Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 820 In the old brother's ward, flowers bloomed

Chapter 820 In the old brother's ward, flowers bloomed

She went back to the ward, sat quietly on a single sofa by the window, and looked out of the window...

Wang Jingyao has been looking at her since she came in. Seeing that she was silent, she gestured to the nurse with her eyes. The little nurse had learned about it from WeChat just now, and told him quietly: "Ms. Tang is gone, little doctor Gu... ...somewhat sad."

Wang Jingyao glanced at her, and the nurse fell silent.

He looked at that brat again, that brat seemed to have lost his soul now, he just looked outside without saying a word, he didn't understand, Tang Yuan like that deserves her eyes, her heart... …

Old brother Wang was lying upright like this, and after a while he suddenly yelled: "It seems to hurt."

The nurse was extremely nervous: "Little Doctor Gu, do you want to show Mr. Wang?"

Gu Anxi turned his head: "What's wrong?"

When she turned her head, there were two tears in the corners of her eyes, which Wang Jingyao happened to see.

When she came over, he hummed: "It's me who hurts, not you, why are you crying?"

Gu Anxi put on a mask, guessing that he was pretending, so he intentionally killed him during the inspection. Brother Wang Jingyao screamed... the nurse couldn't stand it anymore.

Doctor Xiao Gu is really ruthless!

For the whole morning afterwards, Wang Jingyao kept having troubles as if his urine was not clean. He hummed about the pain here, and said it hurt there. Gu Anxi wanted to throw him out, but this one must not be thrown away. Those who go out have to serve him like a master!

After the old man and the old lady came over, seeing him ordering the little one like this, they were very angry, especially the old lady opened her mouth and scolded: "She has worked hard all night, and you are so impolite. If you are not young, you may be lying down now." Where."

The old brother touched his nose: "The old lady is biased."

The old lady glanced at him, and then she looked at the little one.

The old lady was very shrewd, she heard about it when she came here, so she said softly, "We are here, so you can go to Xichen's office and have a rest."

Gu Anxi also wanted to clean himself up, so he asked Director Hao to come over and guard him and left.

As soon as the man left, the old lady said to her son: "I'm afraid you know it, and you still make her like this. It's not like you don't know that she feels bad. No matter how bad the woman is, she gave birth to her. Now that she is gone, of course it won't be done." I don’t feel anything. People’s hearts are full of flesh, why are you so inconsiderate, no wonder you are still naked at such a young age.”

Brother Wang smiled wryly and did not refute.

Naturally, the old lady also knew her son, and said earnestly: "I also know that you are trying to distract her, but I have watched for a long time, why is your relationship still the same, as soon as you open your mouth, you look like you are about to strangle to the end .”

The old brother rubbed his nose: "How can I, I just woke up, and she said that I am too old to take a bath. Can I bear this tone?"

The old lady sneered: "Yeah, you can't bear it, but is it wrong? You are old and you didn't take a shower yesterday. You were flirting outside. What do you think those women are trying to figure out about you? It's not about the halo behind you, It's not the name of Mrs. Tuwang."

The elder brother couldn't help arguing: "I gave her half of my property."

"That's what it should be." The old lady double-standarded.

The old brother was silent.

At this moment, Lin Hua and Jiang Chaoge arrived at the same time. Fortunately, Lin Hua came alone without her fiancé, otherwise the old brother would vomit blood.

Jiang Chaoge was naturally very concerned, and wanted to sue, but when she saw Mrs. Wang here, she didn't dare to make a fuss, because everyone knew that Mr. Wang was the most filial, and it would be the most unwise to bully the old lady in front of him. of.

Besides, there is Lin Hua.

Jiang Chaoge and Lin Hua did not like each other. Lin Hua came from a great family and was educated, but she was not a very Buddhist person. Otherwise, she would not be able to gain a foothold in the art circle these years and become a woman Wang Jingyao respected very much.

She came today, very low-key, holding a bouquet of small flowers in her hand, and her whole body was filled with happiness and sweetness.The old brother felt sore when he saw her, but the way he looked at her was a little different.

What about a man, that's the thing, a woman has been waiting for him there, he's not so or so, but once she doesn't wait and turns around and throws herself into the arms of others, he feels uncomfortable, probably subconsciously thinks that Women should have been his.

Brother Wang's current mood is probably like this, but no matter how sad he is in his heart, he is still a decent person, pretending to be magnanimous and casually entertaining the two women: "Sit down."

Lin Hua put the flowers away, looked at the sofa and smiled: "This is where Anxi slept last night, the child is as arched as a pig."

She liked Anxi very much, and respected her as a doctor, so she folded the blanket very neatly, and smelled it, "It still smells like a child. It's good to be young, and the smell on your body is good."

The old lady loved to hear these words, so she got close to Lin Hua.

In her heart, she was also very fond of Lin Hua. She used to hope that her son would find a woman like this to marry, and at least he would have a child. Married, it's even better now, there are people...

(Updated again at [-] o'clock, about [-])

(End of this chapter)

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