Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 682 Uncle, I Miss You2800 words

Chapter 682 Uncle, I Miss You2800 words

Bo Nianyao rubbed his hands again, walked back and forth for a few steps, and then said: "Eat slowly, if it's not enough, Father Bo will cook another side dish for you."

"Enough is enough." The little creamer yelled, her little mouth was full.

Mrs. Bo reprimanded very affectionately: "Eat slowly, and no one will snatch it for you."

Gu Anxi chuckled.

Mrs. Bo looked at her husband again, Bo Nianyao understood——

Although Zai Zai is very tired, but the couple haven't seen each other for a few days, there must be a lot of things to say now, it's inconvenient for them, so he coughed lightly: "Well, your mother Bo and I will go back first, Take good care of Xi Chen."

Gu Anxi groaned: "Don't worry, I will take good care of my uncle."

Bo Nianyao and his wife left and sat downstairs in the car, Mrs. Bo couldn't help but said, "I heard that Anxi flew a fighter jet today, it scared me."

Bo Nianyao smiled: "Why am I not? This child is really terrible, let Xichen fix it later."

Mrs. Bo squinted at her husband: "Where is he willing to, it's too late to love him."

Bo Nianyao disagreed with this; "Even if you love him, you have to discipline him. It's too dangerous."

Mrs. Bo was silent, the old couple felt a little scared just thinking about it, and they also lay silent when they went back. After a long time, Bo Nianyao sighed: "Go to sleep, Yun'er, it's getting late."

Mrs. Bo still opened her eyes, and said quietly: "Nian Yao, do you think Anxi will be too hard? Xichen has to go out to perform tasks from time to time all year round, and Anxi has to take care of everything inside and out. She is only [-] years old. .”

Bo Nianyao put his hands behind his head, "Look at Xichen, let him see if there is a suitable candidate, and then step back and help Mr. Wang with his work in Beicheng, or be a simple doctor. Run outside again."

Mrs. Bo nodded: "Yes, you can talk to him then, this little daughter-in-law you got with great difficulty is not a pawn for your Bo family."

Bo Nianyao turned his head and pretended to be strange: "What is Madam talking about here? If Zai Zai doesn't have such great skills, how can we be so proud?"

Mrs. Bo gave him a bad mouthful and ignored him, an old bastard...


Yunxi Hospital.

After Gu Anxi finished eating, she cleaned up automatically, and looked up at Bo Xichen looking at her quietly.

"Uncle, why don't you sleep?" She leaned over to his side and carefully hugged his arm.

He lowered his head and said softly, "I thought you would have something to say to me."

The little creamer groaned, and put her face on his shoulder: "Uncle, I miss you."

He still stared at her quietly, and said after a while, "You can't do that in the future, huh?"

The little creamer knew that what he was talking about was something from heaven, so she pretended not to know, and still hugged him and acted like a baby.

He said it again, and she pretended to be impatient: "I know, I know, uncle, you are really an old man, and your mouth is very broken."

He pinched her soft little face, and his voice was slightly hoarse: "Who is the old man, huh?"

She cried out in pain, and groaned: "You will bully me as soon as you come back and the operation is over, I want to go home."

But he pulled her close to him and murmured: "I haven't slept for more than [-] hours, be good."

Gu Anxi felt a pain in his heart, and kept silent, just hugging him.

After a long time, he whispered: "Anxi, do you regret it?"

She shook her head.

He seemed to want to ask something else, but she didn't allow him to speak, and covered his mouth very rudely: "Stop talking, patient, now the doctor orders you to sleep."

He was funny and angry, but finally he was overcome by exhaustion and fell into a deep sleep.

As a result, Gu Anxi slept more than him during this sleep. He woke up at seven o'clock in the morning, and his family and colleagues all came over. A strand of black hair was outside, and the whole person was buried under the quilt.

Wang Keru felt sorry for her son-in-law, and shook her head: "It's too outrageous."

Gu Yuntian leaned on his civilized stick and smiled: "I didn't learn it from you. If I hadn't sent her to Beicheng to attend a remedial class, she would probably be just like you now, playing small cards and sleeping late."

Wang Keru was about to explode, Bo Xichen leaned against the bedside and smiled: "Actually, there's nothing wrong with that."

Gu Yuntian took another look at him.

Wang Keru immediately felt that his son-in-law's pain was not in vain, so he personally served soup to feed him. Bo Xichen originally refused, but considering his mother-in-law's character, he accepted it calmly.

Feng Mian also came over, watching Le from the side, really wanted to dig Gu Anxi out of the quilt to see if she was ashamed, the sun was shining on her ass.

Mrs. Bo and Bo Nianyao also came. Everyone looked at the children who were sleeping late as if they couldn't see it. Even Director Hao didn't seem to see it when he came to change the medicine. Everyone knew it was because Gu Anxi was not in good health. I can only wake up at noon.

