Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 710 Lost to "Big Gray"?Curve overtaking!

Chapter 710 Lost to "Big Gray"?Curve overtaking!

Gu Mingzhu clenched her fingers and said softly, "Sister Jiaren, is this Gu Anxi's meaning?"

Just now Wang Jingyao and Min Xin didn't even look at her, Mr. Wang was fine, but Min Xin didn't even look at her, she was his child no matter what.

Song Jiaren glanced at her: "Can't you bear this little setback?"

Gu Mingzhu pursed her lips: "No."

Song Jiaren smiled indifferently: "So far, you have seen the data of both sides, and "Speed ​​[-]" has an absolute advantage."

Gu Mingzhu nodded: "Sister Jiaren, you are right."

Song Jiaren said again: "Only if you do well in grades and get favored by my senior brother, will she invest in you. If Gu Anxi has it, you will have it too."

Gu Mingzhu immediately regained her confidence——

That's right, her "Youth Pain" has a domestic box office of more than [-] billion, which is very good. Gu Anxi, a paper person, is not very good, and now there are international blockbusters pressing at the same time. I think it may end up hitting the street...

Thinking of this, Gu Mingzhu smiled slightly.

When I sat down inside, I found a lot of acquaintances, almost all the celebrities from the North City came, and it was very face-saving to Mr. Gu, and Gu Mingzhu was unhappy again for a while.

However, no one cares about her petty feelings. In the front row, elder brother Wang and Min Xin sat down early, and the elder brother talked to Bo Xichen next to him, affectionately, calling the little bastard over from time to time sentence.

Min Xin here seems to be suffering a lot. Ever since Wang Yuan said that Zhou Yu will come, he has been waiting, waiting and waiting for Zhou Yu to come. Finally, Zhou Yu came with the company of the staff. , the belly is not obvious, but she is wearing loose clothes, and she is also stepping on a pair of flat heels.

Min Xin immediately stepped forward to support her, and said in a low voice, "It's not convenient, why are there so many people here?"

There were so many people, it was difficult for Zhou Yu to break away from him, so he could only be supported by him, walked to An Xi's side and sat down before saying, "I just want to cheer."

Listening to her soft voice, Min Xin's bones were about to crumble, and his voice was even lower: "Then be more careful."

After finishing speaking, she actually said something to the person on the other side of her and changed places.

Zhou Yu frowned.

Gu Anxi on the side died laughing, Min Xin is losing face now.

The host on the stage came on stage, and after Gu Anxi's training, he didn't dare to carry private goods. The movie didn't mention a word, but instead heated up the atmosphere, and cue the people present from time to time. Of course, the focus is always on Gu Anxi, Bo Xichen, and Chu Ci were three.

On stage, Gu Anxi and the two male gods performed a segment in Chinese, and Uncle Bo performed another segment in English and French. In the end, the audience agreed that Chu Ci was a better match, so they made fun of Chu Ci.

Chu Ci magnanimously opened her eyes and said nonsense: "If Anxi hadn't been in the right place, I should have chased her."

Less than 10 minutes after I finished speaking, #楚禹 wanted to follow up with Gu Anxi, and got into hot one again.

And when Chu Ci stepped down from the stage, her eyes swept away inadvertently, and fell on a certain little person, that was Chu Yan.

She also came, sitting quietly, watching the stage quietly.

She came for Anxi, and she was surrounded by Anxi's family, not the Chu family.

Chu Ci got off the stage and actually sat in an empty seat next to her. Because Gu Anxi and Uncle Bo were still interacting with each other on the side, no one noticed what was going on here, especially Gu Yuntian and Wang Keru pretended not to see it.

Alas, the two children were also suffering, and Chu Ci reminded them of Qin Siyuan.

In the past, Qin Siyuan also liked Anxi. If nothing happened, they would be together, not like this now... Anxi has a cheerful personality and has Xichen, but Siyuan's child may not be able to get out for a long time.

So they can quite understand Chu Ci.

