Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 831 Stupid!

Chapter 831 Stupid!

Gu Anxi stared at her condescendingly, with a bit of coldness in his eyes.

After a while, she smiled softly, "Gu Mingzhu, what's the difference between you and me, and you want to mention your mother."

Gu Mingzhu sneered: "Even if you don't admit it, Gu Anxi, you were born by her, and she is also your mother!"

"She's not." Gu Anxi's voice was cold: "To me, she's just Ms. Tang. Gu Mingzhu, that person is about to die of illness, and he entrusts someone to take care of you everywhere, for fear that you will be a bad student or that you will have a bad life in the future. ... What do you think I will compare you with, what do you envy me for, do you envy me being thrown away by her since I was a child?"

Gu Mingzhu's eyes fell directly on her face, her lips moved, but she couldn't say a word.

After a long time, she said hoarsely, "You hate us!"

She added: "Gu Anxi, why do you still care about me, wouldn't it be good to let me fend for myself?"

"That's very good." Gu Anxi sneered, "If you don't care about your readers and movie fans, just do it well, they can still like others anyway, but for you, there is only one Gu Mingzhu, and if you die, you won't have one." gone."

She suddenly said awkwardly: "Actually, apart from being a little vain, a little selfish, and a little lacking in IQ, there is nothing wrong with you."

Gu Mingzhu was half sober.

She stared at Gu Anxi blankly, and after a long time came to her senses, she was a little furious: "Am I that bad?"

"I've said it very tactfully." Gu Anxi put his hands in front of him, "You can decide for yourself, whether you want to go back with me or continue to wander here, I can tell you that Gu Changqing has nothing to do with you No, he won't care about you. Only Min Xin is willing to call me to let me go because of old feelings. By the way, I'll charge the money, and it's not for nothing."

Gu Mingzhu sat on the ground blankly, shocked by such straightforwardness.

Then she burst into tears.

Crying loudly.

Tears and snot mixed together spoiled a pretty little face, she didn't care, at most she just buried her face in her knees, immersing herself in her own world...

"I don't know what you're crying for." Gu Anxi's heart was iron-hearted: "You can spend a lot of money here to get drunk when you are sad. How many people have a hard time surviving? Gu Mingzhu, do you live for your own little feelings? You mind if your readers and fans see it, it's just a little vanity, but you don't love them at all."

"Who says I don't love it?" Gu Mingzhu yelled at her: "Gu Anxi, you uploaded it, and you destroyed what I have. '

"Still." Gu Anxi threw the phone to her: "Idiot, I didn't send it."

Gu Mingzhu sucked back the half-flowing snot, and hastily picked up her phone to look at it.

Indeed, it was not uploaded.

She looked at it stupidly, and after a while, she said in a soft voice: "Really not?"

Gu Anxi took the phone back: "Is it important? You don't really love them."

"I love it." Gu Mingzhu's voice was very low, feeling that the snot was about to flow out again, she sucked it immediately.

Gu Anxi looked at her and found it funny and annoyed. Tang Yuan had cultivated her for so many years, but in fact she had cultivated a giant baby. Once she left, the giant baby would not know how to live.

She copied it in her pocket, and looked sideways at Bo Xichen: "Uncle, then shall we... go?"

Bo Xichen smiled lightly and didn't express his opinion.

He listened to her about this matter.

Gu Anxi snorted, then took his hand, and said affectionately: "Let's eat grilled lamb chops later, sprinkle some cumin on it, it's delicious."


She talked about several delicacies, and she and Bo Xichen got farther and farther away.

Over there, Gu Mingzhu said, "Gu Anxi."

Gu Anxi turned around, with a smile on his face: "Why, you also want to eat lamb chops?"

Gu Mingzhu got up, walked to her side, and snorted softly: "I want to eat French food."

Gu Anxi looked at her with a sick look, and then dragged Bo Xichen away. Gu Mingzhu gritted her teeth and stomped her feet...

Gu Anxi wouldn't let her.

"Hey." Gu Mingzhu called again: "It's dirty to eat outside."

With her back behind her back, Gu Anxi waved her hand.

Gu Mingzhu ran a few steps in a hurry, and because she drank too much, her steps were a little unsteady, but she managed to catch up and grabbed Gu Anxi's shoulder: "Gu Anxi, did you do it on purpose?"

"What is it on purpose?" Gu Anxi slapped her paw away, "You don't like lamb chops?"

Gu Mingzhu pursed her lips, then turned her face away, and said proudly: "I don't want to be alone."

"Then please find an honest man to marry, and with your money, you can make him not work and stay with you every day." Gu Anxi said very viciously.

Gu Mingzhu was furious again, "Gu Anxi, I'm only [-] years old."

"Yeah, I learned to be bad at the bar when I was only [-]." Gu Anxi looked around: "There are many bad men who like to pick you up and go back, when you wake up..."

Gu Mingzhu's face turned pale.

Gu Anxi rolled his eyes: "Eat lamb chops or be picked up?"


"Eat lamb chops." Gu Mingzhu said reluctantly.

Then she followed them shamelessly, Gu Anxi dragged one of Bo Xichen's arms, and she shamelessly dragged the other arm. When Gu Anxi glanced over, she reluctantly let go, but came over to change Shamelessly dragging Gu Anxi's arm.

Gu Anxi rolled his eyes unbearably: "Giant baby."

And now she is being entangled by a giant baby.

The giant baby said dissatisfiedly: "When I met brother Xichen, you were still playing with mud in Qingcheng."

"Then why didn't you seize the opportunity? Oh, you liked Shen Congwen back then. I said you had bad eyesight. You couldn't tell whether Shen Congwen was a man or a woman." Gu Anxi laughed at her.

Gu Mingzhu was so angry that tears rolled in her eyes, and she gritted her teeth after a long time: "Gu Anxi, you are still so annoying. '

'Continue to hate, I don't want you to like me much. 'Gu Anxi was calm and calm, so he didn't care.

Gu Mingzhu: ...the air exploded.

When they arrived at the parking lot and were about to get in the car, Gu Changqing came over, with a cigarette in his slender hand, walking calmly, he must have been watching a movie for a long time.

When Gu Mingzhu saw him, there was a different brilliance in his eyes, but it darkened again in an instant.

Gu Anxi is right, she has nothing to do with Gu Changqing, she is not as good as Gu Anxi, why does she think that Gu Changqing will take care of her?

She lowered her head silently, with the intention of escaping.

Gu Changqing walked straight in front of them. He looked at Gu Anxi and smiled: "Now she's under your control?"

"If you don't return, I'll use money to do things." Gu Anxi said very honestly.

Gu Changqing smiled and looked at Gu Mingzhu again.

Gu Mingzhu gave him a pitiful look, and didn't dare to say anything. In her subconscious mind, she wanted to please Gu Changqing. Now among the remaining people, she not only has some feelings for Gu Changqing, but also the one who wanted to please Gu Changqing since she was a child. The other is that Gu Changqing never looks at her.

Gu Changqing looked at her for a while, put out the cigarette in his hand, and said, "Where are you going? I heard that you are going to eat lamb chops. Let's go together."

Gu Anxi stared at him, then suddenly smiled: "Brother, have you lost your love?"

"You're a big kid." Gu Changqing patted her on the head, "Let's go."

(End of this chapter)

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