Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 694 Chu Changhe Has Not Been Patriarch Long Ago

Chapter 694 Chu Changhe Has Not Been Patriarch ([-] words)

Chu Changhe's voice was full of grief and indignation: "Mr. Bo Qing comes from the Bo family. Changhe has always respected him before. I never thought that he would do such a thing today."

He looked at Bo Nianyao again, lowered his eyes and sighed: "I can't help but feel sorry for Brother Nianyao."

Bo Nianyao immediately became solemn: "It's about the life of the child, so we have to be cautious."

Just as Chu Changhe was about to speak, another person stumbled in from the door of the guest room. It was none other than Mrs. Chu.

As soon as Mrs. Chu came over, her voice was stern: "Chang He, where is Chu Yan?"

Chu Changhe comforted his wife: "Yan Yan is fine, I am negotiating with them."

Mrs. Chu stared at Bo Qing: "If something happens to Chu Yan, I will fight you hard."

Chu Changhe beside him wanted to say something, but he still sighed, and said to the people present seriously: "It's not impossible to ask Chu to speak, but let me see Chu Yan."

Smiling tenderly: "I will never break my promise."

Chu Changhe had dealt with him before, and at this moment, his little daughter was in the hands of others, and she was Chu Ci's heart and soul, so there was nothing else to say, besides...Anxi had already spoken, so he smiled wryly Take a moment: "Mr. Bo Qing just wants me to say that I agree with you to join the Bo family. If that's the case, then I will make a statement and I will never regret saying something else."

As soon as the words were said, everyone in the audience was shocked.

Bo Nianyao is finished.

The Bo family is in the hands of Bo Qing.

In addition to all the previous things, then the entire Bo family will be swept out of the house, which is pitiful to think about.

And those offshoots of the Bo family were also ashamed.

It's over, Nian Yao is over, they are over.

There were also a few of them who wanted to bow their heads to Boqing without backbone, but whoever said, "I will always follow Brother Nian Yao, and I will drink porridge when Nian Yao eats steamed buns."

With such a statement, other people also stood up one by one——

"Me too."

"Me too."


Gu Anxi was still gnawing on the fruit, seeing the miserable appearance of the Chu family, smiled, "Okay, I've confessed my attitude, Second Grandpa, should you return Chu Yan to them?"

Looking at her quietly.

Gu Anxi still smiled slightly: "You are not in a hurry to enter the Bo family, are you?"

The old man Bo on the side even helped out: "Yes, yes, Boqing, the sense of ceremony is very important for such a big event, and when necessary, it is better to find someone to figure out the best time."

Holding on to the armrest with his fickle palm, he thought for a while and smiled lightly: "Okay."

Chu Yan was brought over half an hour later. She looked like she had suffered a lot, with a cloth stuffed in her mouth and a few red marks on her face. It was Song Jiaren who escorted her over in person.

Chu Ci was about to step forward, but Gu Anxi gently pulled his arm: "Back off."

Chu Ci's lips moved, but she still stepped back silently.

Bo Nianyao saw this subtle movement with sharp eyes, and he probably understood the status of the cub in the Chu family. Just now, Chu Changhe dared to speak out only after the cub said something, and now it is another Chu Ci who completely obeys his family's orders. With Zai Zai's appearance, Bo Nianyao's confidence was greatly increased for a while, and he was waiting for the reversal to come.

Mrs. Bo at the side gave him a hard look. Nianyao rubbed his nose and said in a low voice, "There are so many people, Madam give me some face, I can do whatever I want when I turn around."

Mrs. Bo knew very well, so she stopped looking at him.

Over there, just as Gu Anxi took a step forward, Song Jiaren pulled out her gun and said, "Don't move."

Gu Anxi raised his hand: "I won't move. Second Grandma and Second Grandpa agreed to let him go. Why are you still so fierce?"

What Song Jiaren hated the most was that Gu Anxi called Boqing's second grandpa and her second grandma. She knew what Boqing was up to, but she just trampled on his intentions.

Song Jiaren looked at Boqing.

Probably Boqing also hoped that they could compete, especially to show Song Jiaren's strength, so he just smiled.

Song Jiaren no longer had any scruples, and if she let Chu Yan go, she would fight Gu Anxi.

Chu Ci took over Chu Yan and made sure she was fine, so she stepped forward to block Gu Anxi.

"Chu Ci, you are not her match." Gu Anxi gently pushed him aside, and slowly walked out of the guest room, there was a large open space outside.

Song Jiaren also walked out quickly.

Everyone also went out to watch the excitement——

Mr. Gu, the best fighter in Beicheng, faced Bo Qing's number one minion. I heard that this woman is very powerful, second only to Bo Qing.

When the two sides faced each other, Wang and Min arrived in time.

As soon as Min Xin came over, he said in a cold voice: "What is this for, what is this for? Private fighting? Is there any law?"

Gu Anxi ground her fine white teeth: "In Bo's house, I am Wang Fa."

Song Jiaren sneered: "It won't be soon."

She didn't use a gun, nor did either party, she fought with her bare hands.

Those elders whined and wailed...too strong.

