Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 825 Project!Where did Uncle Bo go?

Chapter 825 Project!Where did Uncle Bo go?

Bo Xichen's eyes fell on his face, and then he smiled faintly: "That's fine, I'll see Mr. Wang when he recovers, but don't touch Mr. Wang again if he's drinking."

He paused: "I forgot to mention that the materials used for Mr. Wang's stomach... avoid alcohol."

Wang Jingyao was stunned, and said after a while, "Does this mean that I will not be able to drink anymore?"

"Probably possible." Professor Bo rarely used a few vague words, but these were heard by the old brother's ears like a bolt from the blue.For a man like my brother, beauties and wine are indispensable in life. To appreciate beauties, you have to appreciate them carefully with a glass of red wine in the flickering lights.

The elder brother stared straight at Uncle Bo, and he choked up his voice after a long time: "Can I change it back?"

Uncle Bo smiled: "Probably not."

The elder brother asked again: "Does that brat know the properties of this material?"

Uncle Bo just thought about it for a while, and sold out his little guy: "I marked it as a highlight."

Brother Wang gritted his teeth: "This little bastard! I won't kill her."

But thinking about Bo Xichen's presence, he didn't say anything else.

Hehe, what a good and promising young man Xichen was before, but since he was with her, he has changed, become...bad.

The old brother was angry when the old lady and Wang Jingchuan just opened the door and came in. After listening to these words, the old lady immediately scolded: "I'm lying here, I almost lost my life, and I still read your few cups What about Huang Tang. You are still scolding your sister, if it weren’t for the bastard in your mouth, your old life would be gone, or can you save you by being that Dr. Jiang?”

Wang Jingyao was not afraid of anything, but he was afraid of an old lady who would be bullied, so he held his nose for a long time and didn't speak.

Seeing that he was timid, the old lady ordered him to lie down, and said to Bo Xichen gently: "I know you have worked hard, and you came to take care of this old thing just after getting off the plane, but this is another person who doesn't know how to be grateful. Treat him, if there is anything wrong with him, just tell me, and I will teach him a lesson."

Bo Xichen smiled: "Mr. Wang is just greedy, it's not a big deal."

The old lady was perceptive, and sat on the sofa with a smile: "Xi Chen, you are very polite, and Mr. Wang, I know that Anxi's child has been wronged, and you are also separated from our family. I don't blame you."

She looked at her son again: "You too, feel your conscience and ask yourself if you crossed the river and demolished the bridge. You didn't forget the well digger when you drank water. You buried the well digger so quickly."

The old brother turned over, he really didn't want to hear his mother reprimand him.

Just thinking about that little bastard, he probably enjoys super treatment in Bo's house. Lin Yun's domineering face is gentle and takes care of her like a baby, and he is the old guy in his mother's mouth.

They are all sons and daughters, why is there such a difference?

The older brother is about to shed tears when he thinks about it, the more he thinks about it, the sadder he becomes...

The old lady wanted to complain, but Bo Xichen shook his head lightly, and then smiled.

Laughing quite weirdly.

After a while, he coughed lightly: "I'll take a shower first, and come back later."

A transparent person like the old lady immediately understood and nodded: "That's fine, Xichen, you have worked hard too."

When Uncle Bo left, the old lady went over to grab her son's body.

Old brother Wang turned his back on her and ignored her.

The old lady was angry and funny immediately: "You know you are angry? You said you are still jealous with children when you are old?"

The old lady didn't say anything about letting the big one make the small one, but said: "Anxi is a girl, how many people are used to holding her, no matter how capable she is, she is still a little girl, you can talk about it yourself no matter how angry you are." , and you can’t kick her like that.”

Wang Jingyao remained silent.

The old lady said again: "Okay, okay, I know what you are for, but it's just a position, just a Zhou Yunchen, if you get him out of Beicheng some other day, your sister will reconcile with you."

Wang Jingyao still didn't make a sound, just grinding his fine white teeth: how could such a good thing happen?If he gets Zhou Yunchen away, he and that little bastard probably don't want to get along with each other because of her personality.

However, that's about it now.

He was always behind his back, and the old lady couldn't say as much as she wanted, and her son was very old and always aggressive, so she couldn't say much distressed words. (I feel sorry for the old brother for a few seconds.)

But later, that Dr. Jiang came to see the patient again. He was very earnest, and the old lady did not object. When she married her back home, she still knew a little bit about this son's character, and if she didn't like it, she didn't like it, otherwise she wouldn't have been so alone for so many years...

The old lady was more or less scruples about Bo Xichen's mood, so she went to appease him for a while, and came in every way.

The old lady is shrewd. Although this son has a high status, the combination of the Bo family and the Lin family... plus Min Xin who has been subdued is enough to stabilize the overall situation. That boy Min Xin was subdued by Anxi, so he probably listens to Anxi more. , I have to say that an old lady is an old lady, wily.

Bo Xichen respected his elders very much, and spoke gently and thoughtfully to the old lady, but he was also tight-lipped.

In the end, the old lady laughed and cursed and made a joke: "I see you are a lot more slippery with that brat."

Bo Xichen just smiled slightly.

The old lady had no choice but to give up, but she didn't go back to the ward either, and she couldn't stand seeing that woman surnamed Jiang getting tired, and it was not pleasing to the eye.

When she went back, she personally picked out a few good things, and sent one to Bo's family, and the other to Lin Hua, which was considered to be done for her son.

Here, Bo Xichen was free, rested for a while, and called back to Siyuan.

It was Bo Nianyao who picked it up, with a very soft tone, afraid of disturbing the little boy in the guest room, "Xichen, Anxi is taking a nap, and your mother is not willing to leave even after being with her."

Bo Xichen smiled: "Okay, let her drink some ginseng soup when she wakes up, and I'll see her lose weight in a few days."

