Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 639 Yun'er, start your show

Chapter 639 Yun'er, start your show

Everyone was stupefied, Madam Bo looked at them, "What's wrong? Is there anything I said wrong?"

Her own father Lin Lao took the lead in laughing: "Yes, everything is right!"

——(Yun’er, start your performance~~)

When it was over, Mr. Lin looked at Bo Nianyao with sharp eyes: "Nianyao, Lin Yun has expressed his opinion, what do you say?"

Bo Nianyao is also the head of the four big families in Beicheng, but he is respectful in front of his father-in-law, "The family has a big job to do, how can I ask my wife to contribute money and effort, and there are two old men, Xichen and I, in the family. place!"

Elder Lin was quite satisfied: "Then what do you mean?"

Bo Nianyao stroked his beard, "Naturally, Xi Chen and I will take on the vacancy."

As he spoke, he glanced at his son: "Xi Chen, why don't you express your opinion?"

Do you still want to get this certificate?

Bo Xichen smiled slightly: "How can father be troubled by son's affairs!"

With a light cough, Feng Mian was called, "Liquidate my private assets and transfer them all to Anxi's name."

Feng Mian was scared to pee, his eyes were fixed, so serious?

He asked again: "All assets? Are you sure?"

Bo Xichen lowered his eyes: "Of course it is."

Gu Anxi said kindly: "Leave tens of thousands of dollars! A man can't live without money."

Mrs. Bo also smiled: "Zai Zai is really considerate. Yes, a man must have some money, otherwise he will not have money for a meal. It will be like this in the future. Don't think about Xie Xi when the bill exceeds [-]." Dust will pay."

Hee hee, Zai Zai really knows how to run a house. She has done what she couldn't do before, like she didn't manage Bo Nianyao to death. Fortunately, he is as generous as a bully outside. Thinking of this, Mrs. Bo is very upset Satisfied, a good marriage, the woman must manage the money.

She was overjoyed and stared dumbfounded at the crowd——

Could it be that Bo Xichen is not his own, but Gu Anxi is?

Over there, Feng Mian opened his handbag, and with a frenzy of fingers, he finally calculated it, and looked at it anxiously, "There are more than 2000 billion in total, are you sure to turn them over?"

Bo Nianyao felt a pain in his heart——

Damn it, more than 2000 billion! ! !

He looked at his son blissfully. At least some of the money should be left to Lao Tzu. I have a lot of hobbies to burn money. You hand it all over. Both of us must listen to these two old ladies. You can't ask Bo Jin to spend money for the two gentlemen, can you?

But Bo Xichen didn't seem to see his father's eyes, so he smiled faintly: "Okay, turn everything around."

Gu Anxi hugged his arm and watched the 2000 billion yuan fall into his pocket at once.

So satisfying!

With this money, even if the funds are burned again, it will be fine!

And the chief financial officer of the Yunxi Group was stunned at once. He was not sure when he allocated funds for the project, but now he knows that Mr. Gu is not only favored by the Bo family, it is completely true. It's up to you.

Mrs. Bo smiled: "Okay, the matter of the dowry has been settled, and we can go to get the certificate."

She went out with a smile on her face, and personally arranged more than a dozen cars. The whole family and friends all wanted to witness the scene of baby Zai Zai receiving the certificate. As for Xi Chen, it was by the way.

Zhou Yunchen supported his forehead, couldn't help laughing, and said to Shen Congwen after a while: "I don't have such a good mother-in-law to help you."

Wang Keru happened to be at the side, and said coldly: "Yun Chen, are you bullying Congwen?"

Shen Congwen smiled, Zhou Yunchen's mouth twitched slightly, "Auntie, I didn't mean that!"

Wang Keru said again: "Your uncle doesn't like crooked ways the most, so be careful with your skin."

Zhou Yunchen was not afraid of anyone, but the one he was most afraid of was Gu Yuntian who picked him up, and when he heard this, he stopped talking, and Shen Congwen looked at Wang Keru and smiled.

Wang Keru also had a small calculation in her heart. Anxi was about to get married soon. Even if she gave birth to a child, Mrs. Bo's strength probably wouldn't be her turn. So, after looking it over, she felt that Zhou Yunchen and Shen Congwen should be bet on it. Yes, Zhou Yunchen has no parents, and she and Lao Gu have no son, isn't this ready-made?

If the relationship is better, let Shen Congwen trust him wholeheartedly, and then the child will be handed over to her and Lao Gu.

Besides, she has a perfect experience of raising a baby. Isn't Anxi brought up by her?

Perfect and powerful!

(Wang Keru’s way of bringing her baby:——

Gu Anxi: Mom, how do you do this question?

Wang Keru: Ask your dad!

Gu Anxi: Mom, what constellation is that?

Wang Keru: Ask your dad!

Gu Anxi: Mom, I'm going to Beicheng for tutoring.

Wang Keru: Oh, that's great!Come on yourself!

Gu Anxi: Mom, is this Mahjong?

Wang Keru: This child finally asked the right point, and then excitedly babbled... patiently explained.

Gu Anxi, who is in his teens, has a good poker skill since then! )

(End of this chapter)

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