Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 683 Coaxing, men are not good things

Chapter 683 Coaxing, men are not good things

Zhou Yu hesitated.

After a while, he said, "Okay then."

The driver was also an old man on Min Xin's side. He understood the look and opened the door. Min Xin thoughtfully helped Zhou Yu into the car and sat beside her.

Wang Yuan fanned the wind, "Sir, let me wait for the driver to fix the car."

Min Xin pondered for a while: "Okay." '

Wang Yuan immediately trotted to another car, got in to enjoy the air conditioner, the driver turned around: "Secretary Wang, where are we now?"

Wang Yuan smiled: "Let's leave after Mr. Wang's car drives away. We can't let Madam see that he's cheating on her, right?"

He looked very experienced: "Women are hard to coax."

The driver understood: "Yes, especially for a beautiful woman like Madam."

Wang Yuan looked at him: "You look very understanding." '

The driver touched his head and smiled honestly.

Over there, Min Xin sat contentedly beside Zhou Yu, clinging a little tight.

Zhou Yu couldn't help but moved to the side, Min Xin simply held her hand: "Is it cold?" '

She shook her head.

But he said, "Why are your hands so cold?"

He covered her with a thin coat at his hand, and looked straight at her: "Is it better now?"

Zhou Yu turned his face away: "It's better."

She is so weak, a certain man pushes forward even more, moving his hands and feet, wishing to hold her in his arms and hurt her, Zhou Yu dealt with him with difficulty, and finally shrank aside: "Min Xin, don't come here."

The driver in front didn't move at all, his eyes were on his nose, his nose was on his heart, as if he couldn't tell that the car was driving very slowly so that the boss could take advantage of it.

Although Zhou Yu was innocent, he realized at this moment that Min Xin had lied to her, and his car was not broken at all.

She pursed her lips, quite annoyed, but there was nothing she could do with him, so she tried her best to hide.

Min Xin hadn't been close to her for a long time. The last time she was bumped into by Zhou's mother at her home, she was naturally a little aggressive at this time, and her words were even more so...

In the end, he actually brought the person over and held him in his arms.

Zhou Yu got angry, turned his face away: "Min Xin, let me go."

He was not willing to let go, he wanted to get close while coaxing her, Zhou Yu slapped her in the face when he was in a hurry, he was not angry, his left and right cheeks were slapped with red marks, and his hair was so painful that he still didn't want to let her go .

Finally, Zhou Yu lay on his shoulder and cried softly.

It's not because he took advantage of her, but in the car, the driver is still with him... Could it be that he treats her as a plaything, looks down on her, they are divorced, and he feels in his bones that he can still do it if he gives the money Treat her wantonly?

As soon as Zhou Yu cried, Min Xin became a little anxious, and said in a hoarse voice: "I was teasing you, but I didn't do anything to you, why did you cry, huh?"

She turned her face to the side, her eyes and nose were red, and he was distressed and moved, but he didn't dare to talk anymore, and coaxed softly: "Okay, okay, I haven't seen you for a long time, I miss you." is you. '

Zhou Yu didn't want to talk to him, sobbing softly... Min Xin's heart was in a mess.

The driver in front didn't know what to do, it wasn't in the script!He set the speed to 30. Climbing like a snail, the car behind kept pressing, beeping...

In the car, it was quiet, only Zhou Yu's shallow sobbing and the big man's patient and extreme coaxing.

When he finally arrived at Zhou's house, he had to let her go. Although she cried like this, he was also satisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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