Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 667 Mr. Bo is furious!Air blast!

Chapter 667 Mr. Bo is furious!Air blast!

As soon as Gu Anxi said that, Madam Bo's heart ached: "Then why don't you come over after having breakfast first."

The little creamer yawned again: "I'm afraid someone is waiting to greet you." '

Mrs. Bo stopped talking, and only glanced at Mr. Bo.

Old Man Bo's face was a bit ugly, and he snorted coldly: "Is this Xichen's wife?"

Gu Anxi hummed: "Are you the brother of Uncle Boqing?"

At that moment, the Bo's family went up and down in silence. Unexpectedly, the King of Hades would reveal this matter. Even Bo Nianyao, who had seen strong winds and waves, also opened his mouth slightly, unable to utter a word for a long time.

The fickle face was also a little ugly, but he didn't say anything.

He could bear it, but Song Jiaren beside him couldn't help it: "Miss Gu, he is not mean to you, why are you so harsh on him?" '

Gu Anxi smiled: "I have a few points to correct you. First, I'm married, so you can call me Mrs. Bo. In addition, it's none of your business whether he treats me well. What is Miss Song's identity?" What about dictating the land of the Bo family? If you want to marry my second grandfather, I dare to call you the second grandma, but if you want to enter the door of the Bo family, you have to listen to me, you have to think clearly."

She was so unreasonable that she couldn't listen to the fickleness: "Anxi!"

Gu Anxi smiled: "What instructions does Second Grandpa have?"

Bo Qing couldn't bear it anymore: "Just call me Second Uncle."

Gu Anxi smiled again: "Second Uncle doesn't exist in Bo's house anymore, you will be Second Grandpa when you leave and come back, calling you Second Grandpa is respect, otherwise some people will think that I don't respect elders, Grandpa, do you think so? ?”

Mr. Bo was so angry that his beard was raised high: "Nianyao...Nianyao...this is really disrespectful!"

Bo Nianyao said gently, "I will discipline him well later on."

At this time, the servant brought breakfast over, and he glanced at it: "Why is there no big ginseng?"

The servant was stunned for a moment: "This is always prepared by the young master, we can't handle it properly."

Bo Nianyao scolded it was useless, and went to get the powder made from wild ginseng himself, and added it to a portion of soy milk, it was so delicate, like serving his little ancestor.

The old man cursed angrily: "Nian Yao, is this your discipline?"

Bo Nianyao was a little dazed: "The child is not in good health, he needs to be mended, otherwise how can he help me with things!"

As he spoke, he blew on the soy milk, "Zai Zai, drink it while it's hot."

Gu Anxi drank the soy milk flavored with wild ginseng comfortably, and hated that the taste of Bo's father was not as good as his uncle's, but this made old man Bo very angry. This son has never served him like this, nor has he served his wife like this before. !

Heh, he doesn't know about this, since Father Bo has become enlightened, he has been able to serve his wife!

Bo Nianyao and his wife took care of Zai Zai's breakfast from left to right, seeming to ignore the old man, the second old man and the second old man's future wife...

The only sound in the air is the slight satisfied sound of the little creamer drinking soy milk.

All the servants of the Bo family stood silently, watching the game.

They bet that the young lady will win, and they have seen too many reversals these days!

Young Madam, she is simply a character who doesn't follow the rules!

Gu Anxi ate her breakfast contentedly, and when she looked up, she saw the old man staring at her. She asked strangely, "Have you not had breakfast yet?"

Mr. Bo, who was in his eighties, blew his beard and stared: "I got up at six o'clock."

Gu Anxi nodded understandingly: "That's right, I can't sleep when I'm old, and I'm even more excited when I think about becoming the emperor soon, you must take care of your body, don't get too excited, I recommend you to use quick-acting heart-rescuing pills , very good, my godfather uses this.

"Who is your godfather?" Old Man Bo glared at her.

Gu Anxi said, "It's Wang Jingyao's old father."

Mr. Bo looked at him differently, "It's him! You are quite capable, you flatter your ass, and you probably don't have the prestige you have at home in front of others. You don't have to do small things in a humble way!"

Gu Anxi nodded: "Fortunately, most of the time..."

Before he finished speaking, a voice sounded from the door: "Anxi."

Everyone in the Bo family looked over, and it turned out that it was Mr. Wang and Mrs. Wang who came in together.

Old man Bo was dumbfounded.

What's happening here?

Why is it that the parents of the big shot are not at home waiting for someone to flatter them, and they even came to the door?

Mr. Wang, this strange man, naturally doesn't look at others, and when he came over, he acted like a baby to Gu Anxi: "You said you went to play hide-and-seek with me at my place last night!!!"

Gu Anxi patted his leg: "I forgot!"

Mr. Bo: What's the situation?

Yingyingguai sat down unhappily: "How do you think you will compensate me?"

Originally, everyone thought that Gu Anxi would coax him, but how did they know that the little creamer's face was serious: "Did you see that I was doing business?"

He waved his hand again, "There are too many things at home, don't add to the chaos!"

Yingyingguai felt aggrieved, "Is there anything more important than me!"

The whole audience——


Mr. Wang used to be the one holding the gun and leading the team, but he was the majestic one. Now... it's like this, his whole body is peeling!

Bo Nianyao and his wife are not surprised, and they are familiar with Mr. Wang, but Mr. Bo is not familiar with him, so he came over immediately, trying to get back the wrong idea: "Mr., she is a junior of the Bo family, so she should treat you Be respectful, I will let Nian Yao discipline her later."

Mr. Wang only saw Mr. Bo at this time. Although he is of the same generation, Mr. Wang's status is much more noble. He never puts this old guy in his eyes. Now he knows that this old guy is embarrassing his little treasure , so he said bluntly: "You Bo family dare to control our Wang family?"

Mr. Bo was taken aback.

The old man sneered: "You think I'm such a fool! ZZ yourself, don't think everyone else is an idiot!"

Mr. Bo: ...

The old man turned his head and immediately changed his face: "I repaired him for you, would you like to accompany me now, but the little cutie is here too, the three of us are playing together."

(End of this chapter)

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