Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 830 Gu Anxi, You Are Better Than Me In Everything

Chapter 830 Gu Anxi, You Are Better Than Me In Everything

Bo Xichen looked at her.

She said to Min Xin over there: "Your son, take care of yourself."

Min Xin hid in the bathroom holding his mobile phone, and said in a very spineless voice: "Just once, just once, I'm inconvenient now, I'm at Zhou Yu's house, you said I've managed to ease the relationship now, what will happen to you?" If my son goes out because of Mingzhu, then I probably won't be able to enter the Zhou family's gate again."

Gu Anxi sneered: "You did it yourself, and no one forced you to do it."

Min Xin begged again, "Just once, just once. I originally asked Wang Yuan to do this, but he is a big man, so I don't worry. It's inconvenient for him to have a wife."

"It's convenient for me?" Gu Anxi snorted softly: "It's not convenient for me, she treats me as an enemy."

In fact, thinking about it carefully, she didn't have any hatred for Gu Mingzhu, it just happened to be born of a mother, and she didn't have any other deep hatred.But she is not the Holy Mother, so she will not think that the younger sister will be under her care when Tang Yuan is gone.

Whoever planted the seed in the first place should take care of it.

Min Xin over there heard Gu Anxi being so resolute, he was very anxious. He didn't love Gu Mingzhu or care about it, but it was just a responsibility. If something happened to a little girl under his nose, it would be bad. He won't have a good time either.

Thinking of this, Min Xin begged even harder, and promised various benefits.

Upon hearing the number, Gu Anxi looked embarrassed: "That's it, then I'll take a trip."

Anyway, the promise must be fulfilled, otherwise she has plenty of ways to make him restless.Just blow the wind in Zhou Yu's ear, hehe... Min Xin's life gate is in her palm.

She happily hung up the phone.

Uncle Bo stretched out his hand and tapped her on the head: "Did you take the opportunity to blackmail again?"

Gu Anxi bowed his head and kept silent, neither daring to admit nor deny.

My uncle is quite strict with her, especially in this regard. He thinks that she has eight hands outside, everywhere... taking advantage of others, and stealing them all at home.

The two little ones are like this, Mr. Bo and Nianyao have no courage to stand out, Mrs. Bo glanced at her son, and then with a smile on her face, she took a chicken leg to the little milkman, "Eat more, don't listen to him."

She looked at her son again, with a serious expression on her face: "Anxi only likes this, what's wrong?"

Uncle Bo couldn't laugh or cry: "Mom, you are too spoiled with her."

Mrs. Bo heheed twice: "There's nothing wrong with Zai Zai. Because of Min Xin who can't help but clean up the mess, shouldn't the surname Min thank you? You can figure out our current value in Beicheng by yourself. , it’s very expensive to play once.”

Uncle Bo stopped talking immediately, and looked down at his little guy.

Gu Anxi said in a low voice: "I just wanted to go out for a stroll together, this matter...By the way, I have a quick extra."

This extra income is 500 million, the lion opened his mouth wide, and Mrs. Bo opened her mouth wide when she knew about it, but she still kept chanting that sentence——

Our cubs are very expensive now!

The very expensive cub has gone out, driving a cool sports car. Uncle Bo has been a little tired recently, so he sits beside her to rest.

Gu Anxi played the music very softly: "Uncle, can you sleep for a while?"

"Not so tired." He smiled lightly, and suddenly said, "Why did Gu Mingzhu go to Emperor Color? Aren't she and your brother not dealing with each other now?"

Gu Anxi pursed her lips and smiled, "Maybe I went there on purpose, I didn't admit it, but...Brother Changqing really doesn't pay much attention to her."

That's why something happened in the bar, and Gu Changqing didn't come forward, and only let his subordinates deal with it. Now he is still in the bar like a dead pig and has to be carried back.


Beicheng, Emperor Color Clubhouse.

Although Gu Mingzhu is the second princess, her treatment is definitely not good. After being harassed, she would lie on the sofa in the hall, terribly drunk. She has been like this since Tang Yuan left. After Gu Yuanshan took care of her once, she If he didn't listen to Gu Yuanshan, he shook his head and sighed, leaving her alone.

In the hall, people come and go, maybe someone will take a look at her, but they will never think that it is the girl from the country in the North City back then.

Gu Mingzhu was very disappointed.

She lost everything, and Gu Anxi, the person who was not as good as she was abandoned, lived so well. She thought that Min Xin would take care of her, but Min Xin only gave her mother money and was willing to see her occasionally. Seeing her was probably just doing her duty. When she came to Emperor Color, her brother didn't see her either.

She, Gu Mingzhu, is now a character that everyone hates and despises!

Gu Mingzhu lay half prone on the sofa, shouting like mud: "I still want to drink, give me the wine."

No one paid attention to her until a figure stood in front of her.

She looked up.

Yes, Gu Anxi.

Although she was drunk, she could recognize it even when she was drunk. This hateful person was Gu Anxi.

Gu Mingzhu smiled softly, she tilted her head and looked at Gu Anxi, "You are very proud now, you took everything away, and I have nothing. Gu Anxi, are you here to see my joke? "

"Yeah, I came to see your joke." Gu Anxi took out his mobile phone and took a picture of her: "We will take a picture now and post it on Weibo. Do you think your book fans will be disappointed or not? Do you think their daddy is a drunkard?"

Gu Mingzhu suddenly woke up for two minutes, got up and waved her hands vigorously: "Don't shoot, don't shoot, Gu Anxi, you always know how to hit me and how to take away what belongs to me. I only have you s things."

But, she was drunk after all, no matter what she couldn't catch up with Gu Anxi, she stumbled to the end, she was paralyzed on the ground, very embarrassed... She raised her head and stared fiercely at Gu Anxi: "Are you satisfied?"

His eyes were red and bloodshot, and the eyeballs seemed to be popping out. He looked a bit like Tang Yuan.

Gu Anxi's hands dropped, feeling a little sad.

For Gu Mingzhu.

There were tears in the corners of Gu Mingzhu's eyes, but she laughed: "Gu Anxi, you really know how to hit me and how to destroy everything about me. Congratulations, you have destroyed my last things."

Gu Anxi also smiled, and squatted down in front of her, shaking the mobile phone in his hand: "You mean those book fans and film fans of yours, afraid of destroying their image in their hearts, so you still care about them."

Gu Mingzhu bit her lip, tears glistening: "Gu Anxi, what do you know? You don't understand anything at all, you will be smart, and you will do something to show that you are strong. You are strong, you are better than me in everything. Okay, your movies are better than mine, you ride faster than me, you know all kinds of things, and I’m nothing in your eyes, right? Even fighting is harder than me! When my mother finally left, she also felt that You are better than me, aren't you very proud, aren't you?"

(End of this chapter)

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