Bo Nianyao smiled heartily: "Don't worry, the old man has already arranged for it. My heart aches very much."

Bo Xichen was a little surprised, and Bo Nianyao smiled: "Why don't you believe it?...Zai Zai is now the father's favorite person, and I have never seen him care so much for anyone in these years, even Bo Jin never saw him love him so much when he was a child. "

In fact, he didn't know what the old man was thinking. It wasn't that Anxi could play [-] in everything, but he just wanted to take Anxi to play with him. The old man was probably tired of eating vegetarian food on the top of the mountain and praying to Buddha.

When he said this, Bo Xichen smiled: "Anxi's physique is also quite strange."

Bo Nianyao couldn't help saying: "What's strange, didn't you go to Qingcheng once and bring him back quickly?"

Faced with his father's ridicule, Bo Xichen was a little overwhelmed, and hung up the phone after saying a few words. When he went to the ward, Jiang Chaoge was still there. After seeing him, he smiled slightly: "Senior brother."

Bo Xichen nodded.

Jiang Chaoge was actually a little uncomfortable. She had liked Bo Xichen for many years, but in the end she was defeated by her admiration for power.Although she did these things, she still cared a little about what Bo Xichen thought of her, for fear that he would have bad thoughts about her because of Gu Anxi.

Bo Xichen didn't know what she was thinking. He would not speculate on her thoughts for people he didn't care about, so Jiang Chaoge made a wrong payment again, no matter how decent he behaved, no one would care.

What kind of person is Old Brother Wang, and he has heard a little bit about the previous things. Seeing Jiang Chaoge's attitude, he understands a lot, but he doesn't care, he only cares about that project.

That project must be won.

Therefore, when they appeared together, even if he was weak, he still struck while the iron was hot: "Chaoge, make an appointment with that William. Let's negotiate the terms. Everything is negotiable. In short, this project must be completed by our own people."

Brother Wang is very thoughtful, he will take the project by himself first, if there is a technical problem, then he will grind Xichen again, and then just pay some consulting fees, and if he succeeds, he will make a lot of money sent.

The old brother's calculations were very smart, and he waited for Bo Xichen to reject that William. At this time, Jiang Chaoge probably guessed what he meant by seeing his expression, and they hit it off immediately, and then smiled and said to Bo Xichen: "Yes, brother, Regardless of whether we agree or disagree, we can meet and talk."

Bo Xichen smiled, didn't refuse, and didn't say no, Jiang Chaoge asked a few more words, and he said softly: "If you want to invest money, you have to discuss it with Anxi, after all, the financial affairs of Yunxi Group are in her hands now." hand."

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Chaoge's expression turned ugly.

Probably jealousy.

That was tens of trillions of assets, all of which fell into the hands of Gu Anxi, so she said softly: "Aren't uncles and aunts too hasty when they made this decision? After all, it is the foundation of the Bo family for hundreds of years. .”

Brother Wang also said: "Yes, Xichen, a man can't live without money. Nian Yao and his wife are a little careless."

Uncle Bo paused for a moment before smiling: "Actually, it's not only my parents, most of the Gu family in Gu Yuanshan is also under Anxi's name, and my mother-in-law's family is also the same... When it comes to being careless, isn't Mr. Wang too?"

Wang Jingyao's nose was no longer his nose, and his face was no longer his face. He was also impulsive at the time, wishing to put everything in front of her, but Xi Chen caught him.

As a result, Jiang Chaoge became even more jealous, and couldn't hide his jealousy: "If she doesn't covet these things, she shouldn't accept them."

Uncle Bo smiled: "Who says she doesn't covet, Anxi still loves money."

Jiang Chaoge was speechless for a while, don't men dislike girls worshiping money the most, why is it an advantage when it comes to Gu Anxi?

Old brother Wang agreed very much: "She is a money fanatic, cultivated by Gu Yuanshan, that Zhou Yunchen is just like her, the two really share the same taste."

After finishing speaking, I felt that I... accidentally spoke the truth, so I shut up.

At this time, only Jiang Chaoge felt that the topic seemed to have been moved away by Bo Xichen's few words. He didn't want to get involved with this project at all, right?This is the best way, then she will directly cooperate with Wang Jingyao, and she will be fully responsible for the rest.

When Bo Xichen left, Wang Jingyao came over and said to Jiang Chaoge, "Look, he brushed aside his words, I don't think he meant that, that's better."

After finishing speaking, he said with a gloomy face, "That William, you must take it down."

Jiang Chaoge nodded.

When she left, she immediately contacted that Mr. William. To her surprise, that Mr. William changed his previous attitude and said that he would directly authorize the project to her, with a capital of 50 billion.

Jiang Chaoge was stunned.

In the world, there is such a good thing?

She didn't believe it at first, and William told her in fluent Chinese that his father's health was not getting better, and this project would rot if he put it in his hands, and he believed in Wang Jingyao's team.

It turned out to be the case, Jiang Chaoge felt relieved, originally she wanted to discuss it with Wang Jingyao, but if she persuaded Uncle Jiang to take it for 50 billion, then this project would completely belong to her.

At that time, many things will be easy to unfold...

What she wants is not just the project, but also the position of Mrs. Wang!

So, Jiang Chaoge went to Jiang's house that night, talked with Jiang Bin in the study for four hours, and finally Jiang Bin made a decision——

50 billion, take it!

Jiang Chaoge heaved a sigh of relief, his legs were limp when he walked out of the study.

This project belongs to her, and when it is developed, it will shock the whole world.And at that time, she will be the incomparably beautiful Mrs. Wang, respected by Wang Jingyao, and those who look down on her will all have to respect her.

(3600 words, [-] words after eight o'clock)

(End of this chapter)

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