Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 509 Gu Anxi Takes Over the Yunxi Group!acid!

Chapter 509 Gu Anxi Takes Over the Yunxi Group!acid!

School Shen: ...

After a while, he followed the temptation again: "If you persist in this for another two years, we will get the certificate from Beicheng University."

Gu Anxi took out several academic certificates: "I got it when I was 16."

Shen Xiao turned over two books, and he was about to have a heart attack!

God is not fair, why is the gap between people so obvious?

He thought for a while: 'OK!I'll say hello to Qingda Wangxiao again. 'Well, skills are not as good as people, and such talents cannot be retained.

Seeing Xiao Shen's disappointment, Gu Anxi comforted him: "Don't be sad, I'm just an ordinary little genius."

Principal Shen was about to cry, "You child."

He paused: "Whenever you want to come back, just come to me, the door of Beicheng University will always be open for you."

Gu Anxi hummed, but bowed to Colonel Shen: "Thank you for taking care of Principal Shen during this time."

Shen Xiao's eyes were a little hot, and he said a few more emotional words.

When they left, Principal Shen sighed to his secretary: "Xiao Lin, don't think that I am reluctant to part with a gifted student. In fact, I like her character very much. Look at her wealth and status, how can she respect me so much!"

Secretary Lin smiled: "Student Gu is indeed very charming."

Shen Xiao waved his hand: "It's just a little naughty, Mr. Wang doesn't buy it."

He suppressed his voice again: 'I have a big melon here!Mr. Wang dismissed Gu Anxi as president, right?But I heard that people have a good relationship behind their backs, which is beyond our imagination. '

Secretary Lin was stunned: That's it!

And the reason why Xiao Shen has this melon is also because he and Fang Ming's father are close friends, so he can deduce it from a few words.

Therefore, he was quite touched that classmate Gu, who was not even afraid of Mr. Wang, treated him with such respect just now.

Shen Xiao was somewhat sad, and immediately posted a small poem on the campus network——


you come lightly,

You walk gently.

Do not take away a cloud.

I asked the wind, where have you been,

You said you were going to inherit billions of dollars...

The students of Beicheng University were all dozed off, and the school became a celebrity for a while.

Gu Mingzhu is quite happy. If Gu Anxi is not at Beicheng University, no one will steal her limelight anymore. Moreover, if Gu Anxi drops out of school, she will probably not be valued so much in the Bo family. It is not good to not go to school at a young age, right?

She briskly returned to Gu's house, saw Tang Yuan sitting on the sofa drinking coffee, Gu Mingzhu went to sit down, and said softly, "Mom, did you know that Gu Anxi dropped out of school."

Tang Yuan was surprised: "Why did you drop out of school?"

Gu Mingzhu played with her fingernails: "But I feel bored!"

Tang Yuan said lightly: "It's not good to come to the society too early. Your father will probably be unhappy if he finds out. Don't mention this matter in front of him."

Gu Mingzhu hummed, but she was not convinced——

Why not mention it!

They were talking, but Gu Yuanshan came over: "What are you talking about?"

Tang Yuan just wanted to cover up the past, not because of Gu Anxi, but because she simply didn't want to mention it in front of Gu Yuanshan.After all, she is Gu Yuanshan's pillow person, and she can feel his changes.

Although he didn't have much contact with Gu Anxi, he must always be thinking about that daughter in his heart.

That's why she told Gu Mingzhu not to mention it.

But Gu Mingzhu was young, so she couldn't help but say, "Dad, it's like this, Gu Anxi dropped out of school."

Gu Yuanshan frowned, and then smiled faintly: "This matter."

He sat down, gently rolled the teacup with his fingers, and then said: "She took over Bo Jin's position."

After saying this, not only Gu Mingzhu was stunned, but Tang Yuan was also stunned.

She looked at Gu Yuanshan: "Really?"

Gu Yuanshan nodded: "Cong Wen came to talk about it in the morning! During this period of time, Bo Jin is not here, and Gu's has to take a breather. Now that Gu Anxi is in charge of Yunxi Group, Gu's life will not be easy in the future."

Tang Yuan asked: "Why did the Bo family let her take over Bo Jin's position? It's the vice president's position. only [-] years old and hasn't graduated yet."

Gu Yuanshan's eyes were deep: "That child got a double doctorate from Cambridge at the age of [-]. Do you think it's necessary for her to go to Beicheng University? Yes, if she goes..."

Although he was a little ashamed to speak, he still said; "If you go there, you'll just sleep through it, so it's better to do your business."

This remark made Tang Yuan and Gu Mingzhu feel very uncomfortable, but Gu Yuanshan thought that a bowl of water was flat, and after praising the big ones, he began to praise the young ones: "Mingzhu, you are also good, your qualifications are not worse than Anxi, you see You won the first prize in the COMO competition when you were only [-], and the movie is about to be released, I heard from Wen that the perfume series you developed is very good, and my father is very pleased."

Gu Mingzhu forced a smile.

She has always been very confident, but no matter how good she is, if she wants to inherit the Gu family, even if it's just the Gu family, she still has to go through many tests, because she still has Gu Changqing on top of her.

As for Gu Anxi, he easily became the vice president of Yunxi Group without even entering the door of Bo's family. Why?

Gu Yuanshan probably saw the distress in her heart, and smiled, "Mingzhu, the reason why the Bo family can safely hand over the burden to Anxi is because of Anpu's good development."

Gu Mingzhu said softly: "But Anpu, Zhou Yunchen is completely in charge of it." '

Gu Yuanshan smiled even weaker: "Then you may not know that a few important decisions by Gu Anxi can drive An Pu crazy."

Zhou Yunchen is a talent, but Gu Anxi is a ghost!Doing anything is as easy as eating Chinese cabbage!

Gu Yuanshan sighed in his heart, it would be great if this treasure was in their Gu family.

The Gu family is no longer a thousand years old|Two!

He could still have a fight with the Bo family.

He sighed in his heart, but it was useless to regret it.

The children belong to someone else.

Gu Yuanshan stood up: "Speak."

He goes to the study.

Gu Mingzhu bit her lower lip: "Mom, Dad, does he like Gu Anxi very much now?"

Tang Yuan knew it well, but she loved her daughter so she couldn't bear to make her sad, so she said softly: "Mingzhu, you have two advantages in your hands now, the movie is about to be released, and you won an award, as soon as Mr. Wang announces, the focus It's you."

She paused and said softly, "You should understand that what Mr. Wang thinks of you is the most important thing, and nothing else is that important."

Gu Mingzhu hummed softly, "Then I'm going upstairs, and I'm going to open a new book."

Tang Yuan was very satisfied and nodded...

After a while, she asked the kitchen to prepare a serving of sugar water, which was Gu Mingzhu's favorite, and sent it upstairs.

When she went downstairs again, she straightened her clothes and went to the study room. The door opened, and Gu Yuanshan was divination.

Seeing her coming in, she looked a little surprised: "Why are you here?"

 In the early morning of the 22nd, there will be more ducks, please ask for a monthly ticket, please ask for a recommendation ticket



(End of this chapter)

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