you are too tender."

She thought of all the things that day, and she also sighed a little, how she was so addicted to the charm of the other party, and how she was overwhelmed by the slap in the face.

She understands Gu Mingzhu's mood at this moment.

The person said that he wanted to give Gu Anxi the best, and the deep meaning behind it was clear, but she didn't want to think about it, because thinking about it would hurt.

Unexpectedly, it was only a month before someone would rush forward again.This is no one else, the daughter of the Gu family.

When Jiang Chaoge said this, Gu Mingzhu was a little unconvinced: "Why Gu Anxi can do it, but I can't. Jiang Chaoge, what you can't do may not be impossible for others."

Jiang Chaoge just smiled, "Okay, if you think it's okay, then it's okay, you can jump forward fearlessly."

After a pause: "You probably don't know anything about Gu Anxi's power."

Gu Mingzhu was not convinced: "You probably don't know that I am participating in a design competition, and Gu Anxi also participated, and she lost."

Hearing what she said, Jiang Chaoge smiled, "Let's put it this way, Mingzhu, I checked, and apart from a few times, Gu Anxi deliberately lost to you, besides, he really has no defeats."

Gu Mingzhu was naturally unconvinced, but Jiang Chaoge had no intention of saying anything to her anymore.

It's not surprising that some girls like Wang Jingyao, but it's strange if they think too highly of themselves.

Jiang Chaoge was not defeated by Gu Anxi, but by Wang Jingyao. When he said those words himself, she was heartbroken...

Gu Mingzhu, she will die too, but it will be uglier than her!

Jiang Chaoge left, and Gu Mingzhu sat there alone, quietly in a daze.

When she went back, she took out the design drawing and looked at it. It was indeed an excellent work, and her heart was slightly relieved.

Later, Tang Yuan really put in a lot of effort, trying to get Secretary-General Wang to speak out, or ask Secretary-General Wang to say a few words for Mingzhu, but people like Wang Jingchuan did not leak anything. In the end Tang Yuan had no choice but to give up.

On Wednesday, Master Xunyi set foot on the land of Beicheng, but it was not his precious student who picked him up, but a handsome and noble young man.

Bo Xichen looked at Master Xunyi and smiled: "Anxi has a racing car today, so let me pick you up."

He raised his hand and looked at his watch: "It starts at eleven o'clock. If you have the energy, you can watch it together."

Master Xunyi heard, "This kid is still participating in the competition? It's so dangerous, why don't you stop her?"

He thought for a while: "It was originally arranged for her to have dinner with an important person at noon. In this way, I asked that important person if he would like to go to see the KO racing together."

Bo Xichen roughly understood that the other party was Wang Jingyao, so he didn't say anything.

Master Xunyi called, and the secretary-general answered the phone, and he explained the matter.

The secretary-general over there naturally wanted to ask Wang Jingyao, and after waiting for a reply, he smiled and said, "Okay, Mr. Wang said that he will leave immediately and wants to meet Master, your beloved disciple."

Master Xunyi was also quite satisfied, and the other party readily agreed, which showed that he valued it.

So I got into the car with Bo Xichen, the car was very good, the master was very satisfied, and this young man's conversation was very good, so he was even more satisfied.

His students have always had a good eye.

After chatting for a while, Master Xunyi remembered one thing: "Where is Mr. He?"

Bo Xichen smiled: "Old Man He is already at the racing track."

Master Xunyi nodded, and after a while he said sourly: "He is really blessed, I heard that Anxi is now living in Beicheng."

That bad old man can see gifted students every day.

He is so jealous!

He wants to move to Beicheng to live.

Bo Xichen kept talking to Feng Jiyue, but Master Xunyi had already thought of many reasons to stay in Beicheng.

When the car arrived, Wang Jingyao had already arrived early, and he and the Secretary-General went to the exclusive seats, so they were naturally next to Mr. He.

(End of this chapter)

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