Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 818 Life and death line 1, surgery 3

Chapter 818 Life and death, surgery [-]

Min Xin also knew that he had frightened the two old people, so he smiled and comforted him (opening his eyes and talking nonsense): "Actually, old lady, you don't have to be so nervous, just like me, although I was surprised just now, but now I'm completely overwhelmed." Come on, think about it carefully, Anxi is so capable, when did he miss it?"

He paused, then spoke softly again: "Besides, if you two don't believe that child, you have to trust Xi Chen. She is Xi Chen's apprentice, and Xi Chen knows her abilities best. Now the old lady You have no master, but Xichen is so calm, it means there is no problem, you just put your heart in your stomach, put it well, and just wait for the good news from that child."

The old lady was taken aback by Min Xin's eloquent tongue, but she had to say that what Min Xin said was reasonable, and the old lady was more or less convinced, and her heart was indeed at ease.

As soon as he let go of his heart, he gave Jiang Chaoge a hard look: "Jingyao has nothing to do, and if there is something to do, I will not let you go."

This woman really thinks that there is no one in the Wang family, right? A Jiang family dares to treat her so presumptuously.

Jiang Chaoge forced a smile: "Old lady, you are confused. If something happens, you should go to Gu Anxi first. After all, she treats Mr. Wang as an animal experiment."

The old lady hehe: "She treats Jingyao as an animal experiment. She is confident, bold and careful, which is the style of our Wang family. As for you, you want to rush in without a clue, and you just went in. You What should you do? Can you save him like Anxi?"

Jiang Chaoge argued self-consciously: "At least my conservative treatment won't let Mr. Wang take risks."

The old lady didn't bother to talk to her.

And Jiang Chaoge secretly thought: So it was only in the experimental stage, and Gu Anxi was a bit too courageous.

Then, if something goes wrong with one of them, then Gu Anxi can't finish the DOU and leaves, and she is waiting here. If Gu Anxi can't handle it, then she must be asking for it.

Of course she knew that there was another big director named Hao, but Jiang Chaoge was sure that the one named Hao was not as good as her...

Jiang Chaoge was jealous and hoped that something would happen, she couldn't bear Gu Anxi's highlight again.

Just as she was thinking in frustration, the door of the operating room opened, and Director Hao came out.Jiang Chaoge stepped forward immediately, "Is something wrong with Mr. Wang?"

Director Hao was very excited at first, but after being teased by Jiang Chaoge, he suddenly became a little upset, ignored her, and turned to the old lady and Min Xin and said: "It's amazing, a miracle, Mr. Wang woke up, his stomach was swollen. Cleaning up is exactly the same as before, and the temperature has dropped a lot now, and the blood loss from Mr. Gu's surgery is not too much. In short, the situation is very good, a hundred times a thousand times better than I thought, a miracle of medicine. .”

Director Hao, who was obsessed with academics, was very excited at this time, and he didn't care whether others understood it or not, so he babbled a lot of academic terms. Min Xin didn't understand and was not interested, but this sycophant wanted to win The old lady liked it and pretended to be very interested——

"Oh really?"

"Anxi is so powerful?"

"It must have been very dangerous then? She actually had a solution?"

"This child is terrible, terrible..." Min Xin smiled: "The old lady is still lucky."


The old lady didn't understand either, but Min Xin's words were really pleasing to the ear, so she looked at him again: "This little mouth is really clever, my son only knows that his work is not as good as yours, no wonder Zhou Yu was beaten by you that year." Fascinated by three souls and five paths."

Min Xin patted his head on purpose, pretending to be very obedient: "That's Mr. Wang's intention to let me."

The old lady laughed and scolded: "As long as you are well-behaved, it is only said that things like feelings cannot be forced. There is no room for them. Their failure to succeed only means that they have no fate."

Min Xin was delighted when he heard it, and said a lot of flattering words, and the old lady was also quite happy.

Min Xin accepted it when he saw it was good, Director Hao went in again, came out half an hour later, and announced the good news: "The National People's Congress is well, transfer to the ward."

He raised his hand and looked at the time: "It's almost noon, so the old lady and the old gentleman have dinner first, and we can meet after dinner."

The old lady not only felt sorry for her son, but also for that little thing, so she asked, "Has that kid in Anxi eaten? That kid can't help being hungry."

