Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 508 Uncle, I don't want to go to school anymore

Chapter 508 Uncle, I don't want to go to school anymore

Afterwards, after finally sending a few people away, Bo Xichen turned and looked at Gu Anxi, "Are you okay?"

She went over and hugged his waist, and put her small face on his heart: "It's good to see my uncle."

He smiled softly and patted her little head: "Rainbow is a set of things, Director Hao and the others have all learned from you."

She raised her head in his arms and smiled softly: "Uncle, don't you like hearing these nice words?"

He punished the bad boy for a while, "Like it, like it so much!"

After speaking, he gave her a big joy.

After the punishment, the little creamer became even clingier, and she stuck to him when he read the documents.

In fact, it didn't mean that she was in a bad mood and wanted to see him, but that she suddenly realized that she hadn't clinged to him for a long time. It was strange, although she still met every night.

The little creamer leaned on his shoulder, and said in a low voice, "Zhou Yunchen said that we are an old husband and wife, I am not convinced."

Bo Xichen looked back from the document and looked down at her: "So, how do you want to prove it?"

Gu Anxi put her arms around his neck: "Girls should be reserved."

He just laughed, "You're still reserved."

She wrinkled her nose, groaned, and leaned on him to stop bothering him.

They are all very busy, especially the uncle who is busy with the hospital and family affairs, and the Falcons also have tasks from time to time.

In fact, Gu Anxi felt a little distressed, feeling that his uncle was very tired.But he seems to be used to it, and he will find time to spend time with her.

When she went back, she sat in the co-pilot, always looking worried.

Bo Xichen put on his seat belt, turned his head to look at her: 'What's wrong? '

Gu Anxi's voice was quite slow: "Uncle, I don't want to go to school anymore."

He laughed: "What's wrong? Are you unhappy in school?"

His tone is really gentle, just like the primary school students at home, making people feel pampered.

So Gu Anxi became a little creamer again. He was talking about business, but his voice was soft: "It's not that I'm unhappy."

She looked at him and said softly: "Aunt Bo Jin is not often in Yunxi Group, I know you often have to help with things there, how about I go there?"

Bo Xichen stared at her and didn't speak for a while.

After a long time, he said in a hoarse voice: "Anxi, you are only 21 years old. Actually, I hope you will be happier when you are in school."

Gu Anxi felt a little sore in her heart, but she seemed to be throbbing a little bit. She pretended not to care and said, "I've finished my studies a long time ago. Actually, it doesn't matter whether I go to school or not."

Bo Xichen thought for a while before smiling slightly: "Okay."

He can't pass this matter alone, and the family has to agree.It's not that he can't make the decision, but because he is afraid that her father and mother will feel distressed——

Back in Siyuan, when we had dinner together, Bo Xichen told about this matter.

Bo Nianyao raised his eyebrows: "Did you mean it or Anxi's?"

Bo Xichen smiled: "If it's what I mean, wouldn't you agree?"

Bo Nianyao looked at Mrs. Bo, and Mrs. Bo looked at her son: "Anxi is only 21 years old, she is going to school, she is interested in medicine, you just teach her, why restrain her?"

She paused for a moment: "She's still young, and she can still grow up. Don't exploit her like Zhou Papi."

Zhou skinning?

Gu Anxi was a little surprised, then lowered his head to pick up the rice——

Bo Xichen rubbed his forehead, "Mom, why did I become Zhou Papier?"

He looked at Gu Anxi, and picked the back of her neck: "Did I skin you?"

Gu Anxi bowed his head and just ate the rice.

Bo Nianyao couldn't help saying: "Don't bully her. Let Zai Zai eat well."

Gu Anxi secretly smiled, straightened up after a while, and said solemnly: "Actually, I mean, Aunt Bo Jin is busy with dating, and Bo Xichen and I are already old couples, it's time to make contributions to the family."

These words made Bo Nianyao and his wife dumbfounded.

They are only 21 years old, and Xi Chen is only 29, they have been together for less than a year, how could they become an old married couple!

This kid still speaks in a serious manner.

However, Zai Zai is really thoughtful about this matter. Bo Jin is very happy with that Robert now, and that one is also flying all over the world. Both Bo Nianyao and his wife hope that Bo Jin will live well, and besides, he is over forty , I really don't want her to waste her time in the Bo family.

Bo Nianyao looked at Gu Anxi: "Zai Zai, what do you think?" '

Gu Anxi sat upright: "This is what I think, Aunt Bo Jin can be promoted to a higher level, and I will take her place directly, so that no one will be unconvinced."

Bo Nianyao was very relieved, this child was thoughtful, and Bo Jin would probably be very considerate if he knew about it, he admired it terribly in his heart, but on the surface he deliberately embarrassed: "You should be the vice president at a young age." , Will it make others unconvinced? '

Gu Anxi smiled: "I, a big boss of AMP, went to work for Yunxi, who else is not convinced?"

Bo Nianyao was also afraid that she would be too young to be overpowering, but now seeing her in this state, he was completely relieved, and when he returned to the bedroom, he boasted for a while in front of Mrs. Bo.

Mrs. Bo was very happy, and put her hand gently on Bo Nianyao's shoulder, "Now you know why I loved her so much at the beginning, don't you? This child is more than one in a million?"

Bo Nianyao grabbed his wife's hand and was very pleased: "We are getting old, it's time for the younger generation to play."

Mrs. Bo said like a spring breeze, "Then let's just watch?"

Bo Nianyao said knowingly, "Okay, just watch."

He sighed: "Anxi is still young, they will get married in a year or two, and the child may be later. I see that child is calm, but she is still a child at ordinary times. Let her play for a few more years, and don't rush them Two, how good it is now."

Mrs. Bo quite agreed: "Yeah, Zai Zai is still young, and I really can't imagine her having a baby, but Nian Yao, if there is a baby... we can help take care of them, and they can do whatever they like! "

Bo Nianyao just laughed: "You still want to hug your grandson in your heart." '

Mrs. Bo looked at him: "You say you don't want it, but don't you think it in your heart?"

The two looked at each other and smiled. After a while, Bo Nianyao put his arms behind his head and smiled, "Xichen and Anxi's children, I don't know how outstanding they are."

Mrs. Bo also smiled: "Yes, it's best if they are willing to have more children."

Bo Nianyao beat her: "Just think about it, don't rush!"

The child is still young!


The next day, Gu Anxi went to Beicheng University to go through formal withdrawal procedures.

Everyone in Beicheng was shocked!

Headmaster Shen beat his chest and stamped his feet, trying his best to persuade him to stay: "You did well, why don't you go?"

Gu Anxi said honestly: "Go back and inherit hundreds of millions of family property."

School Shen: ...

(End of this chapter)

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