Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 823 Uncle, why are you here?

Chapter 823 Uncle, why are you back?

Wang Jingyao stayed up there for a long time, and his thoughts must be deep. Thinking of Zhou Yunchen, he couldn't fall asleep, even if he was weak after the operation.

Until two o'clock in the morning, the nurse saw that he was still awake, and said worriedly: "Mr. Wang, your body still needs to rest more."

Wang Jingyao closed his eyes: "I know."

Although I closed my eyes, I always had my thoughts in my heart, and I lay upright for more than half an hour before barely falling asleep. This time, I slept a little too much, and it was already eight o'clock in the morning when I woke up.

Opening his eyes, he saw director Hao Bulingbuling's gaze, and he frowned: "What about the brat?"

Director Hao brought the medicine tray, and while carefully changing the medicine for him, he said, "Dr. Gu is taking half a day off. He has a private matter to attend to."

Wang Jingyao understood as soon as he heard it, it must be about Tang Yuan!

He didn't say anything, and he was always strong when he changed the medicine (chong duck~), Director Hao was full of praise after changing the medicine, "I have already pulled out the catheter for you, you can walk around today, and it will be fine tomorrow Many, Mr. Gu's operation is really amazing. It's not inferior to Professor Bo at all."

But he did know that Dr. Gu is a quick learner, but academic things like medicine still need to be accumulated over time. Such experiments can only be achieved by research like Professor Bo's.

After listening to him talking for a long time, Wang Jingyao couldn't help asking: "Is she really so powerful?"

Director Hao took it for granted: "Yes, I have studied medicine for eight years and have more than twenty years of clinical experience, but I am far behind Dr. Gu."

He couldn't help feeling sorry again: "It's just that Dr. Gu has no intention of long-term development. After all, this child still wants to play because he is young."

Wang Jingyao rolled his eyes.

Little liar, how many people have been deceived!

Although I hate it so much, there is still a trace of worry in my heart... After all, it is...


Gu Anxi woke up at six o'clock in the morning, which didn't fit her biological clock, but she just woke up early in the morning. After waking up, she went to the lounge to wash her face. Later, Gu Yuanshan and Gu Ning came over to cook Tang Originally, she just wanted to take a look at Yuan Yuan's affairs from a distance, but then she felt so hypocritical, so what if she just took a look at it openly?

So she participated in the farewell ceremony. Gu Mingzhu was wearing sackcloth and filial piety, but Gu Anxi did not. She just watched Tang Yuan leave calmly as a relative and friend. From the beginning to the end, there was no one else except the Gu family...

And she also knew that the reason why Gu Yuanshan was willing to cook was because of the relationship between husband and wife for more than 20 years on the one hand, and on the other hand because of her. She was the child of Gu Yuanshan and Tang Yuan, and she was the only connection between them. May Tang Yuan's poor reputation hurt her...

After Tang Yuan was buried, the Gu family slowly dispersed, and Gu Mingzhu also left.

Gu Anxi stood alone in the cemetery, staring at the bright photo on the tombstone, which was Tang Yuan when she was young.It's so beautiful, that's why Gu Yuanshan couldn't help it.

She stood quietly until the scorching sun of August was in the sky, and she was very dry.

Above, a black umbrella was placed.

She raised her head and looked quietly, it was Uncle Bo.

As soon as he opened his mouth, his voice was hoarse: "Uncle, don't you come back tomorrow?"

"I'll go back early after I've squeezed things out." He said, holding an umbrella in one hand and gently holding her in his arms, lowering his head: "Do you feel like crying?"

Her small face was pressed against his heart, separated only by a layer of shirt fabric, it was warm and reassuring.

She shook her head, "No, it's just a little sad, she played a good hand of cards very badly."

As he said that, he wrinkled his little nose again: "My mother is also good-looking, but my father always hurts me."

Bo Xichen hummed, and stretched out his hand to smooth her hair... Gu Anxi leaned into his arms, and said in a low voice, "Uncle, will you be particularly moved when you see a good-looking one..."

"No one looks better than you." He smiled lightly, "I'm serious."

She didn't know what to say for a while.

Uncle, he has always been very warm, but he only warmed her alone, as if he was only polite to other women, and didn't pay special attention to it...

"Are you in a better mood now?" He rubbed his little head: "Your mother Bo cooked delicious food, go back and eat something to sleep."

She walked out with him obediently, and only after getting in the car did she ask him: "Uncle, you haven't arrived with jet lag yet." '

"It's okay." He smiled and fastened his seat belt: "You can sleep for a while."

He could imagine that she hadn't slept well for the past two nights, and it was surgery and Tang Yuan's matter.

Gu Anxi hummed and nodded: "Okay."

Even so, how could he be able to sleep?She kept her eyes closed all the way, unable to sleep at all, until the car stopped in Siyuan, she opened her eyes and rubbed: "It's only been two days since I was away from home, it seems like a long time."

He pinched her face: "I'll go to the hospital in a while, you stay at home, your father and mother miss you too."

She looked at him eagerly: "Uncle, I miss you too."

He smiled, faintly, very nicely.

When they arrived at the Bo's house, the three big ones of the Bo family naturally competed to care for her, fearing that she would feel even the slightest bit sad, like the stars were holding the moon. When Bo Xichen saw her, he just shook his head, thinking that half of her temper was caused by the family members.

But in this way, he felt that there was nothing wrong with it. Anyway, she listened to him quite well, and the only one who was tortured was the old brother in the hospital...

(There are still 08, finish before 30:[-])

(End of this chapter)

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