Just as Chu Ci sat down, Chu Yan's body tensed up, and her gaze was still on the stands as if she hadn't noticed him.But her fingers were caught suddenly, and the other's hand was slightly cold, holding it a bit domineeringly.

Chu Yan didn't want others to know, so she suppressed her voice: "What do you mean?"

Chu Ci lowered her eyes: "Are you okay?"

She pulled her fingers out forcefully, "It's good."

He laughed silently, and suddenly took her hand and walked out through the side door...just a few steps away, and it was dark, few people noticed.

Chu Yan frowned, and when she got outside, she shook off him and wanted to leave.

Chu Ci stopped her: "I didn't mean that."

As he spoke, he dragged her back and grabbed her without saying anything.

Chu Yan took a deep breath: "It doesn't matter if it means that, Chu Ci, we've all passed, I'm fine now, and I hope you live well too."

She raised her eyes and said seriously and sensiblely: "I don't blame you. I also know that you really like me. I was raised by the Chu family, and you have always treated me very well. I don't know what to do or what to do. but……"

She took a step back and smiled self-deprecatingly: "I also know that I can't compare with my mother, and you can't ignore her for me. Really, I don't blame you, there is nothing to blame, now we are separated We should separate properly, don't be so ambiguous, otherwise it may be painful to her ears again, Chu Ci, we were too selfish in the past... in the future, it won't happen anymore. "

She finished speaking in one breath, maybe she wanted to say these words before, but too many things happened at that time, she was scared and dazed, and she didn't have the chance to say it until now.

Chu Ci was dressed expensively. He quietly looked at the little girl he was carrying, and found that she was sensible and serious. This kind of seriousness was as solemn as wanting to be with him back then.

She said that, so naturally he wouldn't say some hypocritical words, even if he said them, he would look down on himself.

The one who gave up on her was himself.

But at the beginning, the person who was desperate was also himself.

In this kind of thing, girls are always hurt and suffer more, obviously she didn't mean that before.

Chu Ci touched it from his pocket, but didn't touch the cigarette. After a while, he said hoarsely: "Take good care of yourself. From now on, find a boyfriend who loves you."

After speaking, he took out a card from his jacket pocket and put it in her palm: "Here's this one."

Of course he knew that she had money too, but he didn't want her anymore, lost her, and it seemed that he didn't do anything...

This card is half of his property, and he hopes that she can live well even if she doesn't do anything for the rest of her life.

After Chu Ci finished speaking, she put her hand in her pocket and left slowly...

Chu Yan stood there, watching his back.

She stopped crying and looked down at the card.


Because Chu Ci was the main creator, he still returned to the auditorium, and the atmosphere inside was still very lively, so he sat down, and Gu Anxi turned his head and asked, "Go to see Yanyan?"

Just as Chu Ci nodded, he took a turn from her, and the pain caused Chu Ci's stomach to shatter.

Really, how could Bo Xichen bear her!

But no matter how painful it is, I have to continue to go on stage to accompany Mr. Gu in business. The people in Beicheng found that Mr. Gu is really good at business, and his smile is so sweet...

After a premiere, there were no less than six hot searches for relevant personnel, and after the movie was released, the audience was attracted by the paper people, and five more hot searches...

Gu Mingzhu gritted her teeth.

All of this, which was supposed to be hers, was taken away by Gu Anxi.

At that time, although her movie was popular when it was released, but without the support of these dignitaries, she naturally suffered a lot...

However, it doesn't matter, the real-time box office of Gu Anxi's "Big Gray" is still lower than that of "Fast [-]". Although the gap is not big, it is still a gap.

She will look at the rankings throughout the day, when "Big Gray" loses to others, then——

No matter how much pomp Gu Anxi has now, how embarrassing he will be later.

Just when Gu Mingzhu was trying to convince herself, the host on the stage made a voice of surprise: "My God, now I want to announce a good news, the real-time box office of "Big Gray" unexpectedly overtook "Fast [-]" !"

The whole audience was stunned!

This is unlikely, right?

(End of this chapter)

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