Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 715 Minutes, Empty Gloves White Wolf 3000

Chapter 715 Minutes, Empty Gloves White Wolf [-]

Zhou Yu was really angry, and reached out to beat him on the shoulder: "Min Xin, let go, you are shameless!"

"Is this the only way to scold and scold?" The man smiled sexyly and didn't care.

Carrying her back to the living room, all the servants in the family were there, and they were also surprised that the wife came back, and she was carried back by the husband and the princess. You must know that in the past years, I have not seen how good the relationship between the husband and wife is.

Although they are husband and wife, they are really indifferent in the same family, and they don't talk much, but now they look very affectionate, and the husband also loves the wife very much.

Zhou Yu sat on the sofa, Min Xin squatted and took off her shoes, and then gently rubbed her feet, "Are your feet swollen after pregnancy?"

With so many servants watching, Zhou Yu turned his face away in embarrassment, "It will be a little swollen after standing for a long time, I will take a bath for a while and it will be fine."

Min Xin shivered: "I'll help you put the bath water in." '

Zhou Yu stretched out his hand to hold him, and said softly, "I want to go back to Min Xin. You drank too much."

Min Xin squatted down again, looking at her deeply: "I just drank a few more glasses, not to the point of being drunk."

He patted her face with his hand and smiled: "Don't worry, I know."

She is pregnant, how could he do anything, he just misses her, wants her to stay here for one night, and wants to see her more.

Zhou Yu was really embarrassed, so he raised his voice: "Make some hangover tea for Mr. Min."

The servant sighed and agreed to go, very happy.

Zhou Yu watched Min Xin go upstairs, followed him, and said as he walked, "Min Xin, I don't need you, you can drink sober tea downstairs, it will be ready in a while."

The servants at home are very good at cooking this, because Min Xin used to drink too much, and Zhou Yu would be very miserable if he drank too much. In the middle of the night, he would be sobered up... She didn't want to think about those things, and said something casually. building.

She thought, if she can't leave, she has to call her family to explain, but she is still a bit uncomfortable with Min Xin.

Zhou Yu let out a long breath, walked to the sofa in the living room and sat down, looked and looked at the phone in his hand, and finally dialed Zhou's mother...

As soon as the phone was connected, Min Xin hugged her from behind, quite shamelessly.

Zhou Yu's voice was a little fluttering: "Mom. '

Zhou's mother couldn't stay up late even when she was too old, so she yawned: "Zhou Yu, why haven't you come back so late?"

Zhou Yu hesitated for a moment, it wasn't a lie: "I'll stay here in Anxi for one night."

When Zhou's mother heard that she was with Gu Anxi, she was very relieved, so she said a few words and hung up the phone.

Zhou Yu put down the phone slowly, and said softly: "Min Xin, you said you have a sense of propriety, we are not husband and wife now, and it is impossible for me to have anything to do with you."

Min Xin put his chin on her shoulder: "I didn't think about it either."

His breath was hot against her ears: "But Wanwan, why did you lie to Mom just now? If you said that you are now in the house of the man you used to be, I dare say that it was her old man in the middle of the night." I will kill you too."

As he said that, he smiled lowly, with a malicious smile, and moved his hands and feet again, as if there were no women in the past few decades, let alone an old couple.

In fact, for a woman like Zhou Yu, which man can become an old husband and wife with her? She is simply raised too well, she is still tender, and her temperament and appearance are hard to put down...

Zhou Yu was bullied by him, so he shrank aside and was really angry. Fortunately, Min Xin stopped in time and smiled: "Okay, the water is ready, be careful of slippery feet, I'll go downstairs to drink sober tea." '

Seeing that he would go out soon, Zhou Yu breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, she regretted not staying in Siyuan for one night, and what happened tonight would be heard by her parents sooner or later, not because of their supernatural powers. Da Guang, but Min Xin would deliberately let it go, this man is so shameless, now she thinks about how she liked him when she was young?

Zhou Yu went to take a bath, but fortunately Min Xin didn't come to harass her again, and she soon lay down and fell asleep.

It was a dark night, quiet and quiet. She thought she couldn't fall asleep, but she couldn't help falling asleep within 10 minutes.

Min Xin downstairs spent half an hour drinking sober tea, and it was almost twelve o'clock when he went upstairs again.

Zhou Yu was lying in his place, and she finally came back after months of absence, even if it was just for one night, even if he had to sleep on the sofa, but it was obvious that she was not so afraid of him now, nor did she reject him like that

It's just that I don't like him either.

He thought to himself mockingly, slowly lay down on the sofa, and then pulled the blanket to cover himself...

This side is quiet and quiet, while Siyuan on the other side is bustling with activity. When Gu Anxi returned to the banquet hall, Wang Yuan and Wang Jingchuan dragged him over to drink. Kind of drank and sang, and even danced a face-to-face dance.

Wang Jingyao watched it with great interest. Sitting beside him were four men, Bo Nianyao, Bo Xichen, and Zhou Yunchen, playing poker. As for the older Mr. Wang and the old lady, they left early. , It looks so pitiful.

