Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 829 Uncle, You Have Learned Badly

Chapter 829 Uncle, You Have Learned Badly (3200 words)

Director Hao was stunned.

What Professor Bo means is that there is something wrong with the project transaction between the Jiang family and the Hua Er laboratory.And this project is now in the hands of Professor Bo?

Oh my god, Director Hao was stunned by this news, it was incredible.

Director Hao looked directly at his boss, and then said softly after a long time: "Actually, I'm quite interested in this project, Professor it possible, is it possible..."

"The research base of this project is in Jiangcheng." Bo Xichen smiled slightly, "Are you okay?"

Director Hao immediately said: "No problem, no problem at all. When I leave, I will pack my luggage. I will leave immediately."

Director Hao is obsessed with academic research and is still single at this age. In fact, Bo Xichen doesn't want him to be like this. Academics belong to academics, and a normal life is still necessary. You can't live your life with bones, can you?

So, he thought for a while and said slowly: "That's it. Anxi and I may stay in Jiangcheng in the future. There must be a trustworthy person here at Yunxi Hospital in Beicheng. The ideal candidate in my mind is you."

Having said that, Director Hao hesitated a little. If Professor Bo valued him so much, if he only did it for his own academic selfishness, wouldn't that be unreasonable?

So, he looked at Bo Xichen indifferently.

Bo Xichen smiled: "In this way, you can go to Jiangcheng when you are on vacation. Isn't this the best of both worlds?"

Director Hao thought this was very good, so he happily agreed, and when he left, Bo Xichen put out the cigarette, got up and went to the ward.

After three days of recuperation, Wang Jingyao has recovered a lot, and has asked Wang Jingchuan to bring over the documents for him to approve. Now he opened the door and walked in. Wang Jingyao was leaning on the bedside to read a document, frowning as if there was something wrong. Difficult thing.

Hearing footsteps at this moment, he raised his eyes and said, "Xi Chen, you're here."

Bo Xichen smiled: "You look much better."

After finishing speaking, Wang Jingyao stared at him, and after a while, Old Brother Wang said shyly, "You are being more polite to me now."

Bo Xichen just smiled and didn't respond.

Old brother Wang also knew it in his heart, and sighed softly: "Okay, I don't blame you, I know that you are born to me because of that little bastard."

As he said that, he looked at Bo Xichen again: "The young ones are like this, and the old ones are also like this."

What he was talking about was none other than Bo Nianyao.

Since the last time they had a falling out, Bo Nianyao had no contact with him at all. Now that he lives in the hospital, they only treat him as a patient butcher, and they don't take any visits, not only him but also Mr. Lin. Come on, these more or less make Old Brother Wang afraid.

After all, after the last incident, the status of the Bo family in Beicheng was different. Even the people around him were overtly or secretly favoring the Bo family and that bastard.

When he said this, Bo Xichen smiled again, and bent over to check the big man's body.

After the inspection, he straightened up and slowly put away his things. Wang Jingyao remembered something, "By the way, I'll be discharged from the hospital in a few days. Let's make arrangements for you to meet that William."

Bo Xichen asked very directly: "Is it for that project? That's unnecessary, because Jiang Bin has already sent Jiang Chaoge to sign a contract with William."

His language is very subtle, not that Wall Labs signed, but William.It's a pity that the old brother was so anxious at this time, he didn't realize the difference all of a sudden, but frowned: "It's only been a day or two, how come it's finalized?"

In this matter, Jiang Chaoge didn't cooperate with him, so why did he turn around and vote for Jiang Bin.

But the old brother was a shrewd old bird, and he knew a little bit of it after thinking about it carefully, and he couldn't help but sulk at the moment.

Jiang Chaoge wanted to use this project to force the palace!

Haha, she thinks too beautifully!

Just when Wang Jingyao's anger level reached the highest point, the heroine came over, opened the door and saw Wang Jingyao's gloomy face, she couldn't help being stunned for a moment: "Mr. Wang, are you uncomfortable?"

Wang Jingyao looked over.

Uncle Bo stood there, with a faint smile hidden in his light expression, waiting for Wang Jingyao to respond—they are forced into the palace, this is a good statement, should he die rather than obey, or sacrifice himself for the project?

Uncle Bo admits that he has some bad tastes.

As expected, Wang Jingyao did not disappoint him, his face quickly turned away as if he had changed his face, and he said to Jiang Chaoge like a spring breeze, "It's Chaoge, an old man who always comes to see me when he's so busy at work. Thank you for your hard work."

As he spoke, he glanced at Wang Jingchuan: "I can't drink my cup of Xueding iced tea, so quickly bring it to Chaoge. The temperature is just right at this time."

Jiang Chaoge is not a fool, so she naturally guessed what Wang Jingyao was so enthusiastic about. It seems that the news has already spread out, and she said a little reservedly: "It's a little hot, but how can I bother the Secretary-General to serve me? ?”

Wang Jingchuan is also a good person. Knowing that his boss is going to win over this Dr. Jiang, he said very flexibly, "Dr. Jiang is Mr. Wang's important guest. Don't bother. It's Jingchuan's honor."

Wang Jingyao also smiled: "Jing Chuan's words are pleasing to the ear. The women he admires the most are Chao Ge and you. If you are too polite with him, you will treat me as an outsider."

