Campus almighty ace girl

After Chapter 833, I won't ignore you

After Chapter 833, I won't ignore you

Gu Mingzhu followed him out of the car, still anxious, wanted to ask him why he broke up with Ding Ning but didn't dare, she was always afraid of Gu Changqing.

Gu Changqing glanced at her, walked straight to the front and Gu Mingzhu followed behind, when the family servants saw Gu Changqing coming back, they immediately stepped forward: "Sir, you are back, do you want to have some supper?"

At this time in the night, the servant didn't see it for a while, thinking that Gu Mingzhu was Ding Ning, he added an extra sentence: "Miss Ding, do you want to have a copy too?"

Gu Changqing turned his body sideways: "This is the Pearl, my sister."

The servant was stunned and immediately apologized.

Gu Mingzhu shook her head: "It doesn't matter."

In the past, she would have played a little temper, but now she knows her situation, the days of being a princess are gone.Seeing her being so friendly, the servants had a good impression of her, so they were about to make supper. Gu Changqing called her: "We've already eaten."

The servant was surprised, and then smelled the smell of alcohol on Gu Mingzhu's body, so he didn't dare to ask any more questions, so he went to make a cup of sober tea silently, and put it on the table silently.

Gu Changqing caressed his forehead with his slender fingers, leaned on the sofa, and looked at Gu Mingzhu quietly.

When she was almost done drinking, he said: "Take a break these two days, and go to Beicheng University to continue studying in a few days."

Gu Mingzhu was stunned for a moment, then mist rose in his eyes, and he said yes softly.

Gu Changqing let out a long breath: "There are two aunts here, who can usually take care of the daily life. Later, I will ask someone to bring your luggage, or you can bring someone to pack it yourself. That house is not suitable for living in."

When he said something, Gu Mingzhu nodded, and after a long time she asked carefully: "Brother, don't you live here?"

Gu Changqing patted his trouser legs, and responded lightly: "Sometimes I live here, sometimes I live in an apartment."

He added, "I'm going to live here for a while."

In fact, when he was with Ding Ning before, he lived in an apartment, and now it's not a big deal after they broke up.

Gu Mingzhu didn't ask any more questions, but just held the cup and drank sober tea. In fact, she was already sober, but she knew that she had to be good here. I heard that Gu Anxi was very good in Siyuan, so she was very popular with the elders. Then she Just be good, so you won't be hated by others, so you won't be driven away.

Moreover, at this time, she felt very safe in her heart, because she was with Gu Changqing.

In particular, they've never been this close.

She was particularly eager to get close, and Gu Changqing had already got up: "I'll show you your bedroom upstairs."

Gu Mingzhu immediately put down the cup and got up, Gu Changqing glanced at her quietly: "Don't be so restrained."

After finishing speaking, he walked upstairs, and Gu Mingzhu immediately followed.

On the second floor, he opened a bedroom on the west side, "You will live here from now on."

Gu Mingzhu looked over, it was a girly bedroom, well decorated, just the way she liked it.

For a moment, she choked up, "Brother, don't be so nice to me."

"It's easy to do." Gu Changqing's voice was light: "Actually, Anxi is the one who really treats you well."

Gu Mingzhu lowered her head and remained silent.

Gu Changqing is still indifferent: "You don't think that Min Xin can pay her to do things with a check, right? She really doesn't pay attention to 800 million yuan, maybe because she wants to see you drunk , maybe she wanted to see your jokes, but she couldn't bear it."

He said lightly: "I have no other request, just one thing, you are not allowed to do anything to Anxi, otherwise I will not care about you."

Gu Mingzhu was taken aback for a moment, feeling extremely wronged, wanted to defend herself a few words, and finally said softly: "I see."

Today is different from the past, this sentence is vivid.

Seeing her appearance, Gu Changqing always felt a little soft in his heart.

He can be regarded as watching her grow up. Although he didn't like her since she was a child, he also understood a little bit. It has always been inappropriate to be manipulated. Why is it as low as it is now?

However, it is a good thing.

I'm afraid that she will go down without knowing the heights of the sky and the earth!

Gu Changqing finished settling her down. Thinking that she didn't have pajamas, she went to her bedroom and searched for a long time to find a women's pajamas that no one had worn. Last time Ding Ning bought several at a time and didn't have time to show him. Just broke up.

She brought it up.

The reason is that we don't want to be together anymore.

Gu Changqing didn't agree immediately. After calming down for a month, she didn't let go, so the relationship between them was settled, and he still didn't know what dissatisfaction she had with him.

Holding her pajamas, Gu Changqing stood for a while before going to the guest room.

Gu Mingzhu was foolishly touching the furniture, which was exactly the same as the one she used to have in Gu's house, and it was very expensive. Now that she lives in such a big villa, she doesn't feel vain, but rather wants to cry.

Before, she was really happy.

That's why Gu Anxi scolded her, saying that she had nothing to do with Ms. Tang, because it wasn't Gu Mingzhu who was thrown away, but Gu Anxi.

Gu Changqing pushed open the open door and looked at Gu Mingzhu quietly, he didn't disturb her.

Perhaps, after being severely beaten, she finally sobered up a bit.

As soon as Gu Mingzhu turned her head around, she saw Gu Changqing standing there with moisture in her eyes that was too late to put away.

Gu Changqing still stood there without moving.

"Brother." Gu Mingzhu bit her lip, her voice was trembling: "Am I not likable?"


The moisture in her eyes grew more for a long time before she said in a hoarse voice: "Then why do you and Dad still care about me?"

'Sin is not unworthy of death!Dad doesn't want to waste the food that the Gu family has raised you all these years. ' Gu Changqing smiled faintly.

Gu Mingzhu went over, took the pajamas in his hand, and lowered her head: "You are as poisonous as Gu Anxi, so you were born of the same father."

But she is not, she is Min Xin's seed, she used to feel very honored, she just wanted to get rid of the Gu family and be Min Xin's daughter, but now...she has never been like now, longing to be Gu Yuanshan's daughter .

If, everything can go back to the past, if it is just a dream, wake up, and find that Gu Anxi is back, she doesn't target her, just take what you want, then mother will not die, then she is Isn't it just living in the Gu family forever...

Gu Mingzhu suddenly fell into Gu Changqing's arms, and burst into tears again: "Brother..."

Gu Changqing felt uncomfortable being hugged by her like this.

He didn't like her all the time, and he doesn't like her now. What he liked from the beginning to the end was the little dumpling who was just born. That was the appearance of Anxi who was only a few days old, but he knew that Mingzhu liked to cling to her since she was a child. He always looks up at him, hoping that he can give her a look...

But he didn't, never put her in his eyes.

He sighed, just take pity on her.

He patiently let her hold her for a while, and when she cried enough, he said, "Okay, go to sleep."

For some reason, he added: "I won't ignore you in the future."

Gu Mingzhu knew that she was not as important as Gu Anxi, but how could she dare to ask for more, as long as... a little.

Seeing her like this, Gu Changqing remembered Anxi's message.

Gu Mingzhu is a little trembling now, it seems that there is a little...

He smiled and walked out.

When I returned to my bedroom, I couldn't fall asleep again, and I couldn't help but think of someone.

(End of this chapter)

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