Chapter 640

Zhou Yunchen noticed Wang Keru's scorching|hot eyes, and immediately shuddered, leaning into his wife's ear and whispering: "In the future, when we have children, we must not let my aunt take care of them."

Shen Congwen was puzzled: "Why? Didn't Anxi take care of her well?"

Before Zhou Yunchen finished speaking, Wang Keru heard with sharp ears, "Yunchen, what are you talking to Congwen?"

Shen Congwen smiled politely.

Zhou Yunchen immediately faltered: "I'm praising you."

Only then was Wang Keru satisfied: "I have a wealth of experience."

Zhou Yunchen smiled wryly, then looked at his wife again.

Shen Congwen also smiled, and said in a low voice, "Actually, Auntie has a pretty good personality."

Zhou Yunchen's heart skipped a beat, it's over, his wife was poisoned by Wang Keru...

However, it's too early to talk about it at this moment. It seems that Congwen doesn't want a child for the time being, and he can't do anything if he thinks about it alone.

A group of people got in the car and went to the Civil Affairs Bureau in a mighty way.

On the other side, Gu Mingzhu stood in the living room of Min Xin's villa, raised her head, and watched Min Xin slowly go downstairs.

Min Xin didn't come down immediately, but leaned on the handrail, and said slightly unhappy, "Why are you here?"

He's been in an extremely bad mood recently, he doesn't have a wife, and he's always targeted by Lao Wang at work, and people he doesn't want to see come to bother him every now and then.

Gu Mingzhu pursed her lips and said in a low voice, "Uncle, do you know about Gu Anxi and brother Xichen getting their certificates today?"

Min Xin finally went downstairs slowly, took out a cigarette and sat down, "I heard from Wang Yuan that you like Shen Congwen, why are you concerned about Bo Xichen?"

Gu Mingzhu was even more cautious: "The main thing is related to Mr. Wang."

"Wang Jingyao?" Min Xin sneered, and said disapprovingly, "Of course he is hiding at home and crying!"

Thinking about it, a character like Wang Jingyao actually fell into the hands of a little girl. She didn't like him, and he still licked his face and wanted to be a brother. Now that he is going to get married, it is likely that he will give it to him while weeping blood. Blessings, I feel pitiful just thinking about it.

Min Xin's mood suddenly improved, and he looked at Gu Mingzhu much more pleasingly, "That's all?"

Gu Mingzhu hesitated for a while before saying: "Didn't you always hope that the Bo family and the Wang family would break up, and now there is a very good opportunity."

Min Xin was a little lazy: "What opportunity?"

Gu Mingzhu said softly: "About the relationship between Gu Anxi and Wang Jingyao, my father...I mean that Gu Yuanshan was once considered a match made in heaven, and Gu Anxi's fate is like a dragon and phoenix among people. Think about it, if this news spreads, it will be a big deal for Wang Jingyao." For the sake of the overall situation, it must be pressured for Mr. Gu Anxi... It's not just the dignitaries of Beicheng."

Min Xin stood up immediately, and walked back and forth a few steps: "There is such a thing!"

Gu Mingzhu hummed: "It's absolutely true. Gu Yuanshan once told my mother in a hurry that he smashed all the divination things recently."

With a cigarette in his mouth, Min Xin squinted his eyes, and called Wang Yuan who was beside him: "Just ask, has it been signed?"If not, we'll have to send a big gift over there. '

Wang Yuan went to do it immediately, and came over in less than 5 minutes: "The Bo family is still on the way over there."

"Okay! Great opportunity." Min Xin gritted his fine white teeth: "Help me find Gu Yuanshan out, and release the news immediately, saying that Gu Anxi's fate is suitable for Wang Jingyao, That is the fate of dragon and phoenix among people, whoever dares to destroy this fate, even Wang Jingyao himself can't break it!"

Gu Mingzhu listened and shook hands quietly.

Well, that's what she wanted.

Gu Anxi wanted to marry Bo Xichen, and wanted to be happy, how could it be so easy!

