Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 708 Wow, my uncle is amazing 2

Chapter 708 Wow, my uncle is amazing [-]

After a long time, she murmured: "Uncle, you are so amazing."

"That's great?" He wiped her hair, rubbed it, and smiled: "You have a good idea. Set up a movie theater in the hospital for the convenience of some patients, as long as it's not from the Department of Infectious Diseases."

The little creamer knelt beside him: "Will it be troublesome to apply for a license?"

In the end, it was all about a phone call from Uncle Bo.

She squeezed his shoulders and heard him arrange for those theaters to set up big screens overnight. The voice was hoarse and pleasant, and the little milkman was so excited that he heard it. She thought that she would thank my uncle for a while!


Early in the morning, Bo Xichen received a lot of news just after waking up. He leaned on the bed and looked at the little guy.

She even woke up and stared at him.

"Up to now, more than 4 large screens have been added. I thought that at two o'clock in the afternoon, it would break through [-]."

Gu Anxi thought it was incredible, pinched his own face...

Bo Xichen took the notebook on the side, turned on a system, tapped a few times before saying: "We have already contacted the major platforms to start making data, and it will be played synchronously during the premiere."

Gu Anxi babbled a few times, then went to look for Bo Jin with his notebook in his arms.

Early in the morning, Bo Jin also just got up, and saw Gu Anxi coming over with a notebook in her arms, she smiled and touched Gu Anxi's little head: "Why did you come here so early in the morning?"

After finishing speaking, she went to the bathroom to brush her teeth, and the little milkman put down the notebook, and secretly hugged Bo Jin from behind to act like a spoiled child.

Although Bo Jin is over forty and pregnant, Anxi is like her first child, and it hurts as much as her stomach. She patted her hand and said, "You're still acting like a baby at such an age, isn't it enough for you to play with Xi Chen?"

The little creamer blushed——

Then he secretly held Bo Jin's stomach again: "I'm here to see the baby."

Bo Jin washed her face and smiled sideways: "Is it true?"

The little creamer groaned: "I also know that I like to sleep late, but I really came to see the baby. Prenatal education is very important, isn't it the baby?" '

Bo Jin was very open-minded, and sat down to comb her hair: "The baby is born, and you can take it for me when I go out."

Gu Anxi strongly agreed, anyway, there will be mother Bo at that time.

Standing behind Bo Jin, she took a comb to comb her hair, and then got down to business: "My uncle contacted me, and 4 yuan of screens have been installed in hospitals around the world. In addition, today it may reach [-] yuan." Piece."

"What?" Bo Jin turned sideways all of a sudden, and Gu Anxi was frightened by the movement, and hurried over to hold her belly: "Be careful, don't press the baby."

Bo Jin smiled: "I know. By the way, what did you say, what screen did Xi Chen make?"

Gu An said bluntly: "It's just that a big screen is installed in the hospital. People can watch movies, and there are quite a lot of people in the hospital. If there are no accidents on the first day, there will be tens of millions of sales."

Bo Jin rubbed her hands excitedly: "This is so important! You two children, you didn't tell me such an important thing last night, tell me that I can always help, this is a great idea."

She thought about it again: "Don't say anything, and prevent the other party from making data. Today's sales are too important for the filming in the next few days."

Gu Anxi hummed, and then leaned against Bo Jin and said softly: "Auntie, I want to install small screens in orphanages around the world, so that children without homes can also watch Dahui."

This movie is different from the comics. It is not about warm love, but about motivation and healing.She wanted those children to see it.

Bo Jin patted her hand and said clearly: "I know what you mean. So, let's do it quietly first, and when the time is right on the third day, we will announce the good news, and invite the children in the Global Welfare Institute to watch Dahui."

As Bo Jin spoke, she sighed in her heart, hugged Anxi and said in a low voice, "Zai Zai, you already have Xi Chen, you are different from them."

"Well, I know." Gu Anxi leaned against Bo Jin, with a soft voice.


On the other side, Song Jiaren was sitting on the sofa in the villa, drinking red wine, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

The old guy surnamed Bo has finally left, and it's finally her turn to sit here and become the master. When the old guy was sitting here before, she had to pretend to respect him and wait on him standing. It's not very pleasant to think about it.

Gu Mingzhu looked at Song Jiaren flatteringly, "I heard that "Speed ​​[-]" is very strong, and Gu Anxi's movie today is absolutely unbeatable."

Song Jiaren glanced at her, and smiled faintly: "This kind of film is very strong in front of a few films that are on sale. Gu Anxi's kind of film for children is no match at all."

Gu Mingzhu turned on the phone again, looked at the data at home and abroad, and felt a little relieved.

What she wants is not the victory of "Fast [-]", but the crushing defeat in Gu Anxi's "Big Gray".

 It will be updated tomorrow, more tomorrow~~



(End of this chapter)

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