Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 800 Make You Kangkang I'm Awesome

Chapter 800 Make You Kangkang I'm Awesome

The matter of Wang Jingyao was not mentioned soon. Uncle Bo continued to deal with the matter, and Gu Anxi continued to play with his mobile phone. After a while, she suddenly asked, "Uncle, are you still fighting for that laboratory project?" ?”

Bo Xichen raised his eyes unexpectedly, "This project is a project of Yunxi Hospital, and has nothing to do with anything else."

He suddenly pulled her into his arms again, with a hoarse voice: "The project proposal... It seems that Mr. Gu also agreed to it."

In broad daylight, he was suddenly so intimate in his office, and the little milkman was still a little overwhelmed for a while, and stammered: "I forgot."

Uncle Bo pinched her face: "That must be because I didn't take my work seriously." '

She groaned and leaned against him: "Then you have to be more serious, uncle."

His voice suddenly became hoarse: "I don't want to be serious anymore."

As he said, he put the things in his hand away: "Okay, I'll take you out to play. How about going to the shooting range?"

Gu Anxi jumped up and down: "Great, call Chen Ming."

She suddenly thought about it, and smiled very sinisterly: "By the way, call Zhou Yunchen again, if he comes, it's likely that Song Jiaren will also come."

"Naughty." Bo Xichen patted her: "Don't bully Chen Ming."

The little creamer let out an aggrieved groan, and was dejected.

Bo Xichen had no choice but to cough lightly after a while: "Forget it, let's call."

After finishing speaking, he went to the bathroom by himself, and helplessly held his forehead in front of the mirror——

How could he agree to her?

Obviously this is nonsense, but seeing her upset, he softened his heart and lost his principles. This is not his style at all, but a voice from the bottom of his heart told him: I just wanted her to go out to relax, why? Why not make her happier?

Even if it was nonsense, he admitted it.

When he went out again, the little milkman had already gathered all the people, except that Chen Ming was in a meeting and secretly replied that it would be late, and that the boss had lost his temper.

Who is this boss? You don't even need to think about it.

Gu Anxi didn't bother to care, hung up the phone and looked back at his uncle, "Chen Ming will be here for a while, so let's go first, Zhou Yunchen and Song Jiaren will also go there soon."

Bo Xichen smiled: "Didn't you ask him to perform well? Why are you playing again now?"

Gu Anxi said confidently: "He can spare time to play and get work done, that's what makes him special."

Her remarks made him a little dumbfounded, he shook his head and took her out.

Just after going out, the assistant happened to come over with a bunch of documents for him to sign. He was in a hurry, so Bo Xichen read and signed them outside. It was already half an hour later when he got in the car.

Gu Anxi tilted his head: "Uncle, if you are busy, you can leave me alone."

Professor Bo laughed softly: "Didn't you say that you have to do things well while playing to be considered a skill, well... I don't want me to be a useless man in the eyes of my wife."

The little creamer's face was a little red, and it took him a long time to falter: "Uncle, you talk a lot."

"Is there?" He smiled and started the car.

When they arrived at the shooting range, Zhou Yunchen was unexpectedly earlier than her. Unlike Gu Anxi's expectations, Song Jiaren, a follower, did follow her. She was dressed in a ladylike style, which was her brother's favorite style.

Gu Anxi was amused in his heart, because he really couldn't see that Song Jiaren was still so clingy. I heard that not only was he clingy to Zhou Yunchen, but he was also clingy to Congwen.

Just thinking about it like this made me feel very funny, and my mood improved, and I walked over to say hello to Zhou Yunchen. When Song Jiaren saw her, she didn't want to pay any attention to her.

The person she hates the most in this world is Gu Anxi.

Gu Anxi didn't take it seriously, the two of them had been at odds for a long time, and they didn't care about this once.

At this time Zhou Yunchen was very much like a patriarch, looking at his sister: "I don't even say hello to anyone."

No matter how unwilling Song Jiaren was, she got up lazily: "Professor Bo."

Zhou Yunchen knew that she had always hated Bo Xichen a little bit in her heart. Why, because Bo Xichen killed her sweetheart, but she herself knew that Bo Qing was Bo Xichen's relative, and Bo Xichen would not feel better. This matter could only be stiff with.

Bo Xichen didn't mind, so he smiled faintly.

Zhou Yunchen looked at his sister again: "Didn't you just say you wanted to come to play, why don't you look interested now?"

Song Jiaren flipped through the magazine: "You didn't say that Gu Anxi called you."

Zhou Yunchen was angry and funny: "Anxi's shooting is very good, even better than Chen Ming, don't you want to compete?"

When he said this, Song Jiaren became even more uncomfortable, "Why mention him?"

Zhou Yunchen smiled: "Why can't we mention him?"

Song Jiaren didn't want to pay attention to him, she got up silently and changed into a suit of clothes, and when she came out again, Gu Anxi was already shooting.She is indeed very good. She hit 100% of the six rounds. Song Jiaren didn't understand why she was not as good as Gu Anxi, who had been a monk halfway through learning since she was a child. But there was nothing she could do if she was unconvinced. When Gu Anxi was shooting an arrow, he split Jiang Chaoge's arrow in half, it took a lot of effort.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but think of someone who shouldn't be remembered. Song Jiaren didn't want to think of it, so she slammed it a few times, and it was all ten rings. Then she looked at Gu Anxi proudly.

Gu Anxi smiled, walked over and leaned aside.

Song Jiaren's little face was tense, she changed the magazine to aim, and was about to come again when Gu Anxi suddenly said lazily: "I forgot to tell you, Chen Ming will also come later."


The gunshot fell, but it missed the target.

Song Jia dropped her hands and turned her head to stare at Gu Anxi: "What do you mean?"

Gu Anxi smiled: "What's the point of me? It's just a casual chat."

She went over to take a look, and then she seemed very surprised: "Ah, it didn't come up! Sister Duoduo, don't you have any thoughts about Chen Ming, otherwise why do you feel uneasy when I mention him? "

Song Jiaren glanced back at her: "Boring."

Gu Anxi nodded: "It doesn't matter if you don't care, Chen Ming is the kind of straight-hearted person, and he doesn't know how to make you happy. He is suitable for finding an ordinary woman to marry and have children."

After finishing speaking, he took Song Jiaren's gun in his left hand, and there was a burst of bang bang bang, all five bullets were centered.

Moreover, it is the left hand.

See you high and low.

Song Jiaren stared at her.

Gu Anxi was still smiling: "If you hadn't lost your mind, you wouldn't have lost." '

Song Jiaren sneered: "If you are inferior to others, you are inferior to others. It's not like I don't have the courage to do so."

Her voice lowered a bit: "This has nothing to do with Chen Ming, I have nothing to do with him."

"Oh." Little Milkman nodded understandingly, indicating that he understood.

Song Jiaren turned her head at this moment and looked at Zhou Yunchen: "I'm not feeling well, I'll wait for you in the car."

Gu Anxi raised his eyebrows: Is this no longer playing?

She also said that it wasn't because of Chen Ming, she just didn't want to see Chen Ming, she wondered what the hell was wrong with these two people, Song Jiaren was hiding like this?

Over there, when Song Jiaren was about to leave, Zhou Yunchen was a little displeased: "You've just come and you're about to leave, you should be bolder."

Song Jiaren went over and whispered, "Chen Ming will come later, I don't want to see him."

Zhou Yunchen nodded understandingly, and smiled: "Okay, if you don't feel well, you can wait for me in the car. When it's over, we'll pick your sister-in-law out for dinner."

(End of this chapter)

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