Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 801 I'm Going On A Blind Date

Chapter 801 I'm Going On A Blind Date

Song Jiaren hummed, said hello to Bo Xichen, and wanted to leave. Unfortunately, at this moment, Chen Ming came over. He was still wearing his uniform. Because of the hot weather, there was fine sweat on his forehead, but it was added. A bit of a man's unique sex | sense.

As soon as he came, he quickly apologized: "Sorry, I'm late for the meeting."

Gu Anxi smiled and looked at Song Jiaren.

Chen Ming also noticed the kung fu at this moment, and his eyes became straight.

It was really looking straight at Song Jiaren, wishing to grow a pair of eyes.Song Jiaren didn't look at him and was about to leave immediately.

Gu Anxi smiled: "Chen Ming, please park your car downstairs. The beauty is not feeling well. Do you want to send her to the hospital?"

How could Chen Ming's straight intestines know Gu Anxi's thoughts going around, he immediately became nervous, and looked down at Song Jiaren: "What's wrong?"

Song Jiaren's mouth twitched before she was about to speak. Gu Anxi sighed, "I feel like vomiting, I don't have a good appetite, I still have to go to the hospital for a checkup..."

Before he finished speaking, Chen Ming asked a little nervously, "Could it be that she's pregnant?"

After finishing speaking, Song Jiaren gave him a hard look and went out.

Chen Ming was stunned for a long time: "She seems unhappy, what did I say wrong."

Gu Anxi smiled even more, "You're not wrong, I just want to ask if you did something wrong, which will lead to a murder case. If you feel a little uncomfortable, you will think of pregnancy."

Chen Ming was an honest man, his face turned red all of a sudden, and he couldn't speak a word after being bored for a long time.

Zhou Yunchen rubbed his nose, realized that the shooting was fake, this little bastard just wanted to have fun, it was very good, and the honest man got involved with a few words, but he...had some expectations, so Just let Gu Anxi bully his sister and Chen Ming.

But Bo Xichen couldn't listen any longer, and stopped him softly: "Okay, don't tease Chen Ming anymore."

But he stepped down the steps for Chen Ming again: "It's a little uncomfortable, go down and have a look."

Chen Ming seemed to have received some kind of amnesty, he let out a sigh and ran down immediately, the rest of the people looked at each other in blank dismay.

Zhou Yunchen stuffed bullets into the magazine one by one, and said, "You're giving this brat another chance. They won't call."

Gu Anxi smiled, walked to the front shooting position, raised his hand, and fired a few shots neatly, then retracted and said, "When did you see Song Jiaren so coy?"

Zhou Yunchen frowned.

Gu Anxi smiled softly again, and stepped aside: "Aren't you going to play?"

Zhou Yunchen walked over...


Downstairs, Chen Ming immediately saw a red sports car parked there. It was Song Jiaren's car.

He went over and knocked on the car window, Song Jiaren lowered the car window, and said in a bad tone, "What are you going to do again?"

Chen Ming was a dumb man, and it took him a long time to say, "I don't want to do anything."

She glared at him.

He quickly explained: "It's don't like me."

Song Jiaren looked at him quietly, and he scratched his head again: "Professor Bo said you're not feeling well, I'll come over and see if you want to go to the hospital, I'll take you."

After speaking, his eyes were very eager again.

"I'm not uncomfortable." Song Jiaren pursed her lower lip, then looked at Chen Ming again: "You can go up there, don't worry about me."

However, Chen Ming did not leave, but took out a cigarette case and took out a cigarette, lit it and took a few puffs. His back was facing Song Jiaren, and the light blue short-sleeved shirt behind him was stained with sweat. Song Jiaren couldn't help looking at a large area.

Chen Ming finished smoking a cigarette, turned his head and met her eyes, he was a little surprised: "It's hot outside, why don't you close the window."

"You don't care about me." Song Jiaren obviously didn't want to talk to him.

Chen Ming touched his nose, smiled honestly, and suddenly said, "My mother is coming over this week."

Song Jiaren looked at him.

Chen Ming's voice was a little slow, "Are we really hopeless?"


He let out a breath, and said again: "My mother's friend has a daughter, and she wants to see me, saying that I am not too young."

"Blind date?"

"That's right." Chen Ming couldn't help but took out another cigarette and lit it: "I'm an ordinary person, and I'm going to get married."

After he finished speaking, he pinched out the cigarette butt, stomped it out and threw it into the trash can, and then walked towards the entrance of the club again.

He didn't say much to her, it was his last pride.

The last time they broke up badly, she said that he couldn't give her anything and he didn't deserve it.

This time, he just asked, maybe just casually, he didn't take it seriously at all, so why should she take that matter to heart, besides, she was an adult, and she didn't suffer any disadvantages.

The more Song Jiaren thought about it, the more she felt that it was pointless to avoid him. If she hides when she sees him in the future, what will happen to her?

Probably out of anger, she opened the car door and went back.

Just after entering, I saw Chen Ming and Gu Anxi practicing guns, while my brother and Bo Xichen were sitting on the sofa chatting.Her eyes moved to Chen Ming and Gu Anxi again. They looked like they hit each other very well, chatting and laughing, especially when Gu Anxi was shooting, Chen Ming was watching from the sidelines, and his eyes were full of admiration.

Song Jiaren rolled her eyes, refusing to admit that her heart was sour.

At this moment, Gu Anxi saw her and smiled: "Would you like to come together?"

Song Jiaren subconsciously refused: "I'll just sit down." After speaking, she sat down next to Zhou Yunchen.

Chen Ming glanced at her, and then continued talking and laughing with Gu Anxi, he liked to play with guns, and women forgot about it, so Song Jiaren didn't get a look from him for more than half an hour, she gritted her teeth thinking about this It's also pretty good, so she wouldn't be bothered to keep pestering her all day long.

Gu Anxi saw the turmoil between the two very clearly, and also understood that Song Jiaren's temper might have Chen Ming's anger, but he didn't expect that Chen Ming had a lot of backbone, so he didn't get entangled anymore.

She smiled, and emptied another magazine, then reloaded the gun and handed it to Song Jiaren: "Come here, don't you want to play a few times? Besides, it's not all said and done, what's so awkward? "

Song Jiaren stared at her.

If there was one person to be hated the most in this world, it would be Gu Anxi.

Gu Anxi sighed softly: "Your brother and Chen Ming have a good relationship, and there are many occasions where you will meet. It doesn't matter if my uncle and I know about your affairs, but if this awkward situation continues, the whole North City may know about it, so that's okay. Great, don't you think?"

Song Jiaren still stared at her.

Gu Anxi smiled again: "I'm right, be more generous."

Song Jiaren ignored her and just passed by silently.

When Chen Ming saw her coming, he smiled lightly, but he was quite generous.

That thing seems to have passed like this...

(End of this chapter)

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