Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 826 Blind date!Yuanjia road is narrow

Chapter 826 Blind date!Yuanjia road is narrow

Jiang Chaoge was very excited when he returned from Jiang Bin's place.

After so many years, she finally got her wish!

Others don't understand the feeling of being born in a side branch, but she knows it all too well. She walked all the way, watching Chu Yan being favored by the four big families, seeing Gu Mingzhu has a little talent, and that woman named Tang Yuan who can blow to the sky. .

As for her, she worked so hard, but when the four major families had any activities, she was never the focus.

And now, it's finally her turn. Chu Yanyuan has gone away, Gu Mingzhu has nothing, Gu Anxi is in the limelight but fell out with Wang Jingyao, now is her best chance...

Jiang Chaoge drove the car back to her home in the suburbs. It was a small two-story building. She bought it for more than 1000 million two years ago. This is the best life she can give herself.

As soon as the car stopped, Mother Jiang greeted her with a beaming face: "Chao Ge, you are back."

Jiang Chaoge turned off the fire, and smiled lightly: "What's the matter, Mom?"

Jiang's mother smiled mysteriously, took her daughter's arm with one hand, and said, "That's right, Mom has agreed with an aunt and introduced you to a partner. Go and see at noon tomorrow."

Jiang Chaoge was in a moment of pride tonight, all he wanted was to take advantage of Wang Jingyao, so he wouldn't have the heart to go on a blind date, and besides, her mother couldn't find anyone who met her requirements, so she refused without thinking: "Mom, I'm so focused on work right now that I don't want to think about these things."

How could Jiang's mother know what she was thinking, and she smiled mysteriously: "This time, you will definitely like it. The other party is tall and handsome, has a good temper, and has a good position and income. Mom likes it very much."

At this moment, the two of them had arrived in the living room, Jiang Chaoge threw the bag in his hand on the sofa, and smiled lightly: "Mom, how can there be such a perfect person."

Jiang's mother pressed her shoulders and made her sit down: "Of course! Mom knows that you want to start a career, but a woman must have a home, isn't it? Chaoge, you are almost thirty, you have to plan for your future. Now I just earned a little more money, what should I do if I can’t find a good one in the future?”

Jiang Chaoge enjoyed the comfort of his mother pinching his shoulders, and slightly closed his eyes: "Mom, how do you know you can't find a good one?"

Jiang's mother laughed: "This time, you must go and meet. Mom thinks you are destined."

She also said a lot of good things about the other party. Jiang Chaoge is usually considered filial, but now he doesn't want to let his mother know what he thinks, so he copes: "Then let's see each other, but if Mom doesn't like it, you can do it." You can't force me, a twisted melon is not sweet. '

With her words, Jiang's mother was already overjoyed, "No force, no force, you will definitely like it."

After finishing speaking, Mother Jiang went upstairs to call her little sister, and the two made an appointment.

Downstairs, Jiang Chaoge rubbed her shoulders, leaned on the sofa and didn't take this matter to heart at all, she was full of projects, and Mrs. Wang's throne, plus Gu Anxi was stepped on by herself .

She and Gu Anxi had a great hatred.

Grab the revenge of the senior brother.

Revenge of the limelight.

She didn't mean to take Wang Jingyao's revenge, why would she want to occupy Wang Jingyao's feelings?Although it is said that Wang Jingyao has some meanings for Lin Hua, compared with Gu Anxi, it is really a drop in the bucket.The more Jiang Chaoge thought about it, the more unhappy he felt, his heart was full of sorrow and joy, and finally turned into fighting spirit.

After one night of planning, she studied the operation Gu Anxi performed on Wang Jingyao at Jiang's Hospital during the day. She used some methods to find materials and did experiments on animals.

but failed.

Jiang Chaoge took off his mask, and said to his assistant in a cold voice, "Shall we dispose of it?"

The assistant was a new intern, and asked her cautiously: "Dr. Jiang, do you want to save it, maybe it will survive."

Jiang Chaoge turned his head, looked at the painfully twitching rabbit, and said calmly: "It's just an experimental product, even if it's revived, it's worthless." '

The intern didn't dare to say anything more. After Jiang Chaoge left, she held the rabbit and felt sad for a while, and finally gave it euthanasia.

In fact, she felt uncomfortable. Obviously this kind of experiment does not require humane destruction, but Dr. Jiang seems to be very cold-blooded and doesn't care much about these small animals.


Of course Jiang Chaoge didn't care, she only cared about the results of the experiment and the fame.

The life or death of a rabbit is not important at all.

While she was scratching her bald hair in her office, her mother called, still beaming: "Chaoge, are you ready? Didn't we invite each other to have dinner at the restaurant?"

Only then did Jiang Chaoge remember, and he said, "Okay, then I'll be there in a while."

Mother Jiang confessed uneasy again: "Clean up well, don't be so careless about appearance, men don't like strong women so much."

Jiang Chaoge stroked his forehead: "Mom, I understand."

She was actually a little annoyed, so she hung up the phone and casually put on light makeup to go to the appointment. When Jiang Mu and the other party arrived, Jiang Chaoge sat down and said politely, "I'm sorry for being late due to the traffic jam."

But as soon as she sat down, she froze.

The ones sitting opposite turned out to be Chen Ming and his mother.

And obviously, Chen Ming didn't know about it, and his expression was so indescribable... Jiang Chaoge's voice suddenly became hoarse: "Mom, Aunt Chen, why are you..."

Chen Ming's mother also just came to Beicheng not long ago, and she was very happy and satisfied to see Jiang Chaoge: "Chaoge, I haven't seen you for a long time, you look better the longer you grow."

Jiang Chaoge forced a smile, took a sip of tea and looked at Chen Ming.

Chen Ming coughed lightly, and said to his mother: "I have played with Chaoge since we were young, if we grow up, Mom, you and Aunt Jiang will..."

Chen's mother gave him a reproachful look: "What are you talking about, kid? What's wrong with Chaoge? Both of you kids are busy with your careers and don't care about life-long events. It's wrong for us as elders to think about you. , everyone knows the basics, and the conditions are pretty good... Now we can still get married and have a child, you young people are busy with your careers, where can you find such good conditions?"

Chen Ming was a little anxious: "Mom, Chaoge and I are not the same thing?"

Jiang's mother smiled: "Chen Ming, I know you have liked Chaoge for many years. Auntie has noticed this matter. It is not easy for your mother to come over. Let's have a meal to clarify the point. As for your feelings for Chaoge You need to cultivate it well, and it won't be too late to talk about getting married next year."

The two elders are extremely enthusiastic, mainly because they know the basics and feel that they are not at a disadvantage.

Chen Ming had no choice but to look at Jiang Chaoge, Jiang Chaoge was also quite speechless, but she had a small child in her heart, and she couldn't justify her refusal at this moment, but if she said to look everywhere, then her mother would not force her to go on a blind date.

So she nodded: "Okay, then let's look around."

As soon as she said that, Chen Ming was stunned, staring straight at Jiang Chaoge.

He wouldn't narcissistically think she liked him!

Jiang Chaoge also looked at him, and then, Chen Ming understood the meaning... Pretend!

He didn't have any objections, and he's tired of blind dates these days, so he slowly said, "Then, let's go everywhere."

After finishing speaking, he raised his head abruptly, and saw Song Jiaren coming in with Shen Congwen, who seemed to be about to eat, and just in time to hear what he said.

Song Jiaren frowned, her good-looking face was three parts cold and seven parts sneering.

(End of this chapter)

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