Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 802 Look at your promising son! ! !

Chapter 802 Look at your promising son! ! !

When Chen Ming saw her coming, he smiled lightly, but he was quite generous.

That thing seems to have passed like this...

After playing for another half an hour, Chen Ming answered a call, which was from Wang Jingyao.

He walked aside to answer the phone: "Mr. Wang."

Wang Jingyao's hands were inconvenient, so he held the phone with his left hand, "Chen Ming, you just ran away after the meeting, what are you running for! I have something for you to do here."

Chen Ming looked at Gu Anxi's direction, hesitated before saying, "I'm at the shooting range."

When Wang Jingyao heard it, he became interested, "Then Jing Chuan and I will also come over. I can't use my right hand, but I can also try my left hand. Then we will have to compete."

Chen Ming was extremely embarrassed, and it took him a long time to say, "I'm with Anxi, do you want to come?"

Wang Jingyao over there felt that he had bumped into a ghost, and his face sank all of a sudden: "Forget it, I won't go there to make people uncomfortable."

Chen Ming immediately said: "No, Anxi is in a good mood."

With a gentle knife, the old brother was stabbed bloody. If Chen Ming was in front of him, he would stare at him without hesitation. The old brother snorted coldly: "Okay, you can play with you, come here at eight o'clock tomorrow morning, I will Here is a document for you."

Chen Ming hummed: "Okay, then Mr. Wang, I will continue to play."

Wang Jingyao's answer was to hang up the phone with a snap.

Chen Ming looked at his phone, and there was something.

Putting down his hands and looking at Gu Anxi, he asked softly, "You haven't reconciled yet, I think Mr. Wang seems to have eaten explosives these days."

He came out early because he was afraid of being affected.

Gu Anxi looked at Uncle Bo, and then said slowly, "Same as usual."

Chen Ming flinched, and decided to stay away from the center of the storm...

Over there, Wang Jingyao hung up the phone, so angry that he smoked a cigarette with difficulty with one hand, Wang Jingchuan immediately helped him light it, and said cautiously, "Chen Ming is not here?"

Wang Jingyao exhaled a puff of smoke ring: "I'm at the shooting range with that little bastard."

The Secretary-General immediately said empathetically: "Chen Ming is very good at marksmanship. It must be very exciting to meet Mr. Gu. You have no other place to go tonight, why don't you join in the fun?"

Wang Jingyao sneered: "If I go, people may not welcome it."

The Secretary-General smiled: "How could it be? She must be very regretful now, thinking of apologizing to you, but only regretting that there is no step down. Otherwise, you should be more generous and give her a step. Everyone will make big things small and small things small." gone."

Wang Jingyao turned the swivel chair and faced the secretary-general, "I don't understand. Recently, you seem to help this little brat a lot, saying, she gave you and me some benefits?"

Secretary-General Wang quickly said: "How dare you do that, I only have Mr. Wang in my heart."

"It's less meaty." Wang Jingyao didn't take it seriously, and lay down his whole body, and after smoking for a while, he said, "Order me a bouquet of flowers tomorrow."

Wang Jingchuan was puzzled: "Are you sending Dr. Jiang?"

When the boss glanced at him: "Let someone send Lin Hua directly. Going with Jiang Chaoge will always make her feel uncomfortable. Women, she needs to be coaxed. In this way, I will give you red roses and she will probably lose her anger when she sees her." .”

Wang Jingchuan couldn't help smiling: "What do you really think about Ms. Lin Hua? If you don't have that intention, don't you want to provoke her?"

Wang Jingyao rolled his eyes at him: "Lin Hua and I are close friends."

The secretary-general said kindly: "Then why don't we give the perfume lily, which complements Miss Lin's temperament?"

Wang Jingyao pondered for a while, thinking: "Okay, you can make up your mind, and you must send it on time to make her happy."

Wang Jingchuan agreed, but he was thinking in his heart, you are going to show up with other women, and a bunch of flowers will make people happy?But I dare not say this, the boss is already in a very bad mood.

After discussing this matter, Wang Jingyao played with an inkstone in front of him with his fingers. This gadget was newly acquired recently, and it was specially bought for that little bastard to make her happy. Isn't she going to have a wedding? , I heard that Autumn is going to have her birthday, and it was his first time as an older brother who had to prepare some small gifts to make her happy, but now...they have fallen out, and they kept this thing just because they were angry, so they looked at Wang Jingchuan casually. Say:

"Take this one."

Wang Jingchuan was taken aback, he could tell that this item was not cheap, it was from the Ming Dynasty.Now that he is rewarded easily, is that to tell him to do something immoral?

Seeing his expression, the master kicked him over with one kick: "You look good, isn't it just a little thing? Why are you so timid? Look at that little bastard who took my things without blinking an eye. If you still dare to provoke me, if you say turn your back on it, you will turn your back on it."

Here it comes again... Secretary-General Wang thought to himself.

Brother Wang didn't realize his shortcomings, so he continued to talk, and then he just stood up and walked back and forth, talking about his ex-girlfriend like a dog.

Wang Jingchuan kept listening, and when he heard that he was hungry, he whispered, "I'll go to the restaurant and help you get some dinner."

Wang Jingyao said angrily, "I won't eat here."

After speaking, he took his coat and prepared to leave work, Wang Jingchuan followed behind with a smile.

He was angry here, but Gu Anxi didn't know about it, and he didn't care. He played until it was getting dark and beat Chen Ming and Song Jiaren to the ground before he was satisfied, and asked Zhou Yunchen and the others to have dinner together.

Zhou Yunchen originally had other plans, but recently Anxi was probably in a bad mood, so he agreed after thinking about it, and even called the reluctant Song Jiaren.

Song Jiaren was always petty, especially now that Chen Ming and Gu Anxi were so close together that they looked like brothers. His brother also loved Gu Anxi very much. She was very sour, but her arrogant personality I can't tolerate her showing it on my face, so I can only pretend that I don't care.

When they went downstairs, Chen Ming got closer to her, and said in a soft voice, "Anxi grew up with your elder brother. In fact, you can also regard Anxi as your younger sister. She is seven years younger than you."

As soon as these words came out, Song Jiaren was about to explode.

Age is a taboo for women, okay?

Seven years old is a generation gap, okay?

She glared at Chen Ming, and Chen Ming touched his nose, not knowing where he offended her again...

A group of people went downstairs and drove to the restaurant. Unexpectedly, it was quite a cheap restaurant.It's just that the taste is very good. Bo Xichen asked for a private room, and when a few people were seated, the manager came over with sweat on his forehead, and said embarrassedly: "I'm sorry everyone, I also want to entertain everyone, but the honorable guest came here temporarily. The other boxes are full again, why don’t you dine in, and all the fees will be discounted by [-]%.”

(It will be updated tomorrow, at about [-] pm, and the time will be slowly advanced to about [-] pm later)

(End of this chapter)

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