Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 819 Strangled again, strangled as soon as we met

Chapter 819 I strangled again, strangled as soon as we met

Listening to his mother's words, Wang Jingyao smiled lightly and closed his eyes.

In the end, I was too tired, and I fell asleep after suffering for a long time.

When he woke up again, it was already nighttime, the lights in the ward were dimmed, and it was quiet.

He turned his head and looked around. Two nurses were on duty, talking softly with their heads lowered. It seemed to be his illness. On the sofa, there was a small figure wrapped in a small blanket, with his head huddled under the blanket. Inside, the exposed strand of hair looks a little smooth.

She must be exhausted.

Still snoring.

Wang Jingyao could easily see her from one side of his head, and looked at her quietly for a while.

His expression is unknown.

After a long time, he said in a hoarse voice: "The air conditioner is a little low, and the temperature should be turned up."

The little nurse was startled when she heard his voice, and immediately came over and said softly: "Mr. Wang, are you awake?"

Wang Jingyao snorted, then closed his eyes slightly: "Adjust the temperature."

The nurse hurriedly did so, and then came over to inspect it carefully. Wang Jingyao's eyes fell on the opposite sofa: "She didn't go back?"

It took a while for the nurse to realize that it was Dr. Gu who was asking, so she nodded, "Yes, Dr. Gu also ate dinner in the ward, and he didn't leave the ward."

The nurse said, and then asked: "Mr. Wang, do you feel uncomfortable? Do you want to wake up Dr. Gu?"

Wang Jingyao shook his head: "No, let her sleep for a while."

He wondered what the Bo family had been saying all the time, saying that the child was still growing.

What a long fart, she is obviously full grown, and how long she has grown, her whole body is full of BIG gallbladder, and her brain and heart have grown a few more than others.

Old Wang sighed in his heart and lay down with complicated emotions, and found that his body was not as bad as he imagined. He might have some fevers, and there were surgical wounds on his abdomen, but none of them were particularly unbearable.

He lay down for a while, then asked the nurse, "When will Professor Bo come back?"

The little nurse shook her head: "We don't know about that."

Wang Jingyao didn't speak any more, and lay quietly...he didn't feel sleepy until about five o'clock in the morning.

Over there, Gu Anxi woke up suddenly, and she didn't know what was going on, but she woke up with a shock in her heart. She sat up, adjusted to the light, and then her eyes fell on Wang Jingyao's face.

He was awake, looking directly at her.

Gu Anxi stretched, got up and walked over: "I don't sleep early in the morning, and I am mourning the lost love, don't worry, Dr. Jiang will come to see you at dawn."

Old brother Wang was still so moved in his heart, and also so soft, who can refuse a little guy lying there with his hair smooth, but when he woke up this time, he had a weird fight with him again, and she If you can't speak well, can't you be smoother?

The old brother was so angry that his wound almost burst open. He tried his best to hold back and hummed again: "It's really not as good as you wished. I'm still very popular."

While examining him, Gu Anxi asked back with a very vicious mouth: "Oh, are they trying to trick you into getting old or not taking a bath?"

"I take a shower every day." Brother Wang said word by word.

Gu Anxi groaned: "It turns out that taking a bath is the minimum standard, but if you wash it again, you will be too old."

Wang Jingyao was so angry that he didn't want to talk to her, and after a while he said, "Where's Jingchuan?"

"Stay under the warm blanket at home." Gu Anxi withdrew his hand, "The person is your secretary general, not your nanny."

The older brother stared at her.

Gu Anxi turned his face away and said to the nurse, "Go get the medicine and put on an IV."

She turned her head, "You can't eat for these three days, you can only rely on nutrients, and slowly resume your diet after three days. If there are no accidents, you can be discharged from the hospital in a week."

Wang Jingyao said angrily, "What if there is an accident?"

Gu Anxi touched his small chin, and said slowly: "Uncle will be back in three days."

"What do you mean?" Wang Jingyao was alarmed.

The little creamer smiled and said, "I'll fix it for you, make a patch."

The old brother was so angry that he wanted to go on a hunger strike. At this moment, the nurse came over and heard them bickering, and suppressed a smile: "Little doctor Gu, the nutrient has been prepared. This is an antibiotic."

Gu Anxi took it over and hung it up for Wang Jingyao himself. He frowned when the skin was pierced, and Gu Anxi habitually yelled at him: "I still think of myself as a little princess."

Wang Jingyao: ...

He turned his face away patiently, and after a while he couldn't bear it anymore and said: "Don't think that a small operation can cancel the previous things."

Being so excited by her, the promise to the old lady has long been thrown away, and he just wants to pinch her, pinch her to death.

Gu Anxi hehe: "That's the best. I didn't want to reconcile with you. By the way, I have accepted your property. You won't ask me to return it? I know that the elderly cherish money."

Wang Jingyao was so angry that his teeth itch, "Don't worry, I won't take it back!!!"

The little creamer was relieved, straightened up for a while and suddenly said: "Help Mr. Wang change the urine bag."

Wang Jingyao's face froze!

Why did she say such a thing outright?

He gritted his teeth: 'I can go to the toilet by myself. '

"Don't worry, Director Hao made the urine catheter and bag for you." Gu Anxi said a little disgustingly.

Old brother Wang was lying on his back, humming with anger.

If he could leave now, he would have left a long time ago, and he would probably die of anger when he was hospitalized here.

Just when the two were strangled, the door of the ward was opened, and the person who came in was somewhat surprising, at least Gu Anxi was surprised: "Director Li?"

Director Li nodded to Wang Jingyao first, and then said, "Anxi, come out for a while, there is something to do."

Gu Anxi pursed her lower lip, her heart skipped a beat and walked out slowly.

When she went out, Wang Jingyao stared at her.

After closing the door outside, I asked Director Li, "What's the matter?"

In fact, Director Li's presence in the hospital is enough to explain the situation, but she still asked.

Sure enough, Director Li thought for a while before slowly speaking: "Ms. Tang is gone."


Gu Anxi was in a daze, and sniffed: "Did you just leave?"

Director Li nodded: "Yes, last night was not very good, and suddenly it was not very good at night... I just left."

She hesitated for a while before asking: "Would you like to see him, I'll see you off in a while."

Gu Anxi stood quietly for a while: "Go."

The two of them arrived at Tang Yuan's ward in silence. The nurse had finished cleaning up. Through a glass, Gu Anxi watched Gu Mingzhu cry like rain. At this time, she really felt sorry for Gu Mingzhu, because the person who loves her the most in this world , indeed left.

"Anxi?" Director Li called her softly, "Aren't you going in?"

Standing at the door, Gu Anxi looked at the person covered with a white cloth on the hospital bed, and let out a long breath: "I won't go in, just take a look."

Director Li didn't go in either, and stayed with her outside.

I don't know how long it took, until her eyes were sore, she turned and left.

From the beginning to the end, she didn't go in, not because she still hated it, but from the beginning to the end, except for that deserted background, she and Tang Yuan had nothing to do with each other.

Now people go, just take a look.

From now on, it won't matter anymore.

However, my heart is still heavy.

(End of this chapter)

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