Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 669 You were taught by me, you are not my opponent

Chapter 669 You were taught by me, you are not my opponent

Speaking of this, everyone is tearing their faces apart.

Mr. Bo chuckled: "Okay, since this is the case, I will say it openly. I support Bo Qing as the head of our Bo family. Nian Yao, you have worked hard for decades and you should take a rest. I guarantee that this position will still be Xi dusty."

Bo Nianyao smiled wryly: "Old man, these words..."

Gu Anxi said coolly: "Master Bo's guarantee is like farting, just listen to the sound."

Mr. Bo is about to explode again.

Boqing said softly: "I can guarantee it."

His gaze has been fixed on Gu Anxi, and that gaze is quite hot.

Madam Bo cursed inwardly!

What kind of seniority is this, but he still thinks about Anxi.

Bo Qing still looked at Gu Anxi, waiting for her decision.

Gu Anxi threw the gnawed apple core into the trash can from a distance, and smiled: "The winner is king, and the loser leaves home. There is nothing to say."

She paused: "If you become the head of the family, we will move out, and we will not say that we are the Bo family from now on, but if you lose, then you will also move out, and don't say that you are the Bo family in the future." '

Bo Qing slowly clenched her fists: "Anxi, do you hate Second Uncle that much?"

"It's Second Grandpa." Gu Anxi smiled and stretched his waist: "Okay, Grandpa Second Grandpa, the matter is almost done, so you two can leave too."

Song Jiaren said angrily, "It's not your turn to talk to the Bo family!"

Gu Anxi stood up, walked in front of Song Jiaren, tilted her little head, "Miss Song has not become my second mistress, but she has already assumed the prestige of my second mistress?" '

She smiled: "Even if the second grandpa enters the Bo family, it won't be your turn to sit in the position of mistress, believe it or not?"

Song Jiaren's expression turned ugly: "Don't go too far!"

"It's too much to tell the truth? Then I wish you a happy marriage for a hundred years!" Gu Anxi finished with a smile, and then his face sank: "But it's a pity, I have to say sorry to you two, now the Bo family I am the head of the house, and if I say you can’t live, you can’t live.”

Mr. Bo was furious: " am..."

"Grandpa, don't be so angry!" Gu Anxi was furious: "When the second grandpa becomes the head of the house, you can move in naturally."

Mr. Bo stared at her, and looked at Bo Nianyao for a while: "What do you say, Nianyao?"

Bo Nianyao coughed lightly: "Actually, I can't wait a few days."

The old man was furious, he got up and walked outside, but Qingqing walked towards Gu Anxi slowly, and stood still: "Why do you have to die? You know that I never miss what I want."

"The net is broken when the fish is dead?" Gu Anxi smiled: "The net will not be broken if the fish is dead."

Smiling affectionately: "I taught you all your skills, you will not be my opponent."

Gu Anxi stared into his eyes: "Really? I want to see the day you regret."

With a sigh, he stepped out.

Song Jiaren took out her gun unexpectedly, but before she could make a move, a bloodstain appeared on her wrist.

It was a ruthless shot, and his voice was cold: "I didn't let you make a shot."

Gu Anxi sat down slowly, and gnawed another fruit: "Miss Song, you are quite beautiful, you must be civilized, don't always think about doing it, have all the holes in your body been patched?"

 It will be updated tomorrow, I have been weak for the past few days, I will try to focus on some updates tomorrow~~ Meh~~ I just heard that we are going to start school at 47~~



(End of this chapter)

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