Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 704 Chapter 705 Undead will peel off the skin 2

Chapter 704 Chapter 5 Undead will peel off the skin 2

After Gu Anxi finished speaking, Wang Jingyao slapped the table loudly: "You have such an attitude!"

He pointed to the little milkman's nose: "It's a disaster, if the department over there wants to trouble you, ask Yunxi Group for trouble, but don't look for me."

As he spoke, he sat down, annoyed.

The little creamer rolled her eyes, and before she was about to say something, there were footsteps at the door, and then the door opened, revealing Min Xin's old face.

Min Xin poked inside and walked in, followed by his dog leg Wang Yuan.

Min Xin smiled softly: "Jingyao, are you teaching me a lesson again?"

He was like a spring breeze, and Gu Anxi knew that he was uneasy and kind when he heard it. Sure enough, after Min Xin finished speaking, he sat next to Mr. Bo and stood in line to watch the play.

Mr. Bo was very happy. It seems that the little bastard is a pill today. Look, Min Xin can smell the smell and come over.

Min Xin leisurely lit a cigarette and smoked it: "Jingyao, you are busy with your work, and I have nothing to do."

Wang Jingyao looked at him and knew that he was reading the joke on purpose. He would not have shown this joke to Min Xin before, but it is different now. Whether it passes or not is a matter of Min Xin's words.

So the old brother gave another bombardment, mercilessly scolding the little creamer and trembling in unison.

Min Xin just took a look.

At the end of the scolding, Mr. Bo felt a little distressed. This is the treasure in Xichen's hands. Let an outsider scold him like this, and his heart gradually became unbalanced. He was about to speak, but how did he know that Gu Anxi yelled? Get up: "I've been scolding for so long, isn't it enough?"

Mr. Bo was taken aback. He didn't have the slightest awareness of being punished. Wang Jingyao was about to get angry.

Wang Jingyao looked at him, "How dare you talk back."

He looked at Min Xin: "Okay, okay, you can figure out what to do with this matter, just drag her into the prison and wear it out. I can't see her from time to time so my heart will be pure. Every day for this little bastard If you rub your butt, I will lose a few years of life."

Min Xin smiled, "If you say that, then I'm really going to deal with her. It's a matter of five years at least, and 20 years at most. It's not a joke."

Wang Jingyao suffocated. Didn't this Min surname agree to stand on their side? He acted like this in this matter, why he still looks like he doesn't want to eat, it's too shameful.

The old brother sneered in his heart, and his face became even colder. He pointed at Gu Anxi and scolded: "Look at it, cause trouble all day long, don't wipe your butt clean, and bother other people's affairs every day, Zhou Come on, should you take care of her affairs? She runs around every day, and someone else accepts your favor? Her fetal position is not right, but that's not a child of your Bo family. She is so busy every day. It's the same as anything else, how intelligent AI can protect Zhou Yu, you are so enthusiastic, and others, I'm afraid it's a joke to see you one by one."

The old brother waved his hand: "Get out of here now, get out of the way, and you won't be able to see Qingjing in the future."

Min Xin originally came to eat a melon, but in the end he ate it on his body. When Zhou Yu was involved, he had no choice but to stretch himself.

The old man Bo beside him is not stupid, he finally understands now that Wang Jingyao is not scolding her, he is protecting her, and he is justifiably shameless, blatantly stabbing Min Xin with a knife.

Looking at it like this now, Wang Jingyao and his family's little bastards are wearing a pair of trousers. After a long time, only Min Xin was roasted on the fire...

(Tomorrow at three o'clock in the afternoon~~)

(End of this chapter)

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