Director Hao smiled: "She will eat in a while. Doctors have to take good care of patients to take care of themselves. Don't worry, old lady, Dr. Gu will take care of Mr. Wang himself these days, and he will pay back when he is sure in a few days." Mr. Wang, who is alive and kicking, goes over."

Min Xin knew that the old lady felt sorry for Gu Anxi, so he deliberately made fun of it, "Director Hao, you are wrong, you said that our Mr. Wang is like an animal, so it really became an experiment?"

Director Hao smiled sheepishly: "Just an analogy. Okay, I'll ask my assistant to arrange meals for you, and the meals in the hospital will be simpler."

At this time, how can everyone care about the simplicity of the food? After eating a few mouthfuls, they waited at the door of the ward. Jiang Chaoge also wanted to wait, but the old lady threw a few bad words at her, and she couldn't stay any longer. , Gone in a hurry.

Walking downstairs, Jiang Chaoge made a call: "Check Professor Bo's experiment, whether there is a record or not."

If not, Gu Anxi would be dead!


In the ward on the top floor, the old lady walked back and forth, and after a while, she asked the person next to her to ask why Jingyao hadn't been sent over yet... The nurse smiled: "It needs to be observed after the operation. The old lady can rest assured that there is little doctor Gu here There must be no problem."

The old lady nodded: "I am very relieved of her doing things."

She said to others: "Go outside and get some decent dishes. That kid is probably very hungry right now."

They sent people to go and guarded with the old man again. Min Xin and Wang Jingchuan accompanied him from the sidelines. After about 10 minutes, there was finally movement outside. The door opened and Wang Jingyao was pushed in. She is sober, and her spirit is better than before, but she is still pale.

Gu Anxi accompanied her until she arrived at the ward. She was ready to take a shower after putting on the drip and checking that there was no problem.Back and forth, the operation took three and a half hours, and she was a little tired.

The old lady had to care about the little guy's food and his son's condition, so she was a little busy. In the end, Gu Anxi went to take a shower first, and then went back to eat simply.

In the ward, Wang Jingyao was lying weakly, and the old lady sat beside her and held her son's hand, "Jingyao, are you feeling better now? Do you feel something is wrong?"

"The old lady is worried." Wang Jingyao smiled faintly, extremely weak, but kept looking at the old lady.

He knew that the old lady must have been terrified, and he also knew that his illness was probably sudden and serious, and that the little bastard was the chief surgeon.

The old lady had been strong all her life. Now that her son was finally safe, she inevitably became vulnerable when the stone in her heart fell to the ground. She sighed softly: "Your father and I no longer force you to get married. The only wish is that you can live in peace and well. , but I never imagined that you don't love yourself so much."

Wang Jingyao closed his eyes slightly: "Don't worry, old lady, it won't happen in the future."

"Do you still dare to have a future?" The old lady turned dark and patted her son's face lightly: "Your life was picked up from the gate of hell, Director Hao was at a loss, if it wasn't for the brat Anxi's courage to save you , you don't know where you are right now."

Wang Jingyao opened his eyes again, turned his head a little——

No one was seen.

The old lady stroked her son's hand and whispered softly: "Okay, I know you are looking for her. She went to eat. She was dug up early in the morning to perform surgery on you. I have been busy for a long time. The child's body was originally It’s not good, listen to me, when she comes over, you should admit your mistake, the previous things will be over, and no one is allowed to mention it, and you will still be her good brother in the future, and you must treat her even better, do you hear me? ?”

Wang Jingyao couldn't laugh or cry——

He just rescued him, and the old lady was thinking about it.

He hoarse: "The old lady is biased."

"Where am I biased, isn't your biggest darling?" The old lady laughed, looking at her son with eyes full of love.

The old brother looked at the old lady, and felt a little distressed. After a while, he nodded: "Okay, I won't care about her anymore..."

The old lady laughed: "Is that right? You said that you are so old, and you care about something with a child, and it spreads to make people laugh. Oh, by the way, I will help you get rid of the woman outside you, that little Jiang If you have no other skills, the first priority is to grab the credit, and the lives of your father and son are almost buried in her hands, I think this woman is very unlucky!"

(End of this chapter)

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