Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 815 Critically ill!I do the surgery myself

Chapter 815 Critically ill!I do the surgery myself

Gu Anxi put down the phone and got up, it was only 07:30 in the morning.

She hadn't gotten up so early in a long time, she almost went out while yawning, and was caught by Mrs. Bo in the front hall, "Where are you going so early in the morning?"

Gu Anxi trotted and said, "Wang Jingyao has a serious fever. I'll go to the hospital if my uncle isn't here."

Mrs. Bo was a little shocked: "Why did he have a fever? Isn't he usually in good health?"

Gu Anxi waved his hand.

Madam Bo called from behind: "Let the assistant buy you a breakfast later, or eat it in the hospital cafeteria."

"Understood." Gu Anxi waved his hand again, got into the car by himself, and quickly started the car.

The car drove fast, and arrived at the hospital in less than half an hour. Gu Anxi jumped out of the car and saw Wang Jingchuan rubbing his hands and walking back and forth. She stepped forward and asked, "How is it now?"

Wang Jingchuan immediately greeted him, "Into the examination room, Director Hao asked me to wait for you here."

Gu Anxi walked quickly, but the Secretary-General could hardly keep up, and trotted behind.When we arrived at the emergency room, the assistant nurse had already brought over the white coat. Gu Anxi put it on as he walked, and pushed open the door.

At this time, Wang Jingyao's condition was not very good, he was so burned that he was a little confused.Around them, the old man and the old lady were very worried, and it happened that Bo Xichen was not in Beicheng at this time, so they were even more uncertain.

Director Hao was also bad, because he was the one who saw Wang Jingyao's illness from the beginning to the end, and he really couldn't bear it if something happened.When Gu Anxi came over, he felt as if he had taken a reassurance, and he breathed a sigh of relief: "Doctor Gu, come and have a look."

Gu Anxi walked over and bent over, stretched out his hand to lift Wang Jingyao's eyelids, and called his name in his ear.

Wang Jingyao was really confused, but when he heard a familiar voice in his ear, the voice seemed... like that little bastard, but no, that little bastard cut off contact with him, so what if he was sick? Will come to see her, she can't believe that he is not good.

However, he still wanted to open his eyes hard to see if it was her...

Gu Anxi called her name, but Wang Jingyao didn't respond. She frowned: "Go to the equipment for inspection and let the operating room prepare."

Director Hao was surprised: "Mr. Wang just has a fever."

Gu Anxi tilted his head and asked the old lady, "Does Mr. Wang feel a lot of pain?"

The old lady was stunned for a moment and immediately said: "Yes, Jingyao often doesn't feel the pain, and sometimes he pretends to be hurt when he gets hurt, but sometimes he doesn't even know it hurts."

Gu Anxi nodded: "That's it, I suspect gastric perforation, check it immediately, and I will operate it myself."

Director Hao was convinced, and immediately said: "Leave the inspection to me."

He arranged for someone to prepare the operating room, and Gu Anxi was already preparing to disinfect and change clothes for the operation.

She is extremely calm, but the old man and the old lady have only one son in total. Although it is usually harsh to criticize, it is a piece of flesh that fell from the body after all. This piece of flesh is also a bachelor. Secretary-General, it is naturally distressing.

At this moment, Gu Anxi was going to change clothes when the old lady stopped her and carried her outside alone.

The two got along alone, and Gu Anxi took the initiative to speak without waiting for the old lady to speak: "Don't worry old lady, I will do my best for the sake of the public, and I will take responsibility for what happens."

The old lady let out a long breath: "Anxi, it's not that I don't believe you, I'm just worried."

Although Jingyao is hateful, but...

Gu Anxi patted her, not wanting to tell her that the situation was urgent, for fear that the old lady would be in a hurry, so she just said, "Don't worry, nothing will happen, I'll go change the surgical gown."

The old lady asked her again: "Do you still think that Jingyao is your elder brother?"

Gu Anxi smiled when he heard the words, "What do you think, old lady?"

After finishing speaking, he walked away quickly. The nurse in the locker room was already waiting for her. While waiting for her, he brought two small breads for her. Gu Anxi gnawed them off in two bites, then put on the surgical gown, and went directly to the operation room. Shilian connected to Fengxi's system to check Wang Jingyao's condition.

It was indeed gastric perforation.

She dialed the internal line and lowered her head: "Send Mr. Wang to the operating room and perform the operation immediately."

After speaking, she picked up the film and looked at it carefully.

It's not very good, it's a little dangerous... It's really too big.

Director Hao also came over, his whole body was limp after watching the film: "What should I do?"

Gu Anxi stared at the black film: "There is nothing to do, operate immediately."

Director Hao's Adam's apple loosened, and after a while he said softly: "But from what it looks like, half of the stomach is... and the temperature is very high now, during the operation the patient is likely to..."

Gu Anxi turned her head and was about to say something when there was a noise at the door, and she asked the nurse to look over.

The nurse came in again after a while: "It's Dr. Jiang who strongly requested to be involved in Mr. Wang's condition, and also said that it is unwise to operate now, and no one can bear the responsibility if something happens."

Gu Anxi watched the film without looking away, but asked softly, "Is she Mrs. Wang? What right do you have to be so foolish here, the old lady didn't even say a word."

The nurse swallowed lightly: "Mr. Jiang from Hygiene B signed, saying that Dr. Jiang is fully responsible for Mr. Wang's condition."

Hygiene B, surnamed Jiang?

Gu Anxi sneered: "Go wherever you want him to come. When will Mr. Wang's affairs be taken care of by them? By the way, call Min Xin and ask him to bring back his barking dog. "

She also wanted to know that this was Jiang Chaoge making a fuss about this matter again, and she didn't care if she had the strength to intervene, no, it was Gu Anxi's fault, well, it was Dr. Jiang's credit.

Who cares about her!

Before the old lady asked her if she thought of Wang Jingyao as her elder brother. In fact, she would do her best if she didn't. Wang Jingyao is very important, at least to Quanbeicheng, and he can't be troubled.

However, some people are ignorant, and even a little unhappy to drink their stomachs like this, is it because they think they live too long? It doesn't matter if he doesn't cherish himself, and he doesn't think about what will happen to Beicheng if something happens to him?

After Gu Anxi finished speaking, the nurse went out.

At this time, Director Hao said: "Is there any specific plan? I know it is difficult in such a short time, Anxi, how about... I will be the chief surgeon, and I will take care of it if something goes wrong. I think they will not embarrass me. , you are different, recently..."

Gu Anxi looked at him and smiled: "I didn't expect Director Hao to be so loyal now!"

She pointed to a part of the film, and then said softly: "Uncle has a new technology, have you heard of it?"

Director Hao was puzzled: "New technology?"

Gu Anxi grunted: "It's 3D printing technology, which was only applicable to orthopedics in the past, but the organs have been tested, and as long as they meet the standards, it is also possible. The repaired part is physical, and it will not have functions but it will not reject it at the same time. , but it is very difficult, my uncle only simulated it a few times."

Director Hao was dumbfounded.

Professor Bo only simulated it a few times, and Dr. Gu is about to use this new technology, which may not have been certified, on Mr. Wang. Is this a bear's heart and leopard courage?

Director Hao looked straight at her, and Gu Anxi smiled lightly: "Try it."


Director Hao just wants to cry, will he try? Mr. Wang will be gone, and neither will the two of them...

(End of this chapter)

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