Wang Jingyao also sat down, and pulled Min Xin to sit down, drinking tea and smiling: "Look, that little bastard is pretty good, isn't he?"

Min Xin had seen Gu Anxi's ruthlessness a long time ago. He used to think that she was just playing tricks, but today he saw that she was not weaker than Song Jiaren at all. He was so shocked that he couldn't speak...

On the field, Song Jiaren was also surprised.

She has always looked down on Gu Anxi, she only thought that she was a wayward little girl, but she never expected her to be so strong.Song Jiaren narrowed her eyes, and suddenly a long whip appeared in her hand, and with just one swing, a dazzling silver light flashed.

On closer inspection, the whip was covered with thin silver needles, so overbearing!

Gu Anxi jumped a few steps away, and chuckled lightly: "I also have hidden weapons."

After a fight, there were four more people around him, all beautiful girls.

Mr. Gu folded his hands in front of his body: "I won't fight with you, let them play with you."

The corner of his mouth curled up, "Stay with Miss Song well."

Song Jiaren was stunned.

Feeling stunned.

Mr. Bo's eyes are blurred——

So many beautiful girls, where did they come from?

Min Xin said suddenly: "Artificial intelligence AI."

Wang Jingyao could hardly sit still, and wanted to curse——

One is that she was able to make this thing, and the other is that whoever allowed her to make this thing, she let it out ostentatiously, blatantly ignoring his old brother and Min Xin. On this occasion, This scene clearly meant for the two of them to wipe her ass in a reasonable and legal way!

On the field, Gu Anxi retreated, and the four beautiful girls attacked together. It was useless for Song Jiaren to have a whip in her hand. Those few roads were the same as Gu Anxi, one against four, where is the opponent?

Gu Anxi was on the side, caught a fruit thrown by someone, gnawed it slowly, and then smiled softly: "This is the AI ​​born from the Fengxi system you blew up, Miss Song, how do you feel?" ?”

Song Jiaren was so embarrassed that she was forced to retreat in a hurry, and finally made a merciless move.

A flash of silver light forced the four beautiful girls back, and Song Jia was able to escape.

Gu Anxi pressed a button and put away the AI, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth: "Miss Song, you see, this is the gap between you and Bo Qing, so don't come out to shame yourself in the future, you can only deal with people like Chu Yan." A girl who has no strength to restrain a chicken, pretends to be an expert."

Song Jia was so angry that she wanted to say something but was ruthlessly scolded: "Shut up, it's true that your skills are inferior to others."

He looked at Gu Anxi again, and smiled gently: "As expected, I taught it. This kind of advanced AI was created in a short period of time."

The little creamer gnawed on the fruit, and said embarrassingly: "It's not my fault, it's the crystallization of love between me and my uncle."

Bo Xichen covered his lips and coughed lightly.

Both Bo Nianyao and Mrs. Bo were dumbfounded.

Gu Anxi smiled and said to Bo's father and mother, "Are the four granddaughters satisfied?"

Bo Nianyao also covered his lips and coughed lightly.

On the other hand, Mr. Bo was very satisfied: "Will you make it out again?" There are so many beautiful girls, all of them are like angels.

Gu Anxi ignored this shameless old man, continued to look at Bo Qing, and said softly: "Master, now, are you still unwilling to turn back?"

There were blue veins on Bo Qing's forehead, and after a while, he whispered: "How can I give up something that is within reach?"

He has been looked down upon since he was born. Although he is raised in Bo's family and is said to be adopted, how can others understand such a mood with the eyes of those people and the elder brother who is always on top of him?

He used to think that Anxi would be the same as him, being looked down upon and abandoned by others, so he turned her into infinity and the strongest one, but now, the strongest one stands by his side. Face to face with him.

Gu Anxi watched the change in his eyes, and smiled: "Then you still have to persevere."

She took a step back and lowered her eyes: "From today on, the grievances between us will be wiped out."

Boqing looked at her deeply, "But I will always regard you as my apprentice."

"Really?" Gu Anxi smiled indifferently, and looked sideways at old man Bo: "Grandpa, what do you say, do you still insist on supporting your second brother?"

Mr. Bo was actually in a difficult situation at this time. He wanted to let Baoqing make the Bo family stand farther away, but now it seems that after repeated setbacks and obstacles, he may not be able to succeed.

But if he betrays the water now, firstly, this wolf-hearted bastard might not be willing to let him go.

Old Man Bo coughed lightly: "Bo Qing will replace Nian Yao. This is already an ironclad nail. I think Nian Yao is also willing to step aside. After all, Bo Qing is younger."

Gu Anxi smiled, "Really? May I ask which of the two Patriarchs agreed?"

Old Man Bo snorted softly, "What kind of schemes and tricks are you going to play, kid? Xiao Jiang and Xiao Chu have both expressed their opinions."

Gu Anxi smiled again: "Grandpa, you haven't been in Beicheng for a long time, and you probably don't know much about the current situation. As far as I know, Chu Changhe is no longer the head of the Chu family. What he said just now is just farting Same, you still feel delicious."

When she said this, everyone was shocked.

How can it be?

how come?

 Four o'clock and five o'clock respectively~~



(End of this chapter)

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