Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 714 Still childish at this time?

Chapter 714 Still childish at this time?

Wang Jingchuan just smiled, "Then do you think the movie is good or not?"

Wang Yuan then laughed, "Doctor Bo is quite cute."

After saying this, everyone looked at Bo Xichen and automatically entered Dahui.

Although "Big Gray" is a two-dimensional warm and healing series, there are also some indescribable things about Big Gray and Miss Rabbit. I heard that there were no such things in the first place. Later, Disney strongly requested to add an emotional scene.

That scene is still bloody.

Bo Xichen smiled slightly, and looked at Gu Anxi kindly: "Is it cute?"

Gu Anxi replied his two words with his lips, making the teeth of the people around him sour.

Later, everyone was waiting for [-] o'clock, but Zhou was pregnant and couldn't stay up late, so he said softly that he would go back first.

Originally, Gu Anxi wanted to keep her here, but seeing Min Xin's spirit suddenly turned up, he didn't object, and wanted to send her to the gate of Siyuan.

When the two came out, Min Xin straightened his clothes and followed. Wang Yuan yelled several times from behind but pretended not to hear him. Wang Yuan wanted to follow, but Wang Jingchuan stopped him immediately: "It's not for a bet. Well, who am I going to bet with now that I'm gone?"

Wang Yuan smiled bitterly: "Didn't Mr. Min leave?"

"This is walking with others. You said that the two of them were sitting in the same car behind you, so you have some private things to say. What are you talking about in the middle of the past? Zhou Yu has such a temperament. Are you not saved Aren’t you happy looking for Mr. Min?” Wang Jingchuan pulled Wang Yuan back to sit down while talking, and poured him a glass of wine himself: “This wine is still in the air, I see you haven’t had a few drinks today, it’s rare that we If we can have a good get together, we will let you go if we have a few more drinks with us."

Wang Yuan had no choice but to drink with him.

Over there, Gu Anxi sent Zhou Yu to the car, and the driver came down to open the door for Zhou Yu. Gu Anxi said a few words, and sent a few people to another car to keep Zhou Yu.

Zhou Yu got into the car and waved to Gu Anxi: "Anxi, I'll go back first."

Gu Anxi nodded, and just as he was about to close the car door, a figure came over: "I'll see her off." '

Gu Anxi looked sideways: "Mr. Min?"

Min Xin drank a few glasses of wine, and patted Gu Anxi on the shoulder a little bit, as if displeased: "Look, you are still called Mr. Min with my birth, and you will be called Old Brother like Jingyao in the future. "

Gu Anxi smiled: "There must be a difference, old brother [-]... Does this sound bad?"

Min Xin looked at her, "Naughty!"

He got into the car, with half of his body still leaning out: "I'll let me book your movie later, not to mention anything else, I still have this ability."

Gu Anxi put it in his pocket: "Then thank you, Mr. Min."

Min Xin suddenly felt that her face was bigger than his own apple. His face was completely hot against her cold apple.But he wasn't angry, and he forgave her for letting her go.

Min Xin was satisfied.

Gu Anxi went to close the car door for them in person, and said in a low voice, "Be careful on the road."

It's over, take two steps back.

The car door closed, Zhou Yu was a little tired, and rested with his head tilted aside.

Min Xin didn't bother her either, and quietly gestured to the driver for a while.

The driver understood in seconds, and drove the car to Min Xin's villa at the fork in front of him, which was also their common home before.

The car drove shakyly, Zhou Yu woke up a little bit, "Min Xin?"

Min Xin put his hand on her shoulder: "I'm here."

Zhou Yu moved a bit and looked outside: "Isn't this the way back to my house?"

Min Xin put his hands on his lap and smiled lightly: "Go back to our home tonight."

Zhou Yu bit his lip, "I won't go back with you, we're divorced."

She turned her head away and didn't look at him. Min Xin was not only not angry, but also found it very interesting. He leaned over and said in a low voice, "Are you still angry with me?"

He added: "I'm in my forties and I'm going to be a mother again, why are you still childish at this time?"

Zhou Yu bit his lip and lowered his voice: "Min Xin!"

Obviously this time she was really angry.

Normally, Min Xin, a licking dog, would probably have coaxed her home well, but tonight he drank a few more drinks and really missed her, no matter how cold-faced she was, he still didn't let the driver Diverted and abruptly brought her back to the villa where she lived before.

Zhou Yu's stomach was not obvious, and he was quite flexible when he got out of the car, and Min Xin hugged him just after getting out of the car: "I will carry you away." '

He also said: "Women who are pregnant are very delicate."

He is over forty years old, which is when a man is at his most attractive. He is still young and strong. Although Zhou Yu is tall, he is very thin. After hugging him for a while, he whispered hoarsely: "Why does it look like a feather?"

Over there, the driver saw this scene, his whole body trembled, and he drove away immediately...

 There is one more chapter at seven o'clock, with more words



(End of this chapter)

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