Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 827 I am unwilling to settle

Chapter 827 I am unwilling to settle

Her expression seemed to be laughing at what he said before like farting. Chen Ming's heart suddenly hit. she walked over...

This made Chen's mother and Jiang's mother unable to understand.

What's wrong with Chen Ming?

I saw Chen Ming walking quickly, his tall body blocking Song Jiaren's way.Song Jiaren frowned: "What are you doing, get out of the way."

Chen Ming was about [-] years old, much taller than her, he lowered his head and said softly, "It's not what you see."

"Isn't that what?" Song Jiaren asked funnyly: "Chen Ming, your matter has nothing to do with me, and your blind date with Ms. Jiang has nothing to do with me. Don't be passionate, okay? A blind date is a good one. After all, two older young people It’s not easy to be like-minded.”

The veins on Chen Ming's forehead popped out, he clenched his hands into fists, and finally put them down, and said almost helplessly: "I'm not explaining, I just don't want you to think that I'm in two boats, I don't have that kind of thought about Chaoge .”

He said that Song Jiaren was listening, but she remained indifferent.

Shen Congwen on the side smiled and said: "Chen Ming, whether you are sincere or not, and whether you like Miss Jiang or not, it has nothing to do with our beautiful woman. Besides, you and Miss Jiang agreed to date, if you continue to act like this It seems that you are not very kind to Miss Jiang by pestering a beautiful woman."

She added: "Your parents are still here."

Chen Ming's gaze fell directly on Song Jiaren's face. He was an honest person, and he had indeed been sincere to her. She didn't want him, but he still wanted to say what he had to say.

As for whether she believed it or not, he couldn't control it.

Chen Ming still sat back, and Chen's mother asked very unhappy: "Chen Ming, what's the matter with you, how can you leave Chaoge behind?"

Her eyes fell not far away: "That girl is very familiar, she looks pretty, but isn't she dressed too coolly?"

Before Chen Ming said anything, Jiang Chaoge took a sip of tea and smiled faintly: "That's Miss Song Jiaren, a very famous star abroad."

Jiang's mother glanced at her, while Chen's mother murmured: "A star abroad, Chen Ming, how do you know her? There won't be anything involved. Mom can tell you that a girl like you should never provoke her." If you want to marry, you still have to marry a career-oriented woman like Chaoge."

Chen Ming felt a little bitter in his heart, but he smiled indifferently on his face: "Mom, people don't like me."

"My son will not be favored." Chen's mother said confidently: "In short, you and her have nothing to do best. Chao Ge is so good, you can't do something to let her down."

Chen Ming felt helpless, in fact, his mind was no longer here, and he couldn't sit still.

How could Jiang Chaoge not know what he was thinking, so he just smiled lightly, but Jiang's mother had been skeptical just now, for fear that her daughter would suffer.Seeing that her daughter also knew the woman now, and she didn't care about it, she was relieved, so she looked at Mother Chen.

Mother Chen understood, and said with a smile: "Chaoge, your mother and I are not used to the food here, why don't you two eat it together, and let's go out and have a hot pot to feel more comfortable."

"It's such a hot day, what kind of hot pot should I eat?" Chen Ming thought for a while, "There's a vegetarian restaurant next door, why don't you go there to eat, and I'll take you there later."

His demeanor is filial to the elders, and Jiang Chaoge wants to be. Chen's mother is overjoyed and pretends to look at her son: "You have this time, you can't accompany Chaoge. We eat ours, so you don't want to eat." Nevermind."

After she finished speaking, she greeted Jiang Chaoge again, looking very satisfied.

After the elders left, Chen Ming breathed a sigh of relief, unbuttoned two shirts, flipped through the menu casually and asked, "What do you eat, Chaoge?"

"Whatever, I have another experiment in a while."

Chen Ming nodded: "Okay, just two set meals, I happen to have a case too."

He quickly ordered the food, and the food was served very quickly. Chen Ming quickly finished his portion without politeness, and went to pay the bill: "I'm going first, the team is waiting for me."

