Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 670 Ke Gu Anxi, It's My Life2600 words

Chapter 670 Ke Gu Anxi, It's My Life[-] words

Song Jiaren stared at her: "Gu Anxi, don't think that you can win every time. I may not lose you in a head-on confrontation."

Gu Anxi took a bite of the fruit: "I believe it. But, I'm just curious, you are good-looking and capable, why did you become a thief?"

Song Jiaren's eyes froze.

Gu Anxi smiled: "It's easy to go, don't send it off."

Song Jiaren was about to say something, but Mr. Bo over there was already a little angry: "Aren't you leaving?"

It's really embarrassing. I haven't been home for several years, and I never thought that I would be kicked out by the juniors in the family. He must avenge this revenge. At that time, he will let this ignorant man cry and beg him for a way out.

Gu Anxi met Mr. Bo's gaze and smiled: "You can go too." '

Old Man Bo was almost pissed off, and flung his sleeves to leave, with an ugly expression on his flimsy face.

After the group left, Bo Nianyao came over to discuss matters with Gu Anxi, Mr. Wang was not happy: "It's business again, how can there be so many business matters, if you discuss to find Jingyao to make a couple, Anxi's age Such a villain and simple, don't become as old-fashioned as you."

The old man said, raising his eyes eagerly: "Anxi, let's go play together?"

Gu Anxi stretched his waist: "Okay, call Mr. Lin, let's go to the mountains to hunt birds."

The old man regained his energy all of a sudden: "Call Chen Ming, I heard that he is very good at marksmanship."

Gu Anxi agreed, and walked towards the parking lot outside.

The old man followed, and even turned around and waved to Bo Nianyao showing off. Bo Nianyao was a little helpless: "It's really an old child with a child."

After finishing speaking, the old lady turned her eyes and Bo Nianyao was so frightened that he didn't dare to speak.

Here, Gu Anxi took Mr. Lin, Mr. Wang, and a group of old men to hunt birds on the mountain. Over there, Mr. Bo arrived at the flinty villa, walked back and forth, and was still very angry: "She is ignoring me!"

No one answered him.

Mr. Bo stood still and said again: "How dare she ignore me!"

Boqing sat on the main seat with a gloomy expression on his face.

Song Jiaren said softly, "Brother, what should we do now?"

Bo Qing didn't look at her, but just looked at Mr. Bo.

Mr. Bo said firmly: "Boqing, I am determined. Our Bo family is too subdued. It has been subdued for hundreds of years."

He thought for a while, and then said, "Now they must be discussing countermeasures."

She looked at Song Jiaren affectionately, and Song Jiaren immediately contacted her. After about a minute, her expression was very ugly: "Gu Anxi and his party went up the mountain to hunt birds."

Mr. Bo was angry at first, but then he laughed: "So, a little girl is not enough to be afraid of, and you are the only one who always thinks highly of her because of her good looks. Like a treasure, in fact, he is still a child at heart, and at this time, he still wants to go up the mountain to hunt birds."

The flirtatious expression was indifferent, without expression.

Mr. Bo felt relieved at this moment, "I'll go to rest first, by the way, the Jiang and Chu families are all right, right?"

Boqing didn't say a word, Song Jiaren spoke for him: "The Jiang family belongs to us, and the Chu family must know which side to stand for."

Mr. Bo was also sure that everything was fine, so he stretched himself and went to his room.

Song Jiaren looked at Boqing: "Senior brother."

With ruthless eyes like sharp knives: "Hongfu, if you dare to hurt her without my permission, I will kill you."

Song Jiaren's eyes were a little red...

Why is she still not as good as Gu Anxi after following him for so long.

That person only stayed by his side for half a year, and he taught him the skills himself, and now he betrayed him, obviously he should be punished, but he still pretended to be her in his ruthless heart.

That night.

Boqing came out of the bathroom, and Song Jiaren was leaning on the sofa in a white bathrobe and drinking red wine.

"You should go back." Bo Qing sat down and lit a cigarette.

Song Jiaren's eyes were blurred: "Brother, why don't you let me accompany you, am I ugly, what's so good about that little girl?"

She leaned over, stepped aside, and her expression became lighter: "I don't need you to take care of my private affairs."

Song Jiaren hugged his neck stubbornly: "Don't you think she's still a young girl, brother, take good care of me."

