Chapter 822 You're Disgusting Your Body (3200 words)

When she said this, the old lady smiled lightly.

The old lady has lived for more than seventy years and is wise. After hearing this, she just touched her little head again, "Now that she is gone, think about whether you hate her. If you don't hate her, take time to give her a gift. It can be regarded as the fulfillment of fate.”

She sighed again: "I won't see you again in the future."

Gu Anxi sat quietly and didn't answer immediately. The old lady loved her too, and her son stayed with her even if he didn't care.After a long time, Gu Anxi said, "I'm fine."

The old lady smiled: "You silly child just has a stubborn mouth."

Her old man was also worried about this pair of old and young children, and took the opportunity to say: "You and Jingyao have similar temperaments, and they are both masters who will not admit defeat. I told him well when he woke up yesterday, and he also wants to talk to him." What do you mean by reconciliation, how could you know that you are pinching again."

Gu Anxi was a little embarrassed and kept silent.

The old lady was also open-minded, and she didn't force her, but just smiled: "All right, you can just make trouble, but only at home, don't overturn the sky in Beicheng."

The old lady tried so hard to persuade, firstly, for the relationship between siblings, and secondly, for one person, Zhou Yunchen.

Zhou Yunchen is very optimistic about Jingyao, but when Jing Chuan said that he was involved in this matter, the old lady sneered when she heard it——

What is implicated!It was clearly because of Zhou Yunchen's brother and sister that the fire started.

Anxi was concerned about the people around him, while Jingyao was concerned about the overall situation, and he would not let anyone else go. In the end, Jingyao was concerned about Zhou Yunchen or his background... She could understand, but it didn't prevent the young and old from choking each other.

At this time, the old lady gave some advice, and Gu Anxi smiled faintly: "You don't want him to be busy all the time, do you?"

As soon as she said this, the old lady loved her very much from the bottom of her heart. She hugged her softly and said softly, "You child, you didn't love you for nothing. You know the warmth and the heat. No wonder Lin Yun and Bo Jin Those two children love you like a treasure."

She calmed down a bit before she spoke again: "Jingyao is not young anymore. If Zhou Yunchen is not here and Min Xin retreats, it will be even more difficult for Jingyao. The people behind don't know what it's like... Although Zhou Yunchen is like that A background, but ^ is the person you brought here, I can trust it."

After the old lady finished speaking, there was a sense of desolation. Although she often said vehemently that she didn't care about her son, how could she ignore her?The boss is not young, and there is no one around him. It would be good if he could retire and relax in a few years, but he couldn't. When will this last? Is this the way it is in this life?

Gu Anxi felt the old man's emotions, reached out and pressed her shoulder, and whispered, "I won't leave him alone."

What the old lady wanted was this effect, and she felt at ease, but she said strangely: "This is weird, didn't you fall out, and you still care about him?"

Gu Anxi also wants to save face. Being laughed at by the old lady like this, he immediately felt even more embarrassed, and casually found a reason and yelled: "Isn't that taking money, and doing things with money."

She added another sentence: "The one who should be pinched will still be pinched, and I will not let him."

I thought the old lady would be unhappy if there were too many people, but the old lady slapped the table instead: "Okay!What we want is this kind of heart. '

The old lady was very satisfied. When she left, she thought that she would have to pick out some affordable treasures from the storeroom to give to the little guy. In fact, since the little guy took the risk to save Jingyao, she regarded her as her own. It's the same, the palms and backs of the hands are full of meat, from now on the house will belong to Jingyao, and other jewelry and money will belong to the youngest daughter——

As for Jingyao, if he wants to marry a wife, he has to earn it himself.

Girls, they have to be rich.

The old lady left contentedly, and when she returned to the ward, Lin Hua was no longer there. She walked over to the sofa and sat down, and asked slowly, "He's gone? Don't you want to chat for a while?"

Wang Jingyao smiled wryly: "The one surnamed Feng is waiting for her downstairs, she doesn't want to stay too long."

"Hehe...he is a good young man, but he becomes a surname Feng in your mouth, and he can't be polite just because he feels uncomfortable." The old lady followed the prayer beads while talking, and after thinking about it for a while, she said : "Well, I want to give Anxi something, and you can get your share from me."

Wang Jingyao moved his body slightly, and after the pain, he forced a smile: "Then thank you, old lady."

The old lady looked at him and smiled: "It's all because you are not up to date, and you don't want to let go of the good ones, but now you see someone else in the house and you are greedy."

Brother Wang sighed softly: "This is the end of the matter, the old lady should stop laughing at me."

He swept his eyes towards the door, "How is the kid?"

When he asked this, the old lady's expression became more restrained, and her voice lowered a bit: "It will be sad to some extent, after all, that woman is the one who gave birth to her, and if there is no emotion, even if there is resentment, she will not be able to let it go."

Wang Jingyao quite agreed: "She is a paper tiger, she can only mess with me."

The old lady glared at him: "As soon as you are old, you have become her father, shouldn't you let her?"

As she was talking, she began to criticize again: "Last time you kicked her like that, she always had some resentment towards you, why was she so nervous and worked so hard yesterday, without Anxi, your old life would be gone, and now you are still talking sarcasticly here, I think the rice these years have been fed to dogs to raise such an unbelievable thing like you..."

