Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 810 Slap in the face, old brother is being passionate

Chapter 810 Slap in the face, old brother is being passionate

Gu Anxi was still gnawing on a piece of fried sausage. The fried sausage was golden and really delicious.

At this time, although seeing Wang Jingyao and Jiang Chaoge, she had to fight with her mouth immediately, but she still didn't want to part with the fried intestines.

Talking to my uncle while gnawing, ignoring that pair at all (Gou Chacha).

Wang Jingyao was well-dressed tonight, and she was a bit more handsome than usual. Clothes make a person, and she was a little surprised to see the little bastard at the moment, but she just focused on eating and didn't look at herself.

The old brother was furious, and turned his face away awkwardly.

When they were angry and at odds, Jiang Chaoge became happier and happier. She did not expect that Gu Anxi would come over, so today she was not only angry with Lin Hua, but also angry with Gu Anxi.

Satisfied with the spring breeze, he held Old Brother Wang's arm without a trace, and smiled decently: "Brother, Anxi, are you here too?"

Her eyes fell on Gu Anxi's casual outfit, and she said to Bo Xichen, "Brother, why don't you help Anxi prepare a present."

She looked around and pointed out with a smile: "Most people are wearing dresses tonight."

Gu Anxi was still gnawing on the grilled sausage without making a sound.

Bo Xichen smiled: "It's not a formal banquet, there's no need to be so restrained, besides..."

He paused for a moment, and his smile deepened: "Anxi said that we are already an old couple, so we don't need to be so grand every time, we need to keep something fresh."

The little creamer who was nibbling on the sausage immediately nodded like a chicken: "Yes, yes, this is hunger marketing! Just like this roast sausage, if you eat it every day, it will not taste good and you will get tired. But after a while, it will feel very delicious.”

In order to meet the occasion, she took a big bite, and it tasted very delicious.

Uncle Bo chuckled, "I won't get tired of it."

Ah... the little creamer was stunned, and took another bite after a while.

Uncle is really shameless now.

Their back and forth like this made others sour, especially Old Brother Wang's heart was sour, but he also hated that little bastard who didn't know how to advance or retreat.

Seeing that they didn't care about what he meant, he said coldly, "Chaoge, let's go in."

Jiang Chaoge smiled: "Okay. Brother, let's go first."

She looked at Gu Anxi again, and Gu Anxi waved the sausage at her, and forced a fake smile.

Jiang Chaoge suddenly became ill, Gu Anxi compared himself to a roast sausage.

Looking at Gu Anxi again, he was smiling.

At this time, Wang Jingchuan came over, and when he saw the battle, he secretly cried out, but he still greeted him politely.

Wang Jingyao was upset, and asked, "Have the flowers been delivered yet?"

The secretary-general immediately said: "It's all sent over, and the arrangements are properly arranged. When the celebration banquet starts, Ms. Lin will see the flowers as soon as she is sure. She will definitely like them."

The old brother was in a better mood and nodded: "That's good."

He glared at Gu Anxi, and walked ahead first.

Jiang Chaoge was about to leave, but Gu Anxi said slowly, "Dr. Jiang, let me remind you that Mr. Wang doesn't like grilled sausages very much. He likes French food. He likes Lin Hua's. You should order more." Kung fu."

Jiang Chaoge sneered: "Then thank you for reminding me, but you should think about yourself more, you should have tasted the feeling of being insecure, right?"

Gu Anxi was angry with her: "Yeah, when you say that, I can't wait to go over and hug my legs, cry and say that I was wrong, please forgive me, I will never make mistakes if I learn from Dr. Jiang."

Jiang Chaoge quarreled with her and never won, and now he was so angry that he turned around and left.

Wang Jingchuan followed, turned around and secretly gave Gu Anxi a compliment.

Gu Anxi made a face.

I have to say that Secretary-General Wang is a wonderful person, his position is clear, and he sees it clearly.

When they left, Bo Xichen took out a handkerchief and wiped the corners of her mouth: "We'll go in too, there's still food for the banquet, don't eat these for now."

The little creamer is still reluctant, but she is still obedient,

When they arrived at the VIP seat, they happened to be very close to Wang Jingyao and the others. Jiang Chaoge also saw her, and leaned slightly towards Old Brother Wang as if in a demonstration, declaring his sovereignty.

Gu Anxi spit out an English word to her——


Jiang Chaoge's face turned green, but after a while she felt better, because Mr. Wang patted her hand lightly to comfort her, so she ignored Gu Anxi, she was just a girl who didn't grow up .

She ignored her, and Gu Anxi ignored her even more, and looked at the stage with her chin in her hand.

After a while, Lin Hua came out, wearing a white dress with a very good demeanor.

Lin Hua is in her thirties, and has a good reputation in the art circle, probably because of her good background. She has never had any scandals, except for the unclear part with her elder brother.

Lin Hua came on stage, beautiful and generous.

After greeting the audience, he greeted the orchestra, and then sat down to play the cello.

Lin Hua's level is very high, she can be regarded as the top cellist in Asia, plus her good looks, that's why she was popular in those years, and the way she played the violin slowly probably touched the elder brother, and she was a little fascinated and a little bit lost for a while.

Men are big pigs! ! !

This made Jiang Chaoge very uncomfortable, but she convinced herself desperately in her heart that it doesn't matter, all men are like this, it's just admiration for women's appearance, besides, she also has merits, and she still has a big project in hand.

Gu Anxi was also fascinated by watching, leaning on Uncle Bo's shoulder, said in a low voice, "My mother used to hope that I would be like Lin Hua, who could play a musical instrument and have a temperament when I looked at it."

Bo Xichen bowed his head: "Don't you know how to play the piano?" '

Gu Anxi groaned: "Just learn casually, half-baked."

Uncle Bo sighed softly, but said nothing more.

Anxi's piano skills are very high, and it's definitely not just half-baked, it's just that she is playful and can't settle down to do one thing.It seems, as if, she does everything well, but she can't concentrate on one thing.

He didn't want to force her, as long as he was happy.

Most of Lin Hua's songs were love songs, and the atmosphere was very romantic and beautiful. An hour and a half passed before I knew it.At the end of the last note, the applause continued.

Gu Anxi also applauded, her little hands blushing.

Lin Hua's eyes were slightly red, and she said with a smile, "Today's concert is because of a special person."


There was another uproar at the scene.

Is this person Wang Jingyao?

Many people saw him coming, and knew that he and Lin Hua had a past.

Just when many people guessed and turned their attention to Wang Jingyao, Lin Hua smiled slightly again: "There is indeed an important thing to announce."

There was a moving gleam in her eyes, with a look of love, and everyone present was a little surprised.

Since Lin Hua's debut, this is probably her most beautiful time.

Everyone thinks this way, even Wang Jingyao thinks the same way, because Lin Hua should have seen him in advance when he sent flowers, and women will do irrational things when they are moved. If they want to publicize him, he will give With her face, she was doing her best on stage, after all, everyone is an old friend.

He tilted his head and said to Wang Jingchuan, "After I take the stage, you can make some arrangements, suppress the news, and just don't see the newspapers."

It's better not to make a big deal about this kind of scandal.

(End of this chapter)

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