Chapter 693

He said, looking at Bo Nianyao: "Nianyao, what do you think?"

Bo Nianyao was about to speak, but Gu Anxi turned his head to Bo Qing, who had been silent all this time, and said, "Second Uncle, what do you think? Have you decided on this Bo family?"

Boqing watched her quietly, and smiled very faintly: "I thought you knew."

Gu Anxi clapped his hands: "Okay, I have no problem, Dad Bo, you can figure it out!"

Bo Nianyao coughed softly, "Since this is the case, I naturally cannot back down. Now I will invite someone to the Chu and Gu families to invite the two patriarchs over."

Mrs. Bo nodded: "Yes, the matter will eventually be settled."

Bo Nianyao went out to arrange a car to pick up people, and then he came back to sit down, drink tea, talk to Bo Xichen from time to time, and discuss matters inside and outside the house. The side members of the Bo family listened and nodded from time to time——

"Nian Yao has done a good job these years!"

"Yeah, you've worked hard, all your heart is for us."

"Xi Chen is also good, and the Bo family is quite prosperous."


Mrs. Bo also drank tea, glanced at Mr. Bo, and sneered.

It's really heart-wrenching.

Mr. Bo always knew that his daughter-in-law was powerful, so he whispered to Boqing: "What did the Gu family and the Chu family say, did you get things done beforehand?"

With a thin smile: "Gu Yuanshan can't be counted on, naturally there is only one Chu Changhe."

He didn't say anything later.

Naturally, he had come into contact with Chu Changhe, but that timid man actually practiced Tai Chi with him, pushing him back and forth in various ways. To be on the safe side, he used some tricks.

The Chu family, don't they have a sweetheart, who is now in the hands of the beautiful lady.

Boqing waited patiently, about an hour later, Gu Yuanshan came over, he looked very anxious, and immediately expressed his opinion that Bo Nianyao is very good, and the position of the head of the family is very good.

After speaking, he sat down with Jiang Bin.

Jiang Bin looked at him and smiled: "Brother Yuanshan, you have always been the most accurate in your calculations. Why did you miss this time? Could it be that you can't see the situation clearly after throwing it away?"

Gu Yuanshan knew that he was connoting himself, so he smiled wryly: "We used to stand together, so we don't make jokes about each other."

Jiang Bin was a little airy.

In front of Gu Yuanshan, he was naturally very high-spirited. Now that Gu Yuanshan's wife and children are separated, he is miserable, and he has thrown away everyone who eats. The Gu family has long been named among the four big families. How can it compare with the other three families? go?

Gu Yuanshan didn't pay any attention, and sat with his eyes and nose watching his heart.

Finally, when Chu Changhe arrived, his steps were unsteady when he got out of the car, besides him, Chu Ci was also there, and his face was also pale.

When he arrived at the guest room, Chu Changhe saw that Mr. Bo sitting above was still ruthless, and said harshly, "How did the Chu family offend you?"

Mr. Bo wondered, "Is this scolding us?"

Smiling tenderly: "Probably so!"

Mr. Bo asked again: "What bad thing did your woman do again?"

Boqing said lightly: "It's just for our chances of winning today, to add some protection."

Old Man Bo frowned, and when he was about to speak again, Chu Changhe had already asked, "Where is Chu Yan?"

Gu Anxi on the side was startled, she looked at Bo Qing.

Smiling tenderly, "Miss Chu is a guest now, as long as Mr. Chu says a word, she will come back in good condition immediately."

Chu Changhe sneered: "I've heard that you are scheming and scheming, and today's announcement is really well-deserved, but you are not afraid of forgetting yourself after all the calculations?"

The people around had some sympathy for the Chu family, but most of them were shocked——

Now those who are on a different path from Boqing, use this method, everyone is a fish in his hands!

Chu Changhe's face was pale, and his eyes slowly swept around.

Gu Anxi took a fruit and gnawed it, smiling: "It seems that Mr. Chu can only agree to my second uncle's request first."

Chu Changhe let out a long breath: "Mr. Bo just wants Changhe to say a word, so what's the difficulty?"

When he said this, the offshoots of the Bo family disagreed: "How can this work? Your daughter's life is important, but it is related to the foundation of the Bo family for hundreds of years. If..."

They chattered and chattered, but Gu Anxi glanced over, scaring them so much that they didn't dare to speak anymore!

 I will update it tomorrow~~



(End of this chapter)

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