She wants to see the scene where the Bo family and Mr. Wang dog-eat-dog, ha ha!

Over there, the Bo family was happily going to get the certificate, but here Min Xin quickly made a move, and the rumors spread quickly. In less than 10 minutes, the whole Beicheng knew that Gu Anxi and Wang Jingyao were a good match, which would help the fortune of Beicheng Yes, but now Gu Anxi is going to marry into the Bo can this work?

The old brother naturally got the news, he has a headache!

He likes little bastards, and he also asked Gu Yuanshan to tell his fate, and he gave up because of this at the time, but now he says that he is a perfect match, he... can't be happy.

He is not a fool, it must have been done by Min Xin, so he immediately asked Wang Jingchuan to call Gu Yuanshan: "What's the matter, let Gu Yuanshan change his mind."

Wang Jingchuan sighed: "Gu Yuanshan has been taken to him by Mr. Min, sir, this time Min Xin just wants to mess with you." '

Wang Jingyao narrowed his eyes, "There is no way to cure him? You are so shameless, if you say that this matter is resolved, people will only say that I am an old man who is rebellious and licks a dog!"

Wang Jingchuan thought silently in his heart: Didn't you post it upside down, didn't you lick|dog?

The old brother was annoyed by Wang Jingchuan's eyes: "What kind of eyes are you?" '

Wang Jingchuan said honestly: "Now I can only ask Miss Anxi if there is any way out? She has a lot of tricks."

The old brother nodded: "That's right, this little bastard has a lot of crooked ideas! Then, I'll make a phone call myself. You prepare the car. I'm afraid Min Xin has already brought someone there."

Wang Jingchuan grimaced, "Yes!"

The elder brother immediately took his coat and called his sister while walking——

Sister, don't get the certificate yet, it's not too late to get the face back for the old brother!


Gu Anxi had seen the news before receiving the call, and was quite speechless.

Min Xin is good at killing people with a borrowed knife.

However, she could guess that Gu Mingzhu must have told Min Xin the good news, otherwise it was impossible for Min Xin not to know.

She called Gu Yuanshan, but Gu Yuanshan didn't answer, it was obviously at Min Xin's place.

So, the whole Bo family stood still. Anyway, there was a lot of time, so there was no rush.

In half an hour, a group of people from Min Xin and a group from my elder brother arrived at the Civil Affairs Bureau!

There was a lot of cars at the door, and it was dark.

Headed by Min Xin and Wang Jingyao, they entered side by side, followed by a large group of people, who all hoped that Wang Jingyao would marry Gu Anxi, so as to ensure good luck and make everyone safe and prosperous together.

Gu Yuanshan followed behind, extremely old, with dull eyes, he did not have the demeanor of a fortune teller in the past.

When he saw Gu Anxi, his old eyes felt a little guilty, and then he stared at Gu Mingzhu again with hatred in his eyes.

At this time, there really was no kinship at all. The child born to this vicious woman is now determined to kill his child Anxi.

Min Xin smiled: "There are quite a lot of people, Lao Gu, your family is reunited."

Gu Yuanshan's lips moved, but there was no sound.

Wang Jingyao laughed, "I don't know if the old Gu Tuan will be reunited, but Brother Min, you got what you wanted. I can't even see that you have such a long relationship. For a seed that was planted 20 years ago, you actually Willing to abandon his wife... Also, the ready-made ones are raised for nothing, tender and tender, and one looks at them and makes people want to take them home."

Min Xin was furious.

Gu Mingzhu was overjoyed.

She felt that Min Xin didn't take Zhou Yu home, so she might really have a chance!

The old brother said regretfully again: "I'm just sorry for Zhou Yu, the child in my stomach doesn't even have a real father, and it's really cowardly for a man to treat it like this. Brother Min, let me advise you, no matter how troublesome you are, take care of your own private affairs." For the old brother's business, I will be grateful at that time."

(There are still two chapters before six o'clock~~)

(End of this chapter)

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