Jiang Chaoge raised his head and smiled faintly: "The driver has gone back to eat, and I'm leaving early, and the hospital is not far away, so please see me for a while."

Chen Ming looked at the time, "Okay, there's time."

He sat down with a good temper, and waited for Jiang Chaoge while swiping his phone.

Jiang Chaoge ate politely, stopped in the middle and asked him: "You and there no hope?"

Chen Ming instinctively stretched out his hand to touch the cigarette, but he gave up thinking it was a restaurant. Hearing this, he smiled: "If there is nothing, it has never started."

Jiang Chaoge ate the steak gracefully, raised his eyes: "Then something special must have happened to you, otherwise you wouldn't be pestering a girl like this, I still know about you."

Chen Ming denied it with a faint smile: "I told you that she doesn't like me." '

Although he denied it, he still remembered how he was drunk that day. Although he didn't remember clearly, it would be a lie to say that there was no trace at all.

Just thinking about it is like burning all inside, which is a bit unbearable.

Jiang Chaoge has also learned some psychology. Seeing Chen Ming's appearance at this time, she felt [-]% to [-]% confident. She said slowly: "Your mother is more conservative, and I'm afraid she won't agree with you and Miss Song. .”

Chen Ming shook his head and smiled wryly: "I didn't say that, there is no such thing as a horoscope."

Jiang Chaoge looked at him with deep meaning, but didn't say anything more.After she finished her meal, Chen Ming sent her to the hospital, but he didn't look at Song Jiaren when he left.

Of course, Song Jiaren wouldn't look at him, but Shen Congwen looked at the door and smiled: "I really don't think about it, I think Chen Ming is good, and it's obvious that the two of them have nothing to do, probably because the elders are pushing too hard. "

Song Jiaren lowered her head and ate the salad, slowly and softly: "If you don't think about it, he's not my type."

Shen Congwen laughed: "Then tell me what you don't like about him?"

"Rude, low EQ, looks like a big guy." Song Jia counted out a few points, and added a special sentence: "The other one is why I like him! Is it because of that night?"

Shen Congwen smiled and said nothing else.

In fact, she has the same thoughts as Zhou Yunchen. The beautiful woman's temperament has been raised a bit tricky these years, and the incident with the Bo family happened again. I am afraid that finding a proud man will hurt each other. Chen Ming's personality is very suitable for her , but looking at her as if unwilling, she couldn't force it.

The two ate slowly. Over there, Chen Ming sent Jiang Chaoge to the hospital. When he got out of the car, he lowered the window and said softly, "We can have a meal together when we have time. It's easy to explain to the elders."

Jiang Chaoge smiled: "It seems that you don't want to go on a blind date."

Chen Ming didn't make a sound, just took out a cigarette, but Jiang Chaoge said again: "Chen Ming, I can't agree, you know I have someone in my heart."

Chen Ming subconsciously said, "But Professor Bo is married."

Jiang Chaoge was a little annoyed, "I'm not talking about him."

Chen Ming understood after a little thought, and he was not annoyed at all, but he still reminded him: "Mr. Wang is not easy to deal with, Chao Ge, don't waste your youth on him, he is too old to find someone else." Get married."

He had been brought up with brother Jiang Chao all along, he was considered an elder brother, and he still cared a little bit for her.

But Jiang Chaoge couldn't listen to his concern. She only thought that her project could bless her, so she said very calmly: "Chen Ming, maybe you can make it up, but I can't."

Chen Ming dusted off the cigarette ash, looked at her again, and said nothing more.

Jiang Chaoge stood there alone, silently for a long time.She understood Chen Ming's kindness, but she couldn't accept it.

She walked into the hospital building slowly, and just sat down in her seat when the secretary came over and said, "Dr. Jiang, a Mr. William called and said that he had an appointment with you to discuss something."

 Let's see the rest tomorrow~~ I'm going out late



(End of this chapter)

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