Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 811 Cool!pass by someone else's love

Chapter 811 Cool!pass by someone else's love

Wang Jingchuan also thought it was him, and had already calculated 1 ways to deal with it.He could also tell that Mr. Wang still admired Lin Hua very much and had some affection for him, otherwise he wouldn't give him face.

They discussed it like this, but Jiang Chaoge was unwilling.

Lin Hua What is this?

Is she so sure that Mr. Wang will save face, or is she forcing the palace to take over?

Jiang Chaoge never dared to underestimate Lin Hua. Lin Hua came from a good family background and was pursued by a bunch of people around him. Are you an artist?

But what is done now is not so artistic.

Jiang Chaoge was very upset, but he didn't dare to act presumptuously in front of Wang Jingyao, but quietly clenched his fists...

On the other side, Gu Anxi opened his eyes wide.

Hold the grass!

What kind of script is this? It didn't follow the outline!

She bet that an important person is not the old brother!

Just bet on a sausage.

On the stage, Lin Hua smiled lightly, beautifully.

At this time, a waiter brought a bouquet of lilies, and Lin Hua took it.

In Old Brother Wang's eyes, the truth came to light. Lin Hua was afraid that he wanted to confess his love to him. He was thinking in his heart how to reject her politely and politely, and at the same time comfort her, showing his masculine consideration?

Just when he was thinking about it, Lin Hua smelled the flowers in his bosom, and said, "Now invite the most important person in my life to come on stage... and everyone, I'm getting engaged."

got engaged?

Brother Wang frowned, is this too much?

He didn't promise her to get engaged. Lin Hua has always been generous and decent, how could she be so confused this time?

Old brother Wang can't give this face no matter what, he just wants to leave without leaving a trace.

Just as he was thinking, a slender figure walked onto the stage.

Brother Wang was stunned.

It turned out to be Feng Sheng.

The boss of the largest law firm in Beicheng is also Fengmian's little cousin.

With a career, good looks, and under the age of forty, it would be a perfect match for Lin Hua.

Feng Sheng came to Lin Hua, leaned over and kissed her hair, and then said in a hoarse voice to the audience: "I am the person Lin Hua wants to spend the rest of my life with, thank you for your witness, I have successfully proposed marriage .”

Lin Hua looked up at him, feeling very excited, and the water in her eyes was even more touching.

The little cousin of the Feng family obviously loved her very much, so he gently pulled her shoulder and kissed her.

There was warm applause at the scene, and there was no end to the sound.

The little creamer's hands turned red again, and she secretly looked at Old Brother Wang.

Jiang Chaoge breathed a sigh of relief, but Old Brother Wang's face was uglier than that.

The little creamer smiled secretly, isn't she being affectionate?

Thinking that others will be waiting for you, Lin Hua has a body, money and talent, why should he guard you, a bad old man, not everyone is like Jiang Chaoge who only sees fame and wealth.

He secretly smiled, and applauded Lin Hua sincerely, wishing her happiness.

The people on the stage were still hugging, but Wang Jingyao couldn't stay any longer, and looked sideways at Jiang Chaoge: "Did you know about this beforehand?"

He has always been very gentle towards women, and such questioning is still rare, except for the time when he said something bad to her because of Gu Anxi, this is the second time.

Jiang Chaoge suddenly realized that perhaps in Wang Jingyao's heart, Lin Hua was not insignificant.

He doesn't marry her, but he can't tolerate others marrying her.

This discovery shocked Jiang Chaoge's heart.

Wang Jingyao glanced at her again, and got up, Wang Jingchuan immediately followed, and before leaving, he didn't forget to look back at Jiang Chaoge: "Now, Mr. Wang is really unhappy."

Just imagine, at first he thought he was the hero, but in the end he passed by someone else's love, how could Mr. Wang bear it?

Jiang Chaoge felt wronged.

How did she know?

Besides, Lin Hua is free, she has the right to choose to spend her life with others?Why is Mr. Wang so angry? Just thinking about the reason makes her sore.

But no matter how sad she is, she can't match the happiness of others.

For Lin Hua's celebration banquet, she changed into a different set of clothes, and Feng Sheng was a couple's outfit. Everyone from the Feng family, big and small, old and young, came inside and out. It can be seen that the secrecy is really well done...

At the celebration banquet, Lin Hua hugged Gu Anxi.

The little creamer was very embarrassed, and always felt a little sorry.

When there was no one in private, Lin Hua stuck to a glass of wine and smiled lightly: "Anxi, I really thank you. If you hadn't appeared, I might have waited for a man who would never marry me for many years." Man, you appeared, I thought about it, looked back, Feng Sheng has been waiting for me behind me...he is very good."

Gu Anxi looked at her tender eyes, let out a long oh, and said after a while, "I don't seem to have brought a gift."

Lin Hua paused, then coughed lightly: "Feng Sheng likes your paintings very much, can I ask for one?"

Gu Anxi felt that after Lin Hua fell in love, she seemed to be cuter.

She smiled, "Of course, of course."

She poked her head over, "By the way, what about Feng Mian, why aren't he and Feng Xi here on such a big occasion today?"

Before Lin Hua could speak, Feng Sheng came over, a mature man with full of aura and charm, he was the uncle No. So I will handle the affairs of Yunxi Group for a while."

Gu Anxi propped his chin, "It's also love, Fengmian's treatment is too good."

Feng Sheng looked very magnanimous, and after a while he said: "Lin Hua is more at home, she likes to be at home."

Gu Anxi nodded.

Oh too!

Later, after chatting for a while, she felt that Lin Hua was very happy, and she sighed——

Sometimes, looking back is not necessarily bad.

On the car back, she leaned on the back of the chair and said softly, "Uncle, Lin Hua seems to like Feng Sheng very much."

Bo Xichen smiled: "There is no reason not to like it."

Gu Anxi murmured: "It's very good, mature and stable. I heard that he has liked Lin Hua for more than ten years."

Uncle Bo's voice became softer: "I've also liked you for many years. I've liked you since you were 13 years old. Wouldn't it be better to think this way?"

The little creamer immediately cheered up: "Uncle, you can always get what I mean."

"It's possible, because you understand it better?" He looked at the road ahead: his voice was soft, but it was timid: "But this doesn't mean that I will tolerate your behavior today, it should be a lesson." And punishment, the same will not be less!"

The little creamer was furious all of a sudden: "I did a meritorious service. How dare you say that you won't be moved after reading those data?"

Bo Xichen glanced at her: "That can't be taken as everything."

"If you don't want it, then you don't want it." She was dejected: "Can you stop beating someone?" '

His voice became softer: "What do you say?"

Gu Anxi: MMP.

This night, he didn't say a word, he only wanted to spank her ass when she was the most sensual!

It's too bad, what she has is love, what she has is family law!

(End of this chapter)

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