Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 501 is fixed, the first place is KO

Chapter 501 is set, No.1 is KO

Wang Jingyao naturally knew this celebrity, so he shook hands and chatted, "Mr. He is also very interested in this?"

He Lao smiled and said, "Normally I don't chase, but today is a junior match, so it's a must-see."

This moment aroused Wang Jingyao's interest. He smiled: "Which junior is Mr. He? I heard that this is Master Xunyi's apprentice KO."

Mr. Wang manages a lot of things every day, and he doesn't know much about these circles, so he doesn't know the relationship between them.

Old He raised his beard and sneered: "He's too embarrassed to say it! KO is his apprentice? It's obviously everyone's, and I'm her first master, so it can be the same."

This remark made Wang Jingyao, a big man, in a cloud of confusion, and asked after a while, "Your apprentice too?"

He Lao nodded: "Yes, he is also my apprentice."

Wang Jingyao was even more puzzled: "Mr. He, isn't your apprentice that little bastard Luo Lin?"

Mr. He smiled, "Yes, it's Luo Lin. Her name is KO at Xunyi, and today's racing car is also KO. This kid likes a place with a name. There are countless names. I'm getting old and I can't remember it. , you can ask her later."

Wang Jingyao was speechless, and looked straight at Mr. He for a long time.

The secretary-general at the side handed over a cup of flowers very considerately: "Mr. Wang, don't worry."

Wang Jingyao took a sip of water before asking softly: "He Lao, that means Gu Anxi is Luo Lin and also a KO?"

He Lao still smiled: "Yes, you don't know?"

Wang Jingyao's face was ugly enough, and he snorted softly after a while: "You little bastard, I will settle accounts with her later."

While talking, Bo Xichen came over with Master Xunyi. Bo Xichen saw that Mr. Wang's expression was not very good at a glance, so he roughly guessed it and only smiled.

Since Wang Jingyao is a great person, he naturally adjusted quickly, and had a great time with the two masters...

At this time, the field also began to warm up, and several big shots watched the little bastard take the first place, as easy as eating Chinese cabbage.

The Secretary-General was dumbfounded.

At this moment, he leaned over and whispered: "Mr. Wang, did you say that the picture you like is from Dr. Gu?"

This question is actually a waste of time to ask.

Gu Anxi is the KO, so who else could have designed that blueprint besides KO?

Hearing what he said, Wang Jingyao glanced sideways at him, without making a sound——

The secretary-general didn't dare to speak anymore. At the beginning, Mr. Wang said that he was a big man who picked his feet. No, it was a slap in the face, right?

However, Mr. Wang is okay, Gu Mingzhu should be the most embarrassing person, she overturned online

Said that he is a KO, and now he has invited Master Xunyi, the truth is revealed.

And if Master Xunyi doesn't come, she won't be able to get the first place, she still has to speak with her strength.

The few people in the auditorium went to the parking lot after the game. About half an hour later, Gu Anxi changed into a suit of clothes and opened the car door to get in. There were Master Xunyi and Wang Jingyao in the car.

Uncle Wang's complexion is not very good-looking.

Gu Anxi patted him on the shoulder vigorously: "Brother, the wild ginseng you gave is really strong!"

Wang Jingyao turned his face away, not wanting to talk to her.

Master Xunyi smiled to smooth things over, "It seems that your old brother is angry with you."

Gu Anxi smiled: "He gets angry every time he sees me. I'm used to it."

Wang Jingyao really had nothing to do with her, but Bo Xichen spoke up for him: "Anxi, don't always bully others."

Gu Anxi groaned, and then said in a low voice after a while: "His family has a great career and great power, how dare I bully him." '

Bo Xichen smiled lightly, and he was used to it.

Wang Jingyao couldn't help but said: "Xi Chen, you should educate her well later, because she doesn't know how to respect her elders at such a young age."

Gu Anxi made a face at him.

Master Xunyi and the others all laughed.

The car drove to a private restaurant, not very big, but very stylish.

The two groups met at the foyer, asked for a private room, and had a meal together.

Mr. He and Xunyi were old acquaintances, they would fight each other when they saw each other, and they had a lively meal.

Under such an atmosphere, Wang Jingyao also put down his figure, and said some witty words from time to time, and it was really interesting to watch those two old men fight for an apprentice.

As for the design drawing, no one mentioned it anymore.

Gu Anxi is KO, the first is without a doubt.

After dinner, Wang Jingyao had other things to do, and the driver came to pick him up.

After he got into the car, his face was reddish from drinking a little wine, leaning on the seat, and said in a calm voice, "Don't say that Master Xunyi is here, just release the news that the first is KO."

The Secretary-General's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately understood that Mr. Wang was very dissatisfied with the Gu family. He wanted to punish them and vent his anger on my baby sister!

But it's not suitable for him to say such blunt words, so he just nodded: "Okay."

Wang Jingyao closed his eyes slightly, and suddenly said again: "This little bastard is really giving way more and more."

The secretary-general didn't dare answer these words even more, he laughed along with him, and coaxed his master with some witty words.

In the heart of the master, feel bad!


Master Xunyi came over, Gu Anxi played with him for a few days, and Mr. He.

The three Wangnian friends had a great time, because they are all engaged in art and have a common topic.

In addition, Anxi is very good, take them to Beicheng Emperor Color to have a good time, don't mention how happy they are...

A few days later, a message came out from Wang Jingyao's office, saying that the champion of the COMO Design Contest this time was KO.

Of course, this news is not official news, but it has spread so widely that people can't help but believe it.

Tang Yuan naturally got the first-hand news, and she was very excited. She told Gu Mingzhu about this when she came home from outside. Gu Mingzhu was also very pleasantly surprised, with excitement on her face: "Mom, is it true?"

Tang Yuan said, "Of course it is true. The absolutely true news is that the winner is KO. Mingzhu, is there anyone else besides you?"

Only then did Gu Mingzhu feel relieved, and said a little reservedly: "Mom, let's keep a low profile before presenting the award."

Hearing this, Tang Yuan was very relieved: "You're right, you should keep a low profile, otherwise it would be bad to attract others' envy."

After finishing speaking, he said happily again: "You have been appreciated by Mr. Wang, who will dare to underestimate you in the future."

Gu Mingzhu was still a little worried, "Mom, I'm still afraid that the fact that I'm not a KO will be exposed. In case that Master Xunyi knows the news here..."

Tang Yuan smiled: "It's not that KO that can be called KO, isn't it impossible for us? Besides, it was Italy who introduced you, and we didn't take the initiative to tell Mr. Wang Amway, so there is no need to worry."

(End of this chapter)

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