The more the old lady scolded, the more ruthless she became. Brother Wang smiled wryly: "It's almost an old lady. Just now you said that I was gentle and sweeping the floor, so it can be seen that the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked."

The old lady laughed and scolded: "You bastard, you dare to talk back."

The mother and son come and go, but they are somewhat intimate...


On the other side, Gu Anxi sat for a while and dialed an inside line to Dr. Li.

When Director Li received her call, he was a little surprised, but he still took the initiative to tell her: "Someone has taken care of Ms. Tang's affairs."

Gu Anxi was also a little surprised: "Min Xin?"

Director Li shook his head: "That's not true, it's Mr. Gu."

Gu Anxi was even more surprised, and it took him a long time to say softly, "Gu Yuanshan?"

Director Li nodded: "It's Mr. Gu."

She hesitated for a moment: " you want to go and see?"

Gu Anxi didn't answer directly, but said a few more words and hung up the phone.

She just hung up the phone when Gu Ning called, and she picked it up with a hoarse voice.

Gu Ning told her about it calmly, Gu Anxi hummed, and asked about Gu Yuanshan more or less, Gu Ning sighed: "He is very Buddhist these days, and his mood has sublimated a lot. Yuan's, it's not forgiveness, after all, we've lived together for so many years, and now that we're gone, it would be disrespectful if no one takes care of us."

She said some more words, which should be considered comforting, for fear that she would think too much and fear that she would feel uncomfortable.

Gu Anxi was not so hypocritical, but was a little embarrassed to be cared about like this.

Later, not only Gu Ning, but also Wang Keru, Gu Yuntian, Zhou Yunchen, uncle Zhou Yu... all called her, and the many calls really diluted it a lot...

At noon, she went back to the ward, because Wang Jingyao had to change her medicine and had to go to the equipment for examination.

Open the door and go in, the old lady is still there, talking to the old gentleman.Seeing her coming in, the old lady looked her eyes carefully: "It's as red as a rabbit, if you haven't slept well, sleep a little longer."

Wang Jingyao said with a bit of a vicious tongue, "I probably cried."

"You don't need to worry about it." Gu Anxi glared at him, and while putting on gloves to clean his wound, he sprinkled salt on him: "Sister Lin Hua has been here, why don't you cry, and continue to drink at night. Just play with your age." Broken love, you can't die from laughing."

The old brother was furious and stared at her, but he couldn't find anything to refute, because what she said was indeed true.

Gu Anxi made another grimace, and continued to treat his wound carefully. Her technique was very good and experienced, and Wang Jingyao hardly hurt.

He looked at the small face that was very close, and then at her dense and long eyelashes, his heart softened for a while, and he asked softly, "You and Xi Chen have only studied for less than a year, why are you so agile?"

Gu Anxi paused for a moment, and then said: "I used to get injured when training in the dark, and I bandaged it myself, so my hands and feet became quicker."

She said it lightly, but it felt a little distressed to the old brother's ears, although pinching is still pinching, distressing is another matter.

The old brother couldn't say his distressed words, but just looked at her silently.

The little milk essence pressed hard, which immediately elicited a pig-killing howl: "Easy..."

It hurts him to death, this little bastard.

The old lady was also distressed and shouted: "It hurts to death... Who made you grow a broken mouth."

Brother Wang: ...

Gu Anxi helped him deal with the wound, and then pushed it to the examination room to arrange the examination. She did it herself, and sent the data to Uncle Bo for him to see. Professor Bo over there quickly replied and ordered for her. Like.Director Hao who was accompanying him was even more admiring, and kept rubbing his hands: "Genius, Dr. Gu won a big prize for writing a paper on this medical record."

He coughed again: "I'm good at writing papers, why don't I come to be Doctor Xiao Gu's assistant?"

As long as this kind of award can be rubbed against, the ancestors will be smoked...

Gu Anxi looked at him, then at the person lying on the instrument, and said slowly, "You want to tell the world that half of Mr. Wang's stomach is artificial?"

"That's... also." Director Hao backed away, and suddenly said again: "By the way, we didn't get a certificate. Many people know about this. Will it be used as a handle?"

Gu Anxi didn't care: "As long as people live."

Director Hao touched his nose: Domineering!

After the examination, Gu Anxi pushed the person back in person, stayed in the ward after a hasty lunch, and really didn't even return home at night, staying in the hospital all the time.

At night, Wang Jingyao woke up.

He stared at the little man on the opposite sofa, and the little blanket was kicked away...

He really wanted to cover her with a small blanket, but he couldn't move, so he called the nurse softly: "Help Dr. Gu cover the blanket."

The nurse smiled and came over to cover it, "Mr. Wang really cares about Dr. Gu."

Wang Jingyao snorted softly: "Where do you care about her? I just can't bear the sight of such a big person, who doesn't seem to be sleeping yet, and see her drooling while sleeping. How can you, Professor Bo, bear it?"

As he spoke, he looked really disgusted, and the nurses laughed, knowing that he was being polite, "Doctor Xiao Gu is still young, only in his early twenties."

Old brother Wang sighed in his heart: Yes, so many people love her and treat her like a child, but is there such a bad child?She clearly knew his concerns, but she still wanted to fight him to the end.

Can he keep Zhou Yunchen's background?

 3200 words, there are [-] words left, update at [-] o'clock



(End of this chapter)

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