The old brother is the old brother, still lying on the ward, and his ability to coax women has not lost at all. Although Jiang Chaoge is strong, but such a character speaks soft words to her, she still accepts this.

Immediately, Jiang Chaoge became dignified, and he was no longer polite to Bo Xichen, but Uncle Bo didn't care, he just smiled and left.

Jiang Chaoge looked at his back, and lightly pursed his lower lip.

Bo Xichen returned to his office, dialed a phone number to the little one at home, told her not to run around, and concentrated on reading the documents for a while, and waited for the assistant to come over during the break: "Professor Bo, Dr. Jiang said he wanted to see you."

Bo Xichen covered the pen in his hand, "Didn't she accompany Mr. Wang, why did she come to me?"

Even so, see you.

Jiang Chaoge is indeed very different from the past. Now that she has confidence, she doesn't need to deliberately please Wang Jingyao, and she feels that she is almost the same as the old senior brother now, and she can sit on an equal footing. Gaining power, her identity was different at that time.

Of course, she will let Wang Jingyao stay in the position for a few more years, others are not as good as her husband.

Jiang Chaoge's little calculation was shrewd, but she also knew not to offend Bo Xichen too much. After all, Bo Xichen might be needed in the later stage of the project's development, and as soon as Jiang Chaoge came, Bo Xichen knew what she was doing, and he didn't mention Hua. Regarding the stolen documents from Er's laboratory, he just refused with a smile, and the reason he used was Gu Anxi.

He said: "I cooperate with you, Madam may not be very happy."

Jiang Chaoge froze for a moment, and then his face became unsightly, and he said with a little restraint: "Brother, I have known you for all these years, when did you become impulsive? Anxi was young and got into a fight with Mr. Wang, you have always been prudent, so why did you mess around together? ?”

Bo Xichen smiled slightly, "Isn't a family supposed to stand together?"

Jiang Chaoge paused for a while, and then his voice slowed down, as if he was thinking deeply: "Senior brother, you are too spoiled with her, so she will hurt the entire Bo family."

Hearing what she said, Bo Xichen leaned back and his expression became calm: "Chaoge, don't forget that she saved Beicheng last time, including your mother."

He rarely said a heavy sentence: "People should be grateful." '

Jiang Chaoge didn't expect that he would use this to block himself back, but she really couldn't refute this.His face froze for a moment before he raised his voice: "Brother, I'm waiting for your change of heart, and I hope we can cooperate one day."

Bo Xichen only smiled lightly, and sent her to the door very gracefully. Jiang Chaoge was not very happy when he got a soft nail from him, but felt that Bo Xichen was rigid and didn't understand the style.

She stamped her feet and left first.

At this time, it was also time to get off work. After explaining the matter, Bo Xichen drove home.

The car slowly drove back to Siyuan, and a villain got into the car after it stopped.

He turned off the fire and turned his head: "Are you bored at home?"

The little creamer who missed him so much hugged his neck: "Yeah, I really miss it."

Bo Xichen smiled, carried her over and put her in his arms... It took him a while to raise his head, his voice slightly hoarse: "What's delicious for dinner?"

She counted a few dishes with her little hands, and then she felt a little embarrassed: because they were all her favorite dishes.

Uncle Bo looked at her guilty face, smiled nonchalantly, opened the car door with one hand and carried her out of the car, "I won't be jealous with you."

"Uncle, you are the best." She hugged him and said softly.

He just carried Clingy around like this, like Siamese twins. Fortunately, although he is thin, his arms are very strong, and he can hold her with one hand occasionally...

While walking, the two talked, "Uncle, I heard that Jiang Chaoge signed a contract with that foreign devil."

He grunted: "Yes."

She lay on his shoulders, exhaling softly: "But I found out by accident that Hua Er Lab had given the project to Z Charity for free, so did Jiang Chaoge pay 50 billion yuan and infringe on the rights?" ? Can you sue the Jiang family for bankruptcy?"

Uncle Bo grunted again.

Gu Anxi was stunned, her small face was close to his ear, "Then you didn't tell her?"

Uncle Bo looked sideways at the little guy in front of him, and smiled: "Why did you tell her?"

She opened her eyes wide, and couldn't believe it. After a long time, she murmured, "Uncle, you've learned badly."

"Very bad?" Uncle Bo asked her seriously.

She nodded vigorously: "Yes, it's very bad."

Uncle Bo smiled softly, and walked in the thinking garden with one arm in his arms. All the servants in the family saw her and avoided them embarrassedly.

However, the relationship is really good.

Mrs. Bo is so pampered when she is at home. After taking a nap, the three elders of the Bo family can't wait to gather around the bed and fan the wind...

When Bo Xichen sat down in the restaurant with her in his arms, Gu Anxi received a call.

It wasn't someone else calling, it was Min Xin.

Min Xin's voice was particularly urgent: "Anxi, put out the fire."

Gu Anxi was picking up vegetables and eating slowly, and wanted to tease his uncle to go out with her to play, but when he heard Min Xin's words, he felt bad, and wished he could throw away his phone...

 Let's see some more tomorrow~



(End of this chapter)

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