Thinly and coldly pushed her away, stood up: "You drank too much."

Song Jiaren fell on the sofa and murmured unwillingly: "I've loved you for many years, you can't help but feel it."

Thinly turned around, with a dull expression: "I didn't ask you to like me. In addition, if you feel painful, you can leave, but if anything in the organization leaks out, I will kill you."

Song Jiaren said excitedly: "Gu Anxi betrayed you directly, why do you want her life?"

Boqing took a step forward, knelt on one knee on the sofa and leaned forward. This posture brought him very close to her. She pursed her lower lip nervously: "Am I not right?"

Boqing grasped her chin, and said coldly: "But she is my life."

Song Jiaren was stunned, her face paled.

Boqing said again: "Want to be my woman? Then I will fulfill you."

The wine glass in Song Jiaren's hand was overturned, and the dark liquid stained the white bathrobe, but no one cared...


late at night.

Thinly got up, dressed in black to hide in the night.

Song Jiaren was lying on her side, feeling the man walking away, her fingers quietly gripped the sheet.

She knew where he had gone, but she couldn't keep him.

Because he said, he will not marry her, they are the same kind of people.

But Gu Anxi, no.

Over there, Boqing went downstairs slowly. Unexpectedly, old man Bo was still awake, and he was sitting on the sofa on the first floor playing chess pieces. When he saw Boqing and went downstairs, the old man smiled and said, "It's so late at night."

Thin heart meal.

Old Man Bo's eyes were shrewd: "You've fallen in love with that girl Xichen, right?"

Fickle and silent.

The old man smiled again: "How good is she? Although she is very good-looking and tall, she is fierce. She is not as charming as your junior sister, isn't she?" '

Bo Qing finally said: "What do you want to say?" '

Mr. Bo bowed his head and played chess with himself: "It's all over, it's not good to leave the woman behind, it's a woman's ticket, at least I have to pay the woman's ticket before leaving. How can you be like this?"

Boqing sat down slowly and played chess with Mr. Bo.

The old man smiled: "That's right, why is there any reason to eat what's in the pot and look at the bowl? Besides, it's Xichen's daughter-in-law, who has a certificate, isn't it right for you to touch it in the middle of the night like this!"

With a thin smile: "The old man still loves Xichen."

Mr. Bo sighed softly: "What's the use of pain, everyone hates me now, it's okay if this matter is done, when the time comes, let's give up the position again, we have to see my face and endure this tone , if we can't do it, then I..."

Boqing's voice is faint: "It will not fail."

The old man thought about it: "Yes, how can the four big families be so united. They are all greedy for life and afraid of death."

Boqing didn't make a sound, played a few games with him and went to the guest room, the old man called from behind: "You can't do this!"

Thin feelings are very cold.

The old man shook his head: "You bastard!"

Just as she was talking, Song Jiaren came down from the upstairs, with a variety of styles and manners.

Mr. Bo sighed: This is not as good as that little bastard. He wants to have a face and a figure. He is obedient and coquettish.


Siyuan, Gu Anxi played for a long time and drove back at night.

Bo Nianyao hadn't slept yet, she notified the servants as soon as she came back, and then Gu Anxi was invited into the study by Bo's father, and served good tea.

Gu Anxi smiled: "Father Bo, you are too nervous."

She paused: "If the Bo family can't keep us, we still have Anpu, and we will have a bite to eat. Whoever wants to go can do whatever they want."

Bo Nianyao smiled wryly: "You probably don't know that Boqing will have a banquet tomorrow night, and I heard the news that the celebrities in the northern city will go, you Pinpin, these people are willing to go at this time, not to mention they are on Boqing's side, But at least the attitude is ambiguous."

The little milkman looked at Bling Bling: "Our family also has invitations?"

Bo Nianyao nodded: "Of course there are. This is also the meaning of Bo Qing's giving the Bo family a big blow. Let us see that he can respond to everyone in Beicheng."

Gu Anxi smiled: "Everyone knows about the incident in South Africa, so just be afraid of him. If he loses power, see if anyone listens to him."

Bo Nianyao stared at her closely: "Then look, we..."

"Go, why not!" Gu Anxi smiled: "I'm going to give him a big gift."

Bo Nianyao was surprised: "Great gift?"

Gu Anxi hummed: "Yes, Dali!"

 Six o'clock



(End of this chapter)

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