Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 603 The truth came out, Feng Xi was angry

Chapter 603 The truth came out, Feng Xi was angry

Wang Yuan looked at Gu Anxi with a completely new look!

Nima, it's no wonder Mr. Min always said that she is evil, but now it seems that it is true!

The secretary lowered his head and looked at the check in his hand, feeling a little hot and wanting.

Gu Anxi smiled lightly: "Think carefully about your master, is there any other way to go besides this way, Zhou Yu is pregnant, how can he keep her safe?"

Wang Yuan lowered his eyes, thought for a long time, and then said softly: "Let me think about it."

He returned the check, but Gu Anxi didn't accept it, and said softly, "Take it, it's a deposit."

500 million, just a deposit?

Secretary Wang was dumbfounded, this master is really generous.

Watching Gu Anxi leave helplessly, he went back to his own affairs. When he returned to the ward and saw Min Xin again, he couldn't help but feel a little guilty, but thinking about it carefully, Mr. Gu made sense——

Mr. Min seems to care about this child very much now, so this child must be kept. Mr. Min has made too many enemies, it seems that there is only one way to go...

Over there, Gu Anxi went back to Bo Xichen's office. Uncle Bo was on the phone, probably with a foreign devil, looking at Gu Anxi while talking.

When the phone was put down, he asked her to sit beside him: "What bad thing did you do again?"

"How could I!" Gu Anxi leaned on his shoulder and whispered, "Min Xin knows!"

Bo Xichen turned his head and gave her a look, "Did you let him know on purpose?"

"No." She hugged his arm: "He just read the baby's B-ultrasound sheet, but if he can't guess it, he's a pig."

Bo Xichen just laughed, and the little milkman pestered him, asking him to teach the German medical book in front of him.

He posted, "Didn't you just translate this book last month, and you won a small prize."

The little creamer blushed, "Uncle, can't you be more informed?"

He hugged her and sat down again, and said seriously: "I thought this was something after I got home."

All of a sudden, the little milkman bullied Ai Ai again, what was he talking about!

But she still leaned on Uncle Bo obediently, very obediently, after a while Bo Xichen whispered: "Why are you helping Min Xin?"

The little creamer hummed: "I didn't help him, I helped my brother deal with him."

He smiled, stretched out his hand to rub her hair, and said in a low voice, "You can tell me."

After finishing speaking, the little creamer was thrown into his arms and said in a low voice, "I just think that child has the right to choose who to live with."

Bo Xichen sighed: He knew it!The children in his family probably still can't let go completely, every time they see Gu Mingzhu, every time they see Tang Yuan and Gu Yuanshan, it probably affects their mood a bit.

He didn't speak, and gently stroked her hair with his big palm, silently comforting her.

Slowly, she relaxed in his arms, and whispered: "Am I a little childish?"

"No." He smiled: "I also agree that this couple should be given a step down."

If Min Xin could give up his power for Zhou Yu, it would be fine.

But the price is very high, all these years of painstaking efforts will be handed over to others, it depends on whether he is willing or not.

Gu Anxi groaned and hugged his neck: "Uncle, you are the best." '

He just wanted to take her off. Director Hao and the old guys came over to discuss the afternoon operation with Professor Bo, but when he opened the door and called Professor Bo, he saw this scene——

I saw Dr. Gu, who is usually very heroic, hanging on Professor Bo's body like a little bear, his posture... very unsightly.

A few old things quickly covered their eyes: "We'll come back later."

"No need." Bo Xichen took off the sticky little creamer, "Go and play by yourself, if you're bored, play with Fengxi."

Feng Xi's voice came out at the right time, quite serious: "Professor Bo, I want to record the content of the meeting. Professor Bo's baby can choose to play by himself, or choose to harm others."

Director Hao and the others opened their eyes again.

This Fengxi has become a spirit!

At this moment, Feng Mian just came over, sitting on Bo Xichen's desk, "These are the financial reports for this month, please take a look at the signatures."

Bo Xichen smiled, and casually threw it to Gu Anxi: "You happen to be idle."

Gu Anxi said obediently, he was quite obedient. Director Hao still admired Professor Bo in his heart. Dr. Gu heard that he was very favored and was held in the palm of his hand wherever he went, but in front of Professor Bo, he was obedient Gotta be like a cat.

Gu Anxi looked at their expressions, but at this time Feng Xi was silent again, so he coughed lightly: "Hey, Feng Xi, isn't it going to record the content of the meeting, why is it silent?"

Bo Xichen glanced at her with slight reproach.

Feng Mian is going to blow his hair. Recently...he has been far away from Feng Xi, and all Feng Xi's systems are no longer used. I didn't expect to meet him here.

Feng Xi said at this time: "Got it. I will follow up the content of the meeting from time to time."

Gu Anxi smiled: "Fengmian is here, don't you want to say hello?"

Feng Xi chooses to be autistic.

Gu Anxi said, "The truth is revealed! The AI ​​is angry!"

Feng Mian directly carried her away with all the documents, and went to the small meeting room beside her...

Fengxi later behaved even more depressed in the meeting.

Director Hao and his group of old fellows are very academical, and their EQ is not that low. With such explicit hints, they seem to understand something... Well, Feng Mian and Feng Xi seem to have a little unclear relationship.

In the small conference room, Gu Anxi looked at Feng Mian and smiled, "Why, are you so afraid of Feng Xi?"

Feng Mian's voice was a little bit: "There is absolutely no such thing."

Gu Anxi said, "That's it! By the way, I heard you have a girlfriend!"

Feng Mian lit a cigarette, smiled faintly: "There is one."

"It's not because of Fengxi that you purposely found a girlfriend to prove that you have nothing wrong with you?" Gu Anxi rubbed his chin, "It's not like you would do such a thing."

Feng Mian's voice became colder: "Gu Anxi."

Gu Anxi smiled: "By the way, I've been idle recently, and I'm researching AI entities. I have a few designs, and I'll show you."

After speaking, he took out his mobile phone and opened a link, "Look, there are five types. Black hair, yellow hair, and blue eyes, but they are all super beautiful, and the giant white body is huge. Which one do you like Fengmian?"

Feng Mian actually read it, all five models are good-looking, but he likes the black-haired one more, with a particularly good figure... He pointed at that one: "This one is pretty good."

Gu Anxi nodded, "Uncle also said this is good, it suits Feng Xi quite well. It seems that your aesthetics are the same."

Fengmian froze, and the wind was messy.

(End of this chapter)

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