Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 602 1 Everything is under Mr. Gu's Control

Chapter 602 Everything is under Mr. Gu's Control

Min Xin slowly leaned against the head of the bed, and said softly, "Wang Yuan, if Gu Mingzhu wants to come, let her come."

Wang Yuan sighed in his heart, that Miss Gu Mingzhu is really worthless in Mr. Min's heart!Zhou Yu is the little treasure in Mr. Min's heart.

He asked softly, "What are your plans?"

Min Xin closed his eyes slightly: "I haven't made up my mind yet."

This matter involved too much. What Wang Jingyao wanted was very simple, that is, he abdicated and let Zhou Yunchen take over. As for Zhou Yunchen, he would definitely take over Wang Jingyao's position in the future. Then, the Bo family and Gu Anxi would live in peace and prosperity for the rest of their lives.

Min Xin suddenly understood that Zhou Yu was his weakness.

Gu Anxi is actually Wang Jingyao's weakness.

He showed it, but Wang Jingyao took it lightly while laughing and cursing... So all these years, he has been unable to fight against the surnamed Wang.

But if he was asked to exchange Gu Anxi for something now, he still hesitated.

One is that Gu Anxi is very strong, and the other is that apart from Wang Jingyao, the Bo family is not easy to provoke. Just Lin Yun's old Lin is not easy to provoke, even Chen Ming is old Lin's leg hair.

Second, because of the weekly forecast.

Obviously, Gu Anxi is someone Zhou Yu relies on and trusts very much. If he hurts Gu Anxi, Zhou Yu will never forgive him in his life.

In the past, he could be so cruel, but now he and Zhou Yu have this little black spot, she can't eat, and she is so delicate, Min Xin really can't do it...

Min Xin suddenly opened his eyes. His eyes changed from the loss just now to the pride at this moment. He talked to Secretary Wang and confessed many things. Finally, Wang Yuan coughed lightly: "Don't you like children? , Said it was annoying, said it was too noisy!"

Min Xin was furious all of a sudden: "Then what should I do now that I have it? Is it possible for Zhou Yu to destroy it?"

Wang Yuan stroked his hair: "That is, but your attitude has changed too quickly."

Looking at the expression of that little black dot, it is very gentle and gentle, completely different from the indifferent expression of Gu Mingzhu before.

Min Xin probably guessed what was going on in his mind, and snorted coldly: "Can it be the same? Yuyu is the woman I love, and Gu Mingzhu was born by Tang Yuan. I don't feel anything."

The secretary could only say that he sympathized with Miss Gu Mingzhu again. He looked at Min Xin and said, "Take a break, and I'll call a nurse to pull out the water for you." '

Min Xin closed his eyes and hummed.

Wang Yuan smiled, opened the door and was about to call for someone, when he saw Gu Anxi leaning on the opposite wall with his hands in front of him, smiling: "Close the door."

With one command and one movement, the secretary-general closed the door, and said softly, "Dr. Gu, why are you here? Didn't you send Miss Zhou off?"

Gu Anxi smiled, "The driver picked it up, by the way, do you, Mr. Min, know the truth?"

Secretary Wang wanted to play dumb: "What truth? I don't know."

Gu Anxi raised a USB flash drive in his hand: "I installed a camera in the ward."

Secretary Wang was about to go crazy: "Doctor Gu, it's terrible for Mr. Min to know about this. You are... this is an invasion of privacy, and the other party is Mr. Min!"

Gu Anxi raised the check: "Would Secretary Wang be willing to keep this secret for me?"

She put the 500 million check in Wang Yuan's hand.

Wang Yuan froze immediately.

Five... 500 million!

Money, who doesn't want it!

So much money is in his hands! ?

He raised his eyes and looked at Gu Anxi stiffly, "What does Doctor Gu mean?"

Gu Anxi smiled: "It doesn't mean much, just let the secretary-general pull the rope, so that your Mr. Min won't be able to pull it if he goes crazy, and it's not good to bite someone."

The secretary-general immediately understood that this was to make him a spy!

"Why think of yourself so shamelessly." Gu Anxi smiled: "It's good for your master, you think, if he can't control his eyes, he will be too eye-catching, not only will he hurt himself, but he will also hurt you." Sister Zhou."

She patted Wang Yuan on the shoulder: "Look at you, you are the most trusted person around Mr. Min, he trusts you so much, if you don't help him, who will help him?"is not it? '

The secretary-general was moved, and felt that this was the reason, but there seemed to be something wrong!

Gu Anxi looked at him, and said: "I can't bear to make a big conspiracy, Secretary Wang should understand this truth."

Wang Yuan was about to cry, but he finally came to his senses...

Everything is a set.

Divorce, pregnancy, let Mr. Min know, and then automatically give up his position for love, wife and children, and even act as a cow and a horse for Wang Jingyao, just because the sweetheart falls into the hands of the other party!

And he, Wang Yuan, is also a part of the other party's design, and he dared to give him Mr. Min's money, making a big demand, and washing his brain by the way...

 Continue to write~~The update will be completed before six o'clock~~



(End of this chapter)

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