Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 711 That's So Strong!Not convinced by BIE

Chapter 711 That's So Strong!Not convinced by BIE

After the host reported, Gu Mingzhu was stunned.

How can it be?

Absolutely impossible?

Just now she looked at the data, how could it be exceeded all of a sudden.

She looked at Song Jiaren.

Song Jiaren's complexion was also not very good-looking, probably because this result was beyond her expectation.

Gu Mingzhu asked softly: "What should I do?"

Song Jiaren whispered: "This is impossible!"

Gu Mingzhu bit her lip: "You mean they swiped tickets?"

Song Jiaren didn't make a sound, which means she agrees with Gu Mingzhu's statement... Gu Mingzhu whispered again: "Should we fight back, expose them, and then ruin Gu Anxi's reputation, then this film will be completely over."

Song Jiaren looked at Gu Mingzhu and remained silent.

It took a while for her to speak: "Let's go out and question the box office of "Big Gray". Naturally, someone will clean her up for us."

Gu Mingzhu nodded, thinking that this idea is very good, and she can secretly pull it back without having to come forward.

Song Jiaren is also an old player in the entertainment circle, so it's natural that someone will take care of it after sending out a WeChat message.

In less than half an hour, #大羽早处VSspeed [-]优处 appeared in the trending search, and a large number of marketing accounts began to discuss rhythmically. Originally, speed was a steady winner. Why did Da Hui kill like a dark horse? Come out, and then go to pick up the source of the box office.

Turns out, no problem.

Innocent big bad wolf.

The number of discussions on a single topic reached [-], and the readings reached [-] million. Even the "Speed ​​[-]" side was dissatisfied. They felt that Dahui was intentionally pulling back, but after investigation, it was not the news released by Dahui.

After further investigation, the producers and investors over there wanted to kick Song Jiaren out of the crew!

Gu Mingzhu looked at Song Jiaren's unsightly face, and said cautiously: "Then there must be some other means, but we don't know."

Song Jiaren looked at her.

Gu Mingzhu said in a low voice: "We can also lock the market and increase the box office."

Song Jiaren said coldly, "You think Gu Anxi won't be on guard here?" If she continued to play, she would probably be blocked by foreign countries, so she would naturally not joke about her future.

Before, she was interested in Gu Mingzhu's literary and artistic movies, but now it seems that she not only likes egg pain, but also has no brains.

Song Jiaren left first, with a sullen face when she left, and she was so angry that she was pestered by several reporters at the door, and she made the headlines with her black face.

Over there, Gu Mingzhu was sitting, she still didn't believe that Da Hui could beat "Fast [-]", she was waiting for an answer.

But when it was over, she didn't wait.

At the end of the premiere, "Big Gray" had a real-time box office of 1000 million, and Speed ​​[-] lost more than [-] million.Everyone is guessing that the final gap at night is probably the same, because the data at this moment are parallel.

At the end, Gu Anxi went to hug Bo Jin. Although she is the main creator of this movie, it would be impossible to have what it is now without Bo Jin.

Bo Jin kissed her, "Baby, the whole family is proud of you."

She added: "Just now your uncle sent me a WeChat message, saying that based on his judgment, in the end, "Big Gray" can be squeezed into the top ten movie history."

She paused and smiled: "The main reason is that word-of-mouth has exploded at home and abroad, and the Baidu index and WeChat index are so strong that you can't imagine."

When they were happy, the family went back first, beaming.

Brother Wang also joined in the fun and followed, Min Xin happened to stay behind and looked at Zhou Yu: "You...go home now?"

Zhou Yu pursed his lower lip: "Anxi said she would wait for me downstairs, and she invited me to Siyuan to celebrate."

Min Xin was quite envious, and he was too embarrassed to bring it up——

Last time, he played a big role in Siyuan, Bo Nianyao and his wife probably didn't welcome him!

Just when he was struggling in his heart, the old brother came back and patted him vigorously on the shoulder: "Brother Min, what are you waiting for? I'm waiting for you two."

Min Xin was stunned: "There's me too?"

Brother Wang smiled: "Why would it be without you? Let's celebrate together."

As he said that, he pulled away with each hand. The scene...was very touching.

 There is another update before six o'clock~



(End of this chapter)

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