Feng Mian was in a hurry, he wanted to ask her, did Feng Xi play a role in this incident, did Feng Xi remember anything!

No matter how anxious he was, Gu Anxi didn't wake up until noon and stretched himself.

There were at least seven or eight people in the ward.

She covered her mouth and yawned: "Morning."

Min Xin's face darkened: "It's twelve o'clock at noon."

Gu Anxi groaned, but there was no reaction.

Zhou Yu also came over and gave him a reproachful look: "Anxi has worked very hard."

Min Xin's nose turned gray and he stopped talking.

Gu Anxi stretched and got out of bed. After looking around, she saw that her uncle was in a meeting with Wang Jingyao and Zhou Yunchen. She ignored it and went directly to the small restaurant. Mother Bo made delicious food.

In the past, she was so greedy that her saliva dropped, and she secretly took one to eat. Mrs. Bo slapped her hand away: "You don't wash your hands, you are so greedy."

The little creamer still ate it, and said seriously: "My hands are very clean. Uncle is injured!"

Mrs. Bo was stunned for a moment, then laughed and scolded: "You child is going to die and learn badly, where did you learn it?"

The little creamer said honestly: "I learned from Bo Xichen."

Mrs. Bo then nodded: "That's right, both father and son are not good people, so stay away from them in the future and don't learn from them." '

She felt sorry for Zai Zai, so she opened a small stove by herself and secretly made her favorite side dish for her to eat first, and let everyone eat together when everything else was ready.

Sitting next to Bo Xichen, the little milkman eagerly helped his uncle carry the vegetables. Min Xin was amused to see it: "I can't see it, but it's people who come before others."

Wang Jingyao smiled: "Don't think too much about her, she must have eaten secretly, her stomach is already full."

Gu Anxi glared at him: "That's also to take care of my uncle."

"Tsk tsk tsk, look at this." Wang Jingyao laughed at her: "You can only bully rough men like us. Once your uncle speaks, he will subdue you."

The little creamer didn't blush and her heart didn't beat: "I look at it."

Bo Xichen gave her a funny look, but said nothing...

Wang Jingyao said briskly while eating: "Xi Chen, I only give you four days to recuperate from your injuries, and come out to help me when you are done. Min Xin and I are getting old, especially now that Min Xin is focusing on two tasks, the efficiency is really low. .”

Min Xin was unhappy: "Where did I focus on two things? I thought my position was firm."

Wang Jingyao glanced at him: "That means you are getting old."

Min Xin rubbed his nose and stopped talking, then he glanced at Zhou Yu vaguely, Zhou Yu pretended not to see him.

Gu Anxi looked at the situation of the two of them and secretly smiled.

Uncle Bo saw it and squeezed her hand: "Don't be naughty."

The old brother seemed to have not seen the flirtatiousness of those two, and continued: "Next, I won't let it go like this. This kind of bomb took him two years to come up with. It's impossible to give up just like this after a single mistake." Besides, Nian Yao, if you need my help with family affairs, just ask."

Bo Nianyao smiled faintly: "Okay, Nianyao will definitely speak up if necessary, but he should be able to control it now."

The elder brother still had something to do, so he took Wang Jingchuan and left after dinner.

Min Xin originally wanted to go with him, but he delayed and met Zhou Yu at the door.

Zhou Yu just wanted to go back to the villa, when he saw Min Xin coming, she stood in front of the car and asked softly, "Is there something wrong?"

Min Xin hadn't seen her for several days, and his voice was low: "How are you doing recently?"

Without waiting for Zhou Yu's answer, he said again: "Is the child making trouble?"

Zhou Yu shook his head: "Very good."

"Did you sleep well?"

"pretty good."

Min Xin was speechless for a moment, she was fine, she ate well and slept well, he was the only one who was not well...

There was some eagerness in his eyes, "Shall I send you off?"

Zhou Yu slightly shook his head in a panic: "No, the driver will take me there."

Just when Min Xin couldn't finish the conversation, Wang Yuan ran over sweating, with a bitter face: "Sir, I heard that your car broke down, how can this be good?"

Min Xin frowned: "How could it be broken? I'm just going to say that I will send it to Zhou Yu."

Wang Yuan echoed: "Maybe it hasn't been maintained for a few days. What should I do? You have an important meeting to attend and the car is broken down. You can't just take a taxi back with your status."

Min Xin looked at the time and pursed his lips...

Zhou Yu was no match for these old foxes, so he said softly, "Then take my car and go to the office first."

Min Xin looked surprised, looked at his watch again, and said decisively: "I'll take you back first, there's still time."

He said very gently: "You are pregnant with a child, and your body is heavy, so it is not good to sit for a long time." '

 It was updated at 6000 o'clock. I wrote old books in the past two days, all of which are 27 words. I will start to add more on the [-]th.



(End of this chapter)

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