Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 707 Wow, my uncle is amazing

Chapter 707 Wow, my uncle is amazing

Wang Yuan understood his boss's intentions in his heart, so naturally he would not say anything, but just smiled: "Then I will help you make time, and the venue is the largest conference center in Beicheng."

Min Xin paused and waved his hand: "You can't go empty-handed, you go and help me choose a gift, the little girl likes it."

Wang Yuan hesitated: "Mr. Gu probably prefers guns."

Min Xin said disapprovingly: "Little girl, what kind of gun do you like? Go and pick out one decent thing. By the way, pick two."

Wang Yuan naturally understood his intentions very well, and smiled slightly: "Okay."

He hesitated for a moment before asking: "Then what are the conditions put forward by Mr. Gu?"

Of course Min Xin couldn't refute it. He was full of words in the afternoon. If he disagreed with Gu Anxi and Lao Wang's complaints, that's fine. If he talked nonsense in front of Zhou Yu tomorrow, where would he get any face?

Just thinking about it like this, he couldn't bear it, and waved his hand: "I agree."

A word of MMP came to mind.

Wang Yuan smiled, and was about to leave when Min Xin called him back: "If I know you've taken advantage of her again, I'll take your skin off."

Wang Yuan immediately said: "No."

Min Xin asked him to leave later, and went to the drawer to get an envelope and handed it to Wang Yuan.

When Wang Yuan pinched it, it was the size of a bank card.

Min Xin's expression was light: "I know you have always lived in a relatively small house. The houses in Beicheng are quite expensive. The money here is enough to buy a big house. You are also an old man who has been with me for many years. Look at you. Your life is not even half as good as that of Wang Jingchuan, you are promising."

Wang Yuan's eyes were a little hot, and he held the envelope for a long time without making a sound. Min Xin patted him on the shoulder, "Actually, I know that you and Wang Jingchuan are quite capable. You have been wronged by following me all these years."

"I'm not wronged, you are very kind to me." Wang Yuan said in a trembling voice, holding the envelope tightly.

Min Xin laughed: "I don't know better than you what kind of person I am?" '

As he spoke, he took out a cigarette and lit it, then waved his hand: "Okay, let's get off work first."

He thought for a while and said, "I'll buy the gift myself."

Wang Yuan smiled and withdrew.

Min Xin looked at the invitation again and again, and finally wiped his hair——

This little bastard, Gu Anxi, is really a bird of good news!

At night, Siyuan.

The Bo family ate neatly, Mrs. Bo served the cub with vegetables from time to time, which made Mr. Bo very envious.

Looking at his appearance, Bo Jin still sympathized with the old father, and then gave him food.

When Mr. Bo got excited, he ate half a bowl of rice.

Bo Jinzhengse said: "I just got the news today that there will be a big blockbuster in Hollywood tomorrow, and the hit "Fast 9" has been moved up."

Gu Anxi looked at her.

Bo Jin added: "Originally they were scheduled for September, but suddenly it was brought forward. Pushing hands is indispensable."

Gu Anxi actually didn't particularly care about the box office, but it was Aunt Bo Jin's hard work, so of course she would not dislike it, so she looked at Bo Xichen and said, "Uncle, do you want to open for business?"

Before Uncle Bo could speak, Mr. Bo turned dark: "Our Bo family has always been a serious family, and we can't show our faces just for a few dollars. Think about the difference between openly talking about love and being an asshole?"

"This is called business!" Gu Anxi glanced at him: "Old man, you are old-fashioned."

Bo Jin said at this time: "It's because the second female lead in "Speed ​​[-]" is Song Jiaren. I don't know what tricks she used. Gu Mingzhu even became one of the screenwriters."

Gu Anxi burst out laughing all of a sudden: "It would be more appropriate to call it "Speed ​​Egg Pain [-]"."

Although she smiled, she also knew that Aunt Bo Jin's box office was under great pressure. "Big Gray" is a brand new IP, but "Speed ​​[-]" is a mature commercial IP, with a global box office of more than [-] billion yuan. Yes, especially in China, the last one generated nearly [-] billion at the box office. It can be said that its promotion is by no means good news for "Big Gray".

After laughing, Gu Anxi said softly, "Then I will focus on this movie these days."

Bo Jin smiled: "Don't stress too much, the family doesn't depend on it for food."

In fact, Bo Jin doesn't rely on it, she just thinks that her little girl is the most dazzling star, and now it is obvious that some people want to destroy the fruits of their labor.She is absolutely not allowed.

Although the atmosphere is still relaxed, there is also some tension.

The original [-] film schedule of "Big Gray" will be reduced to [-] tomorrow. It can be seen that the arrival of "Speed ​​[-]" is overwhelming, and from the pre-sale point of view, Big Gray is obviously at a disadvantage.

In the evening, after taking a shower, Gu Anxi lay on the sofa, with a notebook in his hand, and said to himself: "Speed ​​[-] is really a good rice flower movie. Suddenly, after half a day, there is a forecast of [-] million yuan." Sell, it's amazing!"

Bo Xichen also just took a shower, came out, took a towel and covered her head to help her dry her hair.

Gu Anxi raised her head, looked at her uncle and smiled: "I heard that Song Jiaren has a bathing scene in this movie, uncle, do you want to watch it?"

Uncle Bo reached out and tapped her on the head: "Nonsense."

Gu Anxi smirked, "I knew I should have shaved Dahui's hair in the movie, so that I could have a head-to-head with Song Jiaren."

Bo Xichen lowered his eyes and looked at her accusingly.

Gu Anxi lay down and said to himself: "What to do, [-]% of the filming can't be done on the first day, and it will be difficult later..."

Uncle Bo sat beside her, brushed her hair, and said in a soft voice, "Movies still rely on word of mouth now."

Gu Anxi snorted.

After a while, he suddenly sat up, "Uncle, by the way, are there thousands of Yunxi Hospitals in the world?"

Bo Xichen looked at her.

Gu Anxi pinched his little finger, "If there are thousands of houses, if each one has a large screen, then there will be thousands more screens."

Bo Xichen interrupted her with a light cough: "I can contact tens of thousands of hospitals related to Yunxi Hospital."

The little milkman stared at him eagerly, his little mouth opened wide...

 The number of words is not full, let’s write another chapter at [-] o’clock, write slowly



(End of this chapter)

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