Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 507 So Doctor Gu Likes This Tune

Chapter 507 So Doctor Gu Likes This Tune

Gu Anxi smiled: "I'm waiting for you."

Gu Mingzhu turned around and left, and her loyal followers also left...

Wang Qin came over and asked Gu Anxi in a low voice, "Why does she always trouble you?"

Gu Anxi didn't take it seriously: "Wealthy cancer! I can't stand others being better than her."

Wang Qin's face was red: "Anxi, you are confident."

Gu Anxi hugged her by his side, "I also have this strength, don't I?"

Said, looking at Fang Ming: "The sun is pretty good, you go to the cafeteria to buy food, we will eat here."

Fang Ming also wanted to call himself Lao Tzu with her, but he felt his ribs, so he forgot, obediently went to buy three meals, spread a tablecloth and sat on the grass for a picnic.

While eating, Wang Qin whispered gossip: "Anxi, you're not at school... something big happened."

Gu Anxi said casually: "Is it raw rice cooked?"

Wang Qin lowered his head and groaned: "No."

Gu Anxi smiled: "If it weren't for this matter, then I can't think of anything else that can be called a major event in Beicheng University." '

Wang Qin...was so sweet that he leaned against her and acted like a baby.

Gu Anxi patted her very vigorously, Fang Ming raised his eyes, and touched his ribs again.


Wang Qin looked at Fang Ming cautiously. With that look, Fang Ming didn't say a word, and smiled warmly.

Wang Qin's little face was a little red, she didn't dare to speak, and lowered her head to eat like a little daughter-in-law.After eating, Gu Anxi drove them away, "Go to the woods, I'll bask in the sun."

Wang Qin's little face turned even redder.

Gu Anxi was leaning on the recliner alone to bask in the sun, wondering if she should not stay in Beicheng University anymore, it seemed like a waste of time, except to see Chuyan Wangqin and the school belle, there seemed to be really nothing nothing else.

Back then, when she went to Beicheng University, she stood on such an eye-catching high place to find that person.

However, when she knew the truth, that person couldn't be moved by herself.

At least, not yet.

Dark organizations are distributed all over the world, and there are many diehards.She was afraid that if she moved, she would not only be unable to deal with the enemy, but would also implicate the entire Bo family.

She understands the principle that one movement can move the whole body.

She knows that person's strength even more.

Gu Anxi hadn't seen him for a long time, she didn't seem to be in Siyuan... She didn't ask him where he was going.

Gu Anxi closed her eyes, feeling a little turbulent, she was rarely so impetuous.

Of course she had hatred for that person, but apart from hatred, it would be a lie to say that she had no emotion at all.

How many times of life and death, the man gently healed her wounds, and how many times he cruelly made her continue to challenge life and death... Her perception of darkness is different from anyone else.

Gu Anxi herself couldn't tell what kind of emotion it was, and she didn't think about it when she was free.

She only knows that if one day she confronts Diablo, she will be able to deal ruthlessly at critical moments.

Not for the past, but for the future!

They are not parallel lines, but intersecting lines. After the intersection, they are destined to go further and further apart.

Gu Anxi opened his eyes after thinking about it, and sent a message to Bo Xichen; "Uncle, are you busy this afternoon?"

About 2 minutes later, Bo Xichen texted back: "It's not very busy, what's the matter?"

Gu Anxi typed in word by word: "I'm here to find you."

There was only one word back: "OK."

So she knew that he was very busy, but she still wanted to find him, even if he was busy, it would be good for her to listen to his voice.

Gu Anxi put away his mobile phone and got up, and drove directly to Yunxi Hospital. When he reached Bo Xichen's floor, Feng Xi's voice rang happily——

【Bo Xichen's baby is here! 】

[Professor Bo is in a meeting. 】

[According to the body temperature test, Bo Xichen's baby wants to act like a baby. 】

Gu Anxi wrinkled her little nose——

[Turn off the warning! 】

Feng Xi was not afraid of her appearance, so she copied a copy for the attending doctors in the meeting——

【Bo Xichen's baby is here! 】

[Professor Bo is in a meeting. 】

[According to the body temperature test, Bo Xichen's baby wants to act like a baby. 】

Bo Xichen was chairing a group meeting, when Feng Xi's voice sounded, there was no way for the meeting to start.

The other directors all lowered their heads, looking at me and I at you, all with a little bit of expression on their faces.

In the end, Director Hao coughed lightly: "Professor Bo, why don't we leave first, and continue later."

Bo Xichen said softly, "No need, Doctor Gu will come over to discuss with you later..."

For Gu Anxi's medical skills, Director Hao is convinced. Gu Anxi's two operations have become legends in Yunxi Hospital. .

While talking here, Gu Anxi came over: "Uncle, did I disturb you?"

Bo Xichen smiled slightly: "Come over and discuss together."

He raised his eyes to signal the secretary to pour a glass of water, then moved aside, and Gu Anxi squeezed beside him.

Although there are others around, I can't do anything, but relying on him like this is indescribably reassuring in my heart.

Bo Xichen gave her a copy of the medical records and continued the meeting. Gu Anxi got involved in a while and made a few suggestions. Director Hao's eyes were shining, and he nodded from time to time——

"It's still Dr. Gu's experience."

"Dr. Gu's insight is really unique."

"Dr. Gu is right. I thought the same way before, but I was not sure. It is Dr. Gu who is bold and careful."


Rainbow farts one by one, extremely nasty.

In fact, with Bo Xichen, the chief directors of these operating rooms would not be so flattering, but when they were with Gu Anxi, their style of painting immediately went wrong.

I don't know why, it just happens naturally.

Probably once a deputy director Li came over, and they accidentally saw that deputy director who was not low in status was talking to the young doctor Gu, the chairman, who called himself Xiao Li, and was extremely humble.

Dr. Gu said that he was no longer the president, but Xiao Li said, "The president will always be my president."

Nima, at that time Director Hao and the others slapped their legs——

They really don't know how to behave. It turns out that Dr. Gu likes this tune!

Seeing how Xiao Li has risen all the way from the [-]th-tier town to his current position, Dr. Gu's support is indispensable.

All right, they also need to maintain formation in the future!

Gu Anxi didn't know what they were thinking, he just felt nauseous, but... why is this familiar tone so kind?

So I don't object to it, it's very useful.

But Bo Xichen couldn't take it anymore. They are the top surgeons in the country, okay?Having a meeting like this is really... quite speechless.

He didn't say anything, just glanced lightly at a few highly respected doctors, who lowered their heads as if they didn't see them.

Bo Xichen: ...

 No. [-] will explode with ducks~~~



(End of this chapter)

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