Chapter 803

When the manager said this, everyone in the box felt a little strange——

Who is this, who is so embarrassing that he wants to clean up the situation?

However, both Bo Xichen and Zhou Yunchen were talkative and didn't want to embarrass a manager, so they stood up: "Okay, then let's go downstairs for dinner."

Gu Anxi and Song Jiaren didn't care too much, but Chen Ming was quite upright, and because of his position, he couldn't get used to some people pretending to be everywhere, so he said to the manager: "Who is here? Isn't it too much?"

The manager couldn't explain clearly, so he wiped the sweat from his forehead and smiled honestly.

A person like the manager looks simple and honest, but he is actually a person. You must not offend those who are about to come, but these few people are actually not offended. Although these few people look peaceful, they dress and behave. Unlike others, he is definitely powerful in Beicheng.

So, the manager smiled and said, "I can't help it. I'm sorry everyone. In the future, everyone who comes here will get a [-]% discount."

Bo Xichen smiled, and Zhou Yunchen patted Chen Ming's shoulder with a cigarette in his mouth: "Okay, since we are big shots, we won't embarrass the manager anymore. It's not easy to do business these days."

Chen Ming didn't insist on it anymore, but he still cursed: "Where is the nouveau riche most likely?"

After finishing speaking, a person came up from the elevator, not someone else, but Wang Jingchuan.

He still heard what Chen Ming said, and the atmosphere was a bit delicate, but Secretary-General Wang was always a wonderful person, and he conveyed the words in a few words: "What a coincidence, it turned out to be Mr. Zhou and Professor Bo, and Chen Ming Also there!"

He went over and put his arm around Chen Ming's shoulder: "Mr. Wang was still thinking about you just now, but now we bump into each other, so why not have dinner together."

Chen Ming was stunned.

Why, why is it Mr. Wang?

Before, no one said it.

He looked at Wang Jingchuan: "Why is Mr. Wang here?"

The secretary-general smiled mysteriously: "It's probably because I'm bored, I'm in a bad mood, and I have no one to accompany me when I go home."

Chen Ming smiled foolishly, didn't say anything more, just looked at Zhou Yunchen and the others.

Secretary-General Wang also looked at Zhou Yunchen. In fact, Zhou Yunchen is the one who has the most connection with Mr. Wang here. Mr. Gu and Mr. Wang are nothing to do. A layer of skin has been peeled off, and the inner face is gone. Mr. Wang's attitude is here. In the future, Zhou Yunchen will not have a place in the elite circle of Beicheng. Although he is said to be rich in business, it is still quite different from the original route. , I could become a character like Mr. Wang before.Although no one said the reason, but as shrewd as the Secretary-General, he naturally guessed something...

The Secretary-General looked eagerly, Zhou Yunchen knew what he was thinking, and smiled lightly: "I won't bother Mr. Wang anymore, Xichen, what do you and Anxi say?"

Bo Xichen looked at Gu Anxi, but said to Zhou Yunchen: "We all came together, so let's go down to eat together. Besides, Mr. Wang may have guests, so it may not be convenient if we are here."

After saying this, Secretary Wang felt a little guilty, because there were indeed guests.

Jiang Chaoge.

Not only Jiang Chaoge, but also William, the son of the founder of Huaer Lab, was also there.This dinner was also organized temporarily, Secretary Wang was indeed polite just now, if they all agreed, wouldn't the atmosphere be very uncomfortable at that moment?

He understood what Mr. Wang was thinking, so he had to make two preparations. If Professor Bo couldn't do it here, he still had to work hard on Jiang Chaoge.

This time, Bo Xichen refused. He secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but still smiled: "Okay, then I won't force it. Mr. Wang will come over in a while."

Gu Anxi said lazily: "Okay, let's move the old man."

The Secretary-General smiled wryly in his heart——



On the bar again!

After Gu Anxi finished speaking, he walked up the stairs. Song Jiaren somehow followed, and was still walking beside Gu Anxi. Gu Anxi didn't know that she had malicious intentions, so he glanced at her without saying a word.

Song Jiaren played with her fingernails, "I'm not feeling well. A person who doted on you so much, why did he not dote on you all of a sudden. And for a master who teaches painting, is it worth it?"

Gu Anxi understood that she might not know anything, and Zhou Yunchen probably didn't tell her anything to protect her, so he said softly, "There are some things and people, you must protect them even if you don't want to protect them. Song Jiaren, in fact, you And sometimes it’s lucky.”

Song Jiaren looked at her, while Gu Anxi was already walking down the stairs.She wanted to avoid Wang Jingyao on purpose, but she didn't know that elder brother Wang wanted to lose weight recently, so he also deliberately walked down the aisle, accompanied by a beautiful woman, so he bumped into him as soon as he went up.

Gu Anxi paused for a moment, then as if she hadn't seen him, she continued to go down the stairs one step at a time with her hands on, having fun, and Song Jiaren followed behind her, pretending not to have a small temper Meet Wang Jingyao.

Wang Jingyao was furious, wanted to speak but held back, but Jiang Chaoge beside him smiled softly: "Anxi, long time no see."

Gu Anxi didn't stop, and said lazily, "I see Dr. Jiang in the newspaper every day."

Jiang Chaoge looked very generous: "Really, maybe it's because of me that I returned home."

She wanted to say something else, to express her advantage in being in a superior position, but that little creamer just slipped down the stairs...

The corners of Jiang Chaoge's mouth twitched, and then he said to Old Brother Wang, "Anxi is not paying attention to you more and more now, it seems that you usually spoil her too much."

Wang Jingyao snorted coldly: "I will have nothing to do with her from now on."

Jiang Chaoge smiled calmly.

At this moment, Wang Jingchuan came over. Seeing that the foreigner was not there, he lowered his voice: "I didn't know until I came up that the ones in the box were Professor Bo and the others."

Alas, everyone is even more unhappy now.

Wang Jingyao sneered: "I saw someone just now, and she doesn't look unhappy, too, she lives happily every day, she can do whatever she wants, no one can get mad at her, it's fine if she doesn't get mad at others, as for her, It’s just that you can be happy even when you are down and sleeping on the side of the road.”

Secretary Wang sighed again——


Here it is again!


Downstairs, Bo Xichen and Zhou Yunchen chose seats to sit down. Gu Anxi and Song Jiaren went downstairs together. After they were seated, Zhou Yunchen looked in the direction upstairs and smiled: "Meet me?"

Gu Anxi smiled while holding the tea: "Yes, we met. There is also Jiang Chaoge, if I guess correctly, there is also a foreign devil who takes the elevator."

Chen Ming convinced: "Anxi, you are a real soul. It was only a foreign devil who went up."

Gu Anxi smiled, and looked at Bo Xichen again...

 There are two more chapters to be updated at eight o'clock



(End of this chapter)

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