Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 705 Eye-opening, Good Afternoon, Mr. Gu

Chapter 705 Eye-opening, Good Afternoon, Mr. Gu

Mr. Bo just watched eagerly, and finally woke up like a dream.

Yaya's luck is that he still wants to watch the fun, it turns out it's all a joke!

Wang Jingyao and her team! ! !

The old man was so angry that he was smoking, and glanced at the hopeless Min Xin.

I heard that this kid is divorced, and he still can't leave his wife after divorce. Wang Jingyao said that it seemed like he was killing Min Xin, and he didn't know how he persisted all these years.

Here, Old Brother Wang grabbed Min Xin by seven inches and coughed softly: "Speak well, why did you scold me?"

He got up personally, and put his hands on the shoulders of his elder brother: "Calm down, calm down, why are you angry with a child?" '

He winked, and his confidant Wang Yuan also helped: "Yes, yes, it is common for Mr. Gu to like to play at his age. This thing has been made. Although it does not meet the specifications, it is still a good thing. Very beneficial thing."

Min Xin looked calm: "Well, what a good thing, it benefits the common people, Jingyao, look, when you are alone at home and panic, you can have a smart companion to accompany you, what a beautiful thing."

Wang Jingyao said amusedly, "It makes me feel so lonely."

He said with a straight face, with a look that was not easy to discuss: "I don't care about this matter, just let it go!"

"Fat Luo?" Min Xin looked surprised: "Jingyao, where did the word Fa Luo come from?"

He said with a smile on his face: "But since you say you want to let me down, I'll make the decision, and leave this project to Yunxi Group."

"Don't do it." Gu Anxi played with his fingers and snorted softly: "If you do it, you will be scolded, if you don't do it." '

Min Xin pretended to be angry: "If you don't do such a big project, who else can you ask? Okay, don't be disgusted, what's the problem? Just tell Uncle Min that I don't have anything else here, technical talents and Funding is still sufficient.”

Gu Anxi glanced at him, then looked at Old Brother Wang coolly.

Old brother Wang looked angry and funny: "Okay, okay, since Min Xin is willing to support you strongly, why should I be such a bad person."

Gu Anxi snorted softly: "You guys asked me to do this project and I will do it? What's the benefit of being a cow and a horse? I get scolded every day."

"What are you talking about?" The old brother looked at her: "We value you!"

He raised his eyes again: "Is that Brother Min?"

Min Xin knew that he had been PUA, and touched his nose, "Of course, it is very important."

Gu Anxi nodded: "Okay, later I will write a list of the things I need and send them over."

Min Xin's nose was ashen, and he felt sad, so he left after a few copings.

As soon as he left, Wang Jingchuan closed the door and raised his finger at his boss: "Your hands are really tall."

Wang Jingyao smiled softly, sat in the chair and lit a cigarette, smoking leisurely while asking his little bastard: "Am I doing well?"

"Pretty good." Gu Anxi took out a few tickets from his pocket: "Tomorrow's premiere, remember to go."

After finishing speaking, she was about to run, but the old brother stopped her from behind: "Wait a minute."

She stopped.

Wang Jingyao took out a box from the drawer and asked Wang Jingchuan to give it to her: "For the first movie, I ordered a small gift for you."

Wang Jingchuan handed it to Gu Anxi with a smile, "Open it and have a look, let me have eyes too."

Not only him, but also old man Bo's head stretched out.

Gu Anxi looked at them, lowered his head and opened the box.

Inside, there is wheat made of gold, which symbolizes big sales, and there are many diamonds embedded in the middle, which are very shiny.

The little creamer said with some disgust: "What kind of earthy aesthetics is this?"

The old brother's face turned black: "If you don't want it, take it back."

But the little creamer had already covered the box, took it and ran away, and Mr. Bo followed immediately.

When I went outside, I met a lot of staff who were also prominent figures. When they saw Gu Anxi, they were very respectful: "Little Mr. Gu."

——Who doesn't know that this is Mr. Wang's favorite girl?

Recently, Mr. Min seems to be nice to her too!

Gu Anxi agreed amiably, and didn't take it too seriously, and went downstairs and got into the car.

Mr. Bo sat on it lightly and nimbly, and she turned her head to look at him: "I remember that you used to go up the mountain, Mr. Bo, but your body was not flexible, and now it seems to be very good."

Mr. Bo said angrily, "I've been doing fine."

With this girl in Bo's house, even if he dies, he can sit up in the coffin...

Gu Anxi looked at him sympathetically, started the car and went to Yunxi Group.

Just passed, the old man was shocked again.

I thought the young women in Siyuan were beautiful enough, but how could I know that the secretaries of Yunxi Group are even more beautiful, one by one is just like the ones in the comics...

As soon as the old man came in, his eyes widened as if he had never seen the world.

In the hall, a row of secretaries looked at Gu Anxi and bent down: "Good afternoon, Mr. Gu."

 Four o'clock



(End of this chapter)

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