Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 817 Life and death line 1, surgery 2

Chapter 817 Life and death, surgery [-]

But the embarrassment is the embarrassment, but she is unwilling to give in. At such a dangerous moment as Wang Jingyao, she would rather offend the old man and the old lady and stay by his side. She wants him to be the first thing he sees when he wakes up. This is especially important. .

Therefore, Jiang Chaoge's heart was hardened, and he smiled lightly: "The old lady should not worry about official affairs, Mr. Wang's life is more important than anything else."

She waved her hand, and the dozen or so swarmed up, ready to force her in.

The old lady was shaking with anger, "What are you doing? This is my son."

Seeing that the old lady couldn't stop the little assistant, she immediately took the phone and wanted to make a call, but the phone was hit on the ground...

The old man has to work hard.

Jiang Chaoge smiled, and approached politely, "The old man and the old lady are getting old, I'd better ask the two old men to sit aside, and I will apologize to the two old men after the matter is over."

Although the old lady was at a disadvantage, her aura remained undiminished, and she sneered: "Dr. Jiang, I can't see that you are acting in such a domineering style after you go out. You think I don't know what you're thinking, so I'll just drop a word today." If you want to enter the gate of the Wang family, you have to step on the old couple, otherwise, even if Jingyao and you are somewhat unclear, you will always be a shameful outsider."

Jiang Chaoge's face was slammed several times, which was very embarrassing.

But she was convinced that she could survive, and the old men and women were getting older, no matter how much they objected, when she went in and Wang Jingyao was intact because of her participation in the operation, then it would be different.

She endured it, didn't push her up, and was about to open the door and go in.

A close call.

There was a sound of footsteps, followed by Min Xin's voice: "Xiao Jiang, when did you become so irritable?"

Jiang Chaoge frowned, his heart trembling.

It turned out to be Min Xin, what is he doing here?

Wasn't he squeezed out by Wang Jingyao? Didn't the two of them have a bad relationship? Didn't he wish Wang Jingyao to die the most? What was he doing here at this time?

No matter what happened to her, Min Xin was still smiling when she came.

Of course, there was Wang Yuan behind him, and he brought hundreds of people with him. He easily subdued those few people and threw them aside. , I know you are not young, and you hate to marry. Seeing Miss Lin Hua get happy last night, I felt uncomfortable, but no matter how much you want to marry, you can't force it by force. This kind of eating is not good-looking. You are still a Ph.D., how can you be so uncivilized? Isn’t it just because Mr. Wang is seriously ill and forced to do so? I will give you my will. I heard that half of the family property has already been in Mr. Gu's pocket. She is the true love and true girl. Seeing that you are busy for a long time, someone will accompany you to enjoy a concert and make you happy... Calm down and calm down."

With one word, Jiang Chaoge was pissed off.

These words are much more lethal than the words of the old lady, and they are said from such a powerful person as Min Xin, she has become a joke.

The corners of Jiang Chaoge's mouth tightened: "I also did it according to Mr. Jiang's wishes, without any personal feelings."

'Oh? Min Xin smiled and said not too concerned: "Which Xiaojiang is it? If you are talking about Lin Yuan's colleague, then let me tell you, I have already demoted him. He is originally from the outside. I don't know which one is not long. Those who are eye-catching have brought him to Beicheng to be an eyesore."

Jiang Chaoge's face turned pale: "Mr. Min, why are you doing this?"

Doesn't Min Xin most want to take Wang Jingyao's seat?

Now, why should he come forward?

Min Xin seemed to know what she was thinking, and smiled lightly: "Dr. Jiang went abroad, the situation is different, and the mood is naturally different. Now I wish for a long life."

Jiang Chaoge looked at him suspiciously, not believing it.

She didn't believe that someone was only one step away from success, and would not desire it.

And Min Xin has been planning for decades, at the expense of Zhou Yu, how could he give up at this time?

Min Xin knew that she didn't believe it, and he didn't want her to believe it. What he had to do was to protect Anxi from being disturbed by this woman during the operation.

He owed Gu Anxi a lot of favors.

Zhou Yu was arrested, and Zhou Yu was pregnant with a child. Gu Anxi exchanged Zhou Yu with himself. This huge favor cannot be repaid at once, and it will not be repaid in this life, so he still has to be a bull and a horse for Wang Jingyao After saddling Gu Anxi, it was sad to think about it. Besides, she still didn't forgive him at Zhou Yu's place. He was still treated as the child's future father at Zhou's house, and he still slept on the sofa. He was not allowed to sleep there every day. He could only go to Zhou Yu for a week. Advance twice.

Min Xin is angry, and the anger is all on Jiang Chaoge at the moment, the more angry the words are, the more ugly the words are, if Mr. Wang is killed because of this woman, what will he do?

After Min Xin finished speaking, the old lady nodded and approved: "Xiao Min, you are right."

"It's my honor to be praised by the old lady." Min Xin flattered and flattered, knowing that the old lady had the right to speak with Zhou Yu, because of Zhou Yu's matter, whenever the old lady met him over the years None of them had a good face.

The old lady nodded again and gave him another look.

At that glance, Min Xin was as excited as if he had eaten ginseng fruit... He rubbed his hands and asked the little assistant beside him, "What's going on inside?"

The little assistant watched them coming and going, stayed for a long time, and finally came back to his senses at this moment, and said: "I'll go in and have a look."

She sterilized, went into the operating room, and came out to report the situation after inquiring for a while; "Mr. The doctor used Dr. Bo's experimental project to repair Mr. Wang's stomach with composite materials. After the operation was successful, Mr. Wang will be back to the same as before after a week of recuperation."

The little assistant's voice was visibly excited——

Who is the best?

Doctor Gu.

Who is the most courageous?

Doctor Gu!

Inside, Director Hao's eyeballs were about to fall off.

After hearing the little assistant's words, the old lady was very comforting: "I knew that kid was capable and would not let me down."

Min Xin was also full of praise: "Yes, although Anxi's mouth is usually damaged a little, but if she really plays with a real knife and a real gun, she is never ambiguous."

And flatteringly patted the old lady: "The old lady still has eyesight, she didn't recognize this girl in vain, and it is Lao Wang's blessing to have this child."

In fact, the old lady was very proud of herself, and she was relieved at this time, and she was blown like this again, which was very helpful, but she still humbly said a few times: "What a blessing, Min Xin, you don't know that. The two children are fighting very hard now, now a doctor and a patient are amiable, but when Jingyao wakes up, it will be another look. '

Min Xin smiled.

At this moment, his cell phone rang, and he took it out to see that it belonged to Bo Xichen.

He reached out to pick it up, and his face changed after hearing a few words.

The old lady looked at him and couldn't help asking: "What's the matter? What did Xi Chen say?"

Min Xin hung up the phone, swallowed, and said, "'t obtained a certificate was only used on rabbits, Xichen said to let her record the data, and later she will have to file for patents and evidence collection. .”

He squinted, this BIG guts!

Also, why is Xi Chen so calm? His style is exactly the same as that little bastard. He knows it, but he's so calm... really... he's been led away...

The old lady was dumbfounded when she heard this.

Now, there is no way to boast.

But the palms and backs of the hands are full of meat, Anxi took such a was also because of her brother, there is nothing wrong with it, right, there is nothing wrong with it.

Min Xin is also an asshole, and cast a look at Wang Yuan——

Do you know how to do it?

Wang Yuan's spirit lifted.This is his chance to perform...

 These two chapters are [-] words, and [-] words will be updated at [-]:[-]



(End of this chapter)

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