Chapter 684

Min Xin personally sent her home, and then got into the car gracefully.As soon as he got in the car, he checked the time and said to the driver, "Drive faster."

As soon as the driver stepped on the accelerator, he drove away like flying.

In the villa, Zhou's mother looked at her daughter's crying face with worry: "Did he bully you?"

Zhou Yu shook his head: "No."

Zhou's mother didn't believe it. Since the last time she met her with her own eyes, she knew how Min Xin usually bullied her daughter. If the relationship is good, it's nothing, it's called fun, but they are divorced and Min Xin still pesters her all day long. Looking at Zhou Yu, this is too outrageous.

Zhou's mother loves her daughter and has nothing to do. Who would let that shameless person have power!

So she just said, "Yuyu, if you don't like him, just avoid him."

Zhou Yu nodded.

Today, she really didn't know that he didn't want everything like this. The car was not broken and even said it was broken, just to make it cheaper.She didn't understand that he had so many women, most of them were for him to entertain, why bother to pester her.

Zhou's mother was very worried. Knowing that Zhou Yu was pregnant with a child, she would inevitably have contact with her in the future. Just think about it...

Zhou Yu's eyes were red; "I'll go upstairs first."

Mother Zhou nodded.

When she got up, she said to Zhou's father: "Min Xin is too shameless, he is still a young man at his age, and there is a driver in the car."

Father Zhou laughed hehehe, not saying anything.

Mother Zhou asked softly, "Do you think Zhou Yu has thought about that bastard again?"

Isn't there a saying that women are afraid of being entangled? She was fascinated by Min Xin when she was young, and her surname Min has a good appearance. Although she is over forty, she is still quite attractive and attractive to women. Reasonable.

Father Zhou pondered for a while, then smiled lightly: "It should not be there yet."

If you continue to entangle, you won't know.

Zhou's mother scolded Min Xin severely again, and thought it was wrong to go upstairs.

Upstairs, Zhou Yu rested on the sofa for a while, when the phone rang.

She picked it up and saw that it was sent by Min Xin. She was very concerned and a little disgusted.

She didn't reply, put away her mobile phone, and continued to rest on her stomach. Later, she fell asleep and had a dream.

In the dream, it was when she and Min Xin got married, and Min Xin washed her feet every was a shame.

She was resting here, and Min Xin was late for the office, and was given a good meal by the old Wang next door, who couldn't concentrate on her career and went home to take care of her children. Min Xin couldn't bear it.

After the meeting, he immediately took his mobile phone, and there was no news, so he gave a wry smile.

Wang Yuan leaned over and said in a low voice, "Madam may have fallen asleep." '

Min Xin glanced at him, then said: "She hates me, she didn't return on purpose."

Wang Yuan said again: "Is your approach too aggressive? After all, madam... I am very disappointed in you, and I don't plan to be with you again. If you go too far, it will only arouse resentment." '

Min Xin was dissatisfied at first, but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed to be true again. He looked at the phone helplessly and said bitterly: "I will never go home in the future. She sent me a lot of messages, but I didn't reply to any of them, but now But I hope she can take care of me. She must have been disappointed all these years, and she doesn't want to be husband and wife with me anymore. '

Think about it, these years, it seems that every time she is persecuted, she has long since stopped looking at him, and is very indifferent. On the contrary, after the divorce, she regained her previous temperament, which is very cute.

 07:30 There is another update~~ Let’s cook a meal first



(End of this chapter)

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