Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 828 Won the project very smoothly?

Chapter 828 Won the project very smoothly?

Jiang Chaoge nodded, and said very calmly: "Then help me contact Mr. Jiang."

After she finished speaking, she stopped again and said softly, "I'll contact you myself."

She dialed Jiang Bin's number and explained the project in detail. A cautious person like Jiang Bin would not see that the project would not cost money, so Jiang Chaoge introduced William and Jiang Bin to meet.

Jiang Bin didn't trust Jiang Chaoge very much now, so he brought a few medical experts there, and took a look at the data from Huaer's laboratory all afternoon.

Jiang Bin sat on the sofa, holding a cup of tea in one hand and seemed to be very relaxed: "How is it? Can this project be completed?"

One of the experts took off his presbyopic glasses and said slowly, "According to the public data, it's a good project."

The second expert said: "But it's better to ask Professor Bo to have a look, he is an expert in this field."

William looked noncommittal, "Chaoge, what do you think?"

Naturally, Jiang Chaoge didn't want Bo Xichen to see this, so her eyes fell on Jiang Bin's face, because she knew that Jiang Bin was more afraid of the Bo family than she was.

Sure enough, Jiang Bin received her message, got up, picked up the documents, looked at them, and asked Jiang Chaoge, "Is this project OK?"

Jiang Chaoge smiled slightly: "Professor Hua Er has completed 60.00%, if we win the project, we only need to fully develop this project in the next year, then the patent alone will be worth tens of billions."

Jiang Bin loves money very much. Although he was a little bit heartbroken about the billions, he gritted his teeth and still made the deal.

Of course, he also knew that there was still technology to overcome in this project, but that was Chaoge's business. Since she was willing to take on this and signed the guarantee, if she couldn't complete it, then she would have to compensate half of the funds.

Under multiple insurances, Jiang Bin signed the project contract without hesitation, and transferred the money to William's account.

After doing all this, Jiang Bin was in high spirits, sweeping away the bad luck of his son being suppressed.

He also understood in his heart that Chao Ge wanted to use this to get close to Wang Jingyao, as long as she took down his son surnamed Wang, it would be settled in the future.

On this day, he was also planning carefully. Mr. Wang happened to be discharged from the hospital that day, and Jiang Bin would show his face in front of Mr. Wang at that time. After that time, he would ask Chao Ge to mention his son. A matter of course.

It was settled here, William and Jiang Chaoge walked out together.

William said affectionately: "Chaoge, I may not be able to attend your banquet. My father is not in good health. I have to go back to take care of him."

Jiang Chaoge was naturally a little polite, and sent his blessings to Professor Huaer.

After seeing off the foreign devils, she returned to the hotel's small meeting room, where Jiang Bin sat drinking tea and tapped the table lightly with one hand.

Seeing Jiang Chaoge come in, he said with a smile: "This time, Chaoge, you have made a great contribution. Who would dare to look down on us after such a world-wide project is won? Who would dare to say that we are the last of the four?"

Jiang Chaoge made a cup of tea for him, sat on the small sofa opposite him, and smiled: "Uncle Jiang will definitely get what he wants."

Jiang Bin understood what she meant, and smiled hehehe: "It's up to you in the future, Chao Ge, this is a perfect opportunity. Gu Anxi fell out with Wang, Zhou Yunchen was out, and it was you." Cousin's good opportunity, if this thing is done, our Jiang family ancestors will be smoked."

"I will do my best." Jiang Chaoge said meekly.

Jiang Bin glanced at her, picked up his teacup and drank water.

In fact, they know how to use each other. Both sides take what they need, and they have to give each other a little bit of sweetness...


Just when Jiang Chaoge finished signing the agreement, Bo Xichen received a call from the country of America.

After he took it, he was a little surprised.

Wall's lab data has been stolen!

Just after hanging up the phone, Director Hao came over, and immediately brought a big message: "Professor Bo, do you know that the project of Hua Er Laboratory was taken down by Jiang's Hospital?"

Bo Xichen frowned: "Jiang's Hospital? You mean Jiang Chaoge?"

Director Hao nodded: "That's right, it happened this afternoon. Jiang Bin paid a total of [-] billion in real money to the foreign devils, and the leader of the project is Jiang Chaoge."

Bo Xichen sat down slowly, took out two cigarettes from the cigarette case on the table, and threw one to Director Hao.

Director Hao happened to be addicted to cigarettes, so he took it and moved over to light it.

The two men swallowed for a while before Bo Xichen spoke softly: "I just received a call. The project team of Huaer Laboratory was invaded illegally, and a copy of the project materials was copied."

Ah... Director Hao's mouth opened a little too wide.

After a while, he asked bluntly, "How do you know what happened over there?"

Bo Xichen smiled lightly: "Because Professor Hua Er of the Hua Er Laboratory donated the project to the Z Charity Association."

Director Hao didn't understand even more: "That has nothing to do with our hospital." '

Bo Xichen smiled: "That charity association is under my mother's name."

Director Hao was stunned.

For such a big and important project, the old man Huaer donated it like this?

That's a lot of billions.

Later, he was startled, and tasted something wrong: "Then the one bought by the Jiang family was stolen?"The sales and contracts are illegal. In other words, that Mr. William has no right to sell the project rights at all. As long as we stop, they will stop in minutes. '

After finishing speaking, he looked at Bo Xichen with eyes full of excitement.

Uncle Bo slowly exhaled a puff of smoke ring, and then smiled lightly: "To start the project, at least tens of billions are needed."

Director Hao was stunned again...Professor Bo was thinking...

Really poisonous!

Uncle Bo glanced at him indifferently, "Why is there a problem?"

Director Hao swallowed, and said softly, "No, there's no problem, it's just that the Jiang family is about to bleed."

Bo Xichen smiled, "There is a saying that is true, there is no good product that is cheap, so how can you get the 50 billion project?"

Of course, except for free gifts!

(End of this chapter)

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