In the past, Gu Anxi was fed three glasses of wine solidly by Wang Jingchuan, and leaned against Bo Xichen half drunk to watch him play cards, making the other teeth so sour that they almost fell out.

After a while, the two secretary-generals dragged her away again.

Wang Jingyao shook his head: "Without Min Xin, Wang Yuan rebelled."

Bo Nianyao smiled: "But they have a deep relationship."

Several people looked at each other, tacit understanding.

Although Min Xin is sinister, dark and cold, he still has a few tricks. Wang Yuan has followed him all these years and never betrayed... Wang Jingyao smiled, and said: "Jing Chuan's brain is a little more flexible than Wang Yuan. "

The others are silent, it is not easy to interrupt.

Wang Jingyao looked at them: "Why don't you dare to say it? I just feel aggrieved by Jing Chuan who has been following me. He has no other meaning. I am quite satisfied with him and think he should raise his salary."

The voice was neither too loud nor too soft, and just happened to be heard by Wang Jingchuan, and he immediately burst into joy.

Brother Wang is not an ordinary person. He learned from the side that Wang Yuan bought a new big house, and Min Xin must have some subordinates. Otherwise, how can he work well with him?

He made a public confession like this, and then waved his big hand again: "I have a villa on XX Road, and I don't often live there. Jing Chuan heard that your parents live there, why don't you take it and take the old man to live with you. It’s more convenient to have a bigger house, can’t people say that I treat my subordinates harshly outside?”

Wang Jingchuan was so excited immediately, the house was so valuable, like the one in Min Xin's position, it is impossible to have several sets, he...Mr. Wang really thinks highly of him.

Old brother Wang comforted Wang Jingchuan, and called Wang Yuan, telling him to just follow Min Xin to do things well. If things are done well, he will do what Min Xin doesn't reward! ! !

Wang Yuan was stunned...

This, this, is this trying to bribe him?

He is in a dilemma. Although Wang Min and his relationship are in the honeymoon period, no one is sure whether they will turn their backs in the future. If he is found out on Mr. Wang's side, won't Mr. Min kill himself?

However, look at how generous Mr. Wang is, he can give away a house with hundreds of millions of dollars, this...

Wang Jingyao didn't speak, just winked.

Wang Jingchuan received it immediately, and put his arms around Wang Yuan's shoulders with a smile: "Don't be so nervous, you are doing things for Mr. Min, and you are also doing things for Mr. Wang. Think about it, isn't everyone cooperating very well now?"

Wang Yuan thought, this is the reason.

At this moment, Wang Jingchuan brought another glass of wine, Wang Yuan drank it happily, put down the glass without leaving a drop, and said very straightforwardly: "From now on, I will be Mr. Wang's man."

Wang Jingchuan: ...

Brother Wang stroked his forehead, his face was very exciting...

Gu Anxi died laughing on his stomach, isn't this Wang Yuan too sincere?

Just when everyone was happy, Shen Congwen said softly from the side: "The data of the whole day is out."


They all gathered around, looking at the screen in Shen Congwen's hands, Shen Congwen said softly: "From the perspective of the global box office, another movie of Big Gray has an extra 2000 million yuan, and the domestic one has an extra 6000 million yuan."

Wang Yuan was stunned.

Wang Jingchuan put the wine to his lips with a smile: "It seems that you must not drink this glass of wine!"

Wang Yuan drank it, and then he was a little excited: "I don't know how much box office I can get in the end!"

Wang Jingchuan rubbed his chin: "I don't know about this, there is no way to predict it."

Gu Anxi's voice was faint: "It depends on the word-of-mouth in the back. If you pull it away from Speed ​​[-], it can reach more than [-] billion. If you can't pull it off, it will eventually stop at less than [-] billion."

Brother Wang smiled: "Birth is not at the right time."

Gu Anxi leaned against Bo Xichen, and pursed his lips, "Speed ​​[-] is about to meet, and the other party may also want to crush the box office champion the first day. It's not the collision of two movies, but the collision of two big foreign movies." It's a game between companies, and my movie is just cannon fodder."

The elder brother nodded: "That's right."

Gu Anxi lowered his eyes, then raised his eyes for a while: "Speed ​​[-] is produced by Amy, we can check its stock dynamics."

The elder brother was smoking a cigarette, he was startled, the cigarette butt almost burned his fingers.

After a while, I came back to my senses: "You little brat, what bad idea have you come up with?"

"Empty Emmy Company." Gu Anxi smiled lightly: "It's not impossible to do it at speed [-] first."

All around, there was silence.

Only old man Bo's voice trembled: "The more than 2000 billion yuan, is that how it came from?"

Oh my god, the Bo family has been honest doctors and serious businessmen for hundreds of years, and the one Xi Chen found was just thinking of being an empty-handed white wolf every minute...

He looked at Nian Yao's son and Xi Chen's grandson, as if they were used to it.

Mr. Bo looked at the stock price and market value of Amy Company displayed by Gu Anxi again, and he almost fainted... It's too risky, too exciting!

At this time, Gu Anxi smiled lightly again: "The boss behind Amy's company is our second grandfather Bo, who is ruthless."

 more tomorrow



(End of this chapter)

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