Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 666 No one in the Bo family dares to sleep in!

Chapter 666 No one in the Bo family dares to sleep in!

Bo Nianyao fell silent.

Gu Anxi stared at him anxiously: "Father Bo, I didn't mean to hurt you, I just couldn't help complaining."

Bo Nianyao was very gentle: "How can I blame you."

At this time, Lin Yuan was a little surprised and said: "What should I do? The old man seems to have this right when he is alive."

Gu Anxi smiled: "Lin Yuan, you seem to know our family rules very well!"

Bo Nianyao gave her a reproachful look: "Don't be rude to the elders."

Lin Yuan immediately said: "It's okay, it's okay, Anxi was just joking."

Bo Nianyao wanted to talk again, but looked at the time again, "Let's eat first!"

As he said that, he asked someone to deliver the food and ate it in the study, along with Lin Yuan and the three of them.

While eating, we still talked about business.

Although Bo Nianyao is not attached to power, the business of the Bo family cannot be handed over to Bo Qing.

Once Boqing takes over the Bo family, she can stand for election next month and compete with Mr. Wang.

This is the purpose of fickleness.

Bo Nianyao had no appetite, so he put down his chopsticks after a few mouthfuls, "Anxi, do you have any good ideas?"

Gu Anxi was hungry, so he picked up two bowls of rice, and then said: "I don't have a good idea!"

The eyes rolled around, "Father Bo, how about we take away all the valuables in the family, or bankrupt the Bo family before then?"

Lin Yuan covered his lips and coughed lightly.

Bo Nianyao was quite speechless: "Don't be naughty."

Saying that, she looked at her again: "Zai Zai, if you have a way, just say it."

Gu Anxi picked up a small cup on the side, and Bo Nianyao immediately took the small wine bottle, which contained Qingmei wine, poured a small cup for her, and looked at her eagerly.

Gu Anxi took a sip before saying, "As long as two of Jiang Chu and Gu's families stand with us, it will be fine."

Bo Nianyao pondered: "There is nothing wrong with the Gu family. Gu Yuanshan is completely subdued by you. The Jiang family is just a fickle person. That Chu Changhe..."

Gu Anxi smiled slightly.

Bo Nianyao blurted out: "Can you handle him?"

Gu Anxi put the small wine glass forward: "This wine is quite delicious, very sweet."

Bo Nianyao was overjoyed, and he didn't care about the child's naughtiness anymore, so he directly lavished on her: "Tell me how to subdue him? I have dealt with him for many years and I know how much he is greedy for life and afraid of death, and what happened this time is extraordinary..."

Gu Anxi sipped his wine and smiled: "Don't worry, Dad Bo, I will take care of him."

Bo Nianyao was surprised and delighted, and quickly poured it for her again.

Lin Yuan was eye-opening, he never thought that Gu Xi's status in the Bo family was so high.

The result was that Gu Anxi was drunk, and Mrs. Bo scolded Bo Nianyao, then watched him carry the cub back, took off the shoes and covered the quilt for the cub, and scolded him again after returning.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Lin Yuan slipped away.

Poor Bo Nianyao, he apologized and apologized, and then his wife's anger was extinguished. Finally, he calmed down. Bo Nianyao couldn't stop admiring: "Our Zai Zai is really powerful, she can subdue someone like Chu Changhe."

Mrs. Bo was surprised, "You, a big man, didn't charge in front, but asked Zai Zai to do these things for you. Adding in the dirty things done by the old man and the old man, why doesn't your Bo family have a good thing!"

After washing his hands, Bo Nianyao took a towel to wipe his hands: "Then Xichen is no longer a man from the Bo family, he came out of your stomach."

Mrs. Bo looked at him, and snorted coldly: "You have the nerve to say so."

Bo Nianyao said shamelessly: "Why am I embarrassed, Xichen is our child, you can see that his excellent qualities are naturally inherited from me."

Mrs. Bo heheed twice: "That's because I taught well."

Bo Nianyao came over to appease the old couple, and then pretended to be angry again: "Look at you, after adding a daughter-in-law, I will be lost in my heart."

Mrs. Bo blushed: "How old are you, you don't know how to be impatient."

Bo Nianyao sat on the sofa, put his hands behind his head, and said quietly: "I'm really tired after a day."

The old couple bickered, but they weren't really angry. Mrs. Bo leaned over and said softly: "Xi Chen is not here. This matter is more troublesome. Although I say so, it is also reasonable. You have cubs here The pressure on my body is much less.”

While talking, he pressed his head for him to relax.

Bo Nianyao patted her hand and sighed: "It's not easy to be the master of this family. If you say something wrong, it's okay if the old man is not here. Now people are still saying that if you change people, you have to change people. Bo's parents grew up in love. People in this generation know more about the scandal of the old man."

Mrs. Bo also sighed: "The old man is too disgraceful. Brothers are human beings, but sons and grandsons are not human beings? He only looks at the immediate interests, even if he succeeds to the ruthlessness, the Bo family is proud now, but what about the future? It is detested by thousands of people, and the Bo family will probably cease to exist after that position."

When she said this, Bo Nianyao looked back and smiled, "Madam still takes a long-term view, so the Bo family has never been involved in politics. This decision is right. The old man is so confused."

Mrs. Bo lowered her head: "Nian Yao, then you don't have to listen to the old man."

Bo Nianyao closed his eyes slightly: "I don't want to hear, but you have seen these people in the family, seven or eight of them left today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, how long can they stay? How many of them can listen to us?"

Lin Yun thought for a while: "It really belongs to the Chu family?"

Bo Nianyao smiled and took her hand: "Yes. It's up to the Chu family."

Mrs. Bo slapped his hand away: "After all, it's just that I'm still counting on Zai Zai."

Bo Nianyao wondered: "Otherwise I toasted her so much wine today, have you ever heard of the father-in-law serving the little daughter-in-law?"

His expression was very cute, and Mrs. Bo couldn't help but smile...


The next day, Gu Anxi heard commotions outside early in the morning, as if something big had happened.

She washed her face and went out. After asking someone casually, she found out that the old man had returned and was talking in the living room.

Gu Anxi let go of him, and walked towards the front hall by himself. Along the way, the servants at home looked at her respectfully, fearing that she would be afraid of death, and Gu Anxi didn't have time to appreciate it, so he hurried to the guest room.

I saw in the living room besides Bo's father and Bo's mother, there was also an old man in his eighties, and Bo Qing.

Song Jiaren was by Bo Qing's side.

Boqing was wearing a black gown, and Song Jiaren was wearing a red dress, which looked very good.

Gu Anxi didn't seem to have seen them, and swaggered to his seat, took a sip of tea, and yawned again: "Daddy Bo, Mommy Bo, have you had breakfast yet?"

As soon as he said this, old man Bo became unhappy.

This is Xichen's wife, so not only did she not serve him tea, but she also had breakfast!

It's almost ten o'clock, do you still want breakfast?

No one in the Bo family sleeps in!

 Continue to write~~~ I went to get my baby’s book today, but I haven’t heard about the days when I go to school~~~~emmmm



(End of this chapter)

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