Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 816 Life and death line 1, surgery 1

Chapter 816 Life and death, surgery [-]

Gu Anxi looked at his weeping face, and patted his shoulder: "Look at the future, you are the leading chief director in Yunxi Hospital, calm down."

Director Hao's expression was even more indescribable, he looked at Gu Anxi eagerly.

After a while, he seemed to have made up his mind: "Okay, do it!"

He added: "I'm preparing in the early stage, and the specifics depend on Dr. Gu."

Gu Anxi nodded: "Okay, I happened to take a look at Professor Bo's experimental tutorial during your operation."

As soon as these words came out, Director Hao immediately... fell down.

What, I still need to read the tutorial, this is... This is a rhythm that I have obviously never touched before!Director Hao's legs were weak at the moment, and he was so regretful that he wanted to retreat but couldn't, he had already said enough.

While they were talking, Wang Jingyao had been pushed in and had already fallen into a coma.When the nurse came to talk to her, Gu Anxi's eyes fell on Wang Jingyao's face for a few seconds, and then he said, "Let's start the operation."

Director Hao nodded, "OK."

Gu Anxi smiled: "I'm here for everything."

To be honest, Director Hao had no idea before, but these words gave him incomparable confidence, and he was full of confidence at once. Yes, after several times of danger, when will Dr. Gu miss? However, which time did not surprise the audience?

This is probably the difference between a genius and a mortal, right?

Director Hao went for surgery, and he was only in charge of minimally invasive laparotomy. After all, Wang Jingyao was very important, and he couldn't stand the big trouble. He still had to work later, and he had to withstand the entire North City.

And Gu Anxi opened Bo Xichen's exclusive teaching material, and only Gu Anxi could get it. Bo Xichen conducted experiments on small animals. After finishing the experiment, the rabbit jumped a few times...

Gu Anxi read it several times before and after, and then brought the notebook to the operating room. As soon as she left, the assistant whispered: "Blood pressure is normal, heart pulse is too slow..."

"Pressure." Gu Anxi imported the data into the big screen, then took the scalpel in Director Hao's hand, and then said: "Bring over the AR instrument, choose the latest type of material, the one that Professor Bo chose last month. That batch."

After all, it was used on Wang Jingyao, so it must be the best.

Gu Anxi was wearing a mask, with only a pair of eyes exposed. While checking the situation in the abdominal cavity, her eyes fell on Brother Wang's face. The anesthetized person was naturally unconscious, and his face was not as pale as usual.

In her memory, Wang Jingyao was always like a spring breeze, either he was furious and vigorously threw antiques at her, which was always vicious, or he was throwing money at people, his attitude was very good-looking.

But now he is lying here so fragile, not as honorable as usual, but seems to be an ordinary person, nothing special, he will be born, old, sick and die...

Her eyes were a little watery.

It's a falling out, it's anger, it's because they don't care about anyone, it's because they don't like him, presumably he is too, but if they say they don't have any feelings at all, that's also false. One person is spoiled like that by another person. The bottom line treats you well, why don't you feel anything?

Gu Anxi's lips moved slightly, and then he smiled slightly.

She really regards him as her brother, but he has the world in his heart and has no choice but to be cruel, but she has relatives and has no other choice.And she also knew, if it were someone he cared about, would he be able to be unselfish like that... He couldn't do it, everyone was just mortal.

Gu Anxi just stared at it for a few seconds, and felt as if she had sorted out the past... After a while, she looked away and said softly, "Let's get started."

Director Hao was waiting for her to show her talents, excited and nervous beside her.

After all, it is a new technology, the world premiere.

He was an animal before, but Mr. Wang is the first living person.

Director Hao felt that something was wrong again. It seemed wrong to say it this way, but the chief director couldn't tell what was wrong... Then look at Dr. Gu, who was concentrating on the operation. Sophisticated.

Director Hao is engaged in academics, and he is very envious of his work——

Some people spend their whole life as a great director and have performed countless operations.

And some people are born, geniuses... let's not talk about it, let's watch genius surgery.

Director Hao's eyes were shining brightly, like a hungry wolf. He completely forgot that Wang Jingyao was on the operating table. The most important figures in Beicheng were academics, geniuses, geniuses... thesis.


When Wang Jingyao was on the verge of life and death in the operating room, it was not calm outside.

The one from the Jiang family published a document, and Jiang Chaoge had the potential to overwhelm him, so he insisted on getting involved.

When Bo Xichen's assistant went out, there was a lot of commotion outside.

The assistant looked around, but he didn't see Wang Jingchuan. He guessed that he was accompanying the two elderly people, and secretly complained.But the little assistant has been with Professor Bo for several years, and he is used to seeing the world. He has never seen any high-ranking officials, and Dr. Jiang can't scare anyone to death.

She took the document from Jiang Chao Singer, took a look at it, and then smiled lightly: "This document is indeed true, but it seems that it cannot be sent to our Yunxi Hospital. If you want to send it, send it to the general office There, our hospital is under the management of Professor Bo, not that Mr. Jiang."

Jiang Chaoge said coldly, "But it's Mr. Wang inside, not an ordinary person."

The little assistant nodded: "Mr. Wang is now a patient, under the care of the hospital."

It has to be said that the little assistant's teeth are still sharp, leaving Jiang Chaoge speechless.At the moment of the stalemate, Jiang Chaoge's face showed a hint of hostility, and he raised his hand, and more than a dozen people appeared behind him, obviously wanting to be tough.

The little assistant didn't give in, and said softly, "Do you think Yunxi Hospital is a place where you can mess around? Although Professor Bo is not here, we, Dr. Gu, are here, so we have to think about the consequences if we force our way in."

Jiang Chaoge said very calmly: "These are not people with unknown origins, they are all people who have passed through a known path. Mr. Jiang will be responsible for all the consequences, and I don't ask much, but I just want to participate in this operation."

She was very imposing and aggressive.

And it's obvious that the arrow is on the string and has to be fired. It's too late for the little assistant to call Bao Quan, and she was pushed aside by those people...

Jiang Chaoge straightened his clothes and was about to enter the operating room.

When she was about to go in, the corners of her mouth slightly raised——

What about the Bo family, what about Yunxi Hospital, she can still break through.

Without Wang Jingyao's support, Gu Anxi is nothing!

Just as she reached out to push the door open, a cool voice sounded behind her: "I think you will not only participate in this operation, but also participate in Jingyao's life."

Jiang Chaoge was taken aback.

Turning her head around, Mrs. Wang stared at her sullenly.

Jiang Chaoge froze for a moment, but soon regained his composure, with a touch of calmness: "Old lady, I am Professor Bo's junior, and I am definitely more professional than Gu Anxi, and she has only studied for less than a year. There is not much clinical experience at all.”

Before the old lady could speak, the old gentleman on the side murmured, "Then why did you fail when I had the surgery last time?"

Jiang Chaoge hesitated again.

The little assistant became proud.

Some people just owe it to each other.

Just when Jiang Chaoge was stunned for a moment, the old lady said again: "You have a professional doctorate, not as good as someone who has studied for a year, you should think about whether it is your own problem, and feel free to intervene here. Do you care if it’s Dr. Guijiang? Let’s talk about Xiaojiang who issued the documents, isn’t he awake? We are parents here, of course we have the final say on which doctor to use. I’ll see what kind of documents he sends. It’s because I’m uncomfortable sitting in that position, and I want to move it.”

The old lady came from a very good family background, and she had her own aura. She made Jiang Chaoge bruised and ashamed all of a sudden. The old lady almost pointed at her face and said that the door of the Wang family will never be opened to you...

(End of this chapter)

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