Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 834 Pajamas!Ding Ning came to get something

Chapter 834 Pajamas!Ding Ning came to get something

Gu Changqing didn't drink, but now he wanted to drink two glasses. He went to the wine cabinet and took out a bottle of wine, and took a glass to pour himself a glass.

He walked to the terrace with a wine glass in his hand, put the glass on the side platform, bowed his head and lit a cigarette.

For a moment, he exhaled smoke rings and quietly looked at the night outside, feeling a rare sense of confusion.

He can't help but say that he is doing well now, the matter with his mother has been going on for a long time, and Anxi has returned to him in a good way. It stands to reason that he has no regrets in his life, but after being separated from Ding Ning, he still feels a little empty.

Even he himself can't explain clearly, originally he was interested in marriage and not in love.

Even now, he doesn't know what she is dissatisfied with, because he didn't give her everything like other men, so what is everything?

From Gu Changqing's point of view, loyalty is everything.

He took a long puff between his cigarettes, and then looked into the distance... In the middle of the night, he drank a glass of red wine and smoked half a pack of cigarettes before returning to the bedroom to sleep.

Early the next morning, Gu Mingzhu got up earlier than him. She had already changed her clothes, brushed her teeth and washed her face. I have to say that she was better than Gu Anxi in this regard. If Gu Anxi was drunk, she would not sleep until noon get up.

Gu Mingzhu took a pajamas in his hand, knocked on the door and came in, Gu Changqing got up to shave in the bathroom.Hearing the voice asking her to come in, Gu Mingzhu went in with a slightly embarrassed expression: "Brother, is this sister Ding Ning's pajamas, I'd better bring it here."

She got up early in the morning to wash and dry.

Gu Changqing was a little surprised. He wanted to say that he didn't need to return it, but he felt troublesome. Besides, the pajamas didn't seem suitable for Mingzhu, so he said softly, "You can put it on the sofa. I'll come down right away for breakfast."

Gu Mingzhu nodded obediently, and said obediently: "Then brother, I will go down first."

She turned around to leave, but Gu Changqing called out to her: "Mingzhu."

She turned around, feeling a little uneasy again: "Brother?"

Gu Changqing walked over with an electric razor in his hand, walked up to her, and then spoke softly: "Mingzhu, you don't need to deliberately please me like this, it's fine as before."

Gu Mingzhu didn't expect him to say that, and felt slightly uncomfortable for a moment.

Gu Changqing continued to shave twice, and said gently: "Go down and have breakfast first."

Gu Mingzhu nodded and left, she was actually a little afraid of him.

After she left, Gu Changqing's eyes fell on the pajamas, and he looked at it quietly for a long time. It should have been disposed of, but after thinking about it, he still didn't, so he turned around and went to the bathroom to concentrate on finishing the facade...

nine in the morning.

Gu Mingzhu went back to her place to pack her things. Gu Changqing had some business to discuss so he sent her there. They left for about half an hour when Ding Ning came over. The things are here, so come and get them.

The servants at home were a little surprised when they saw her, "Miss Ding, are you here?"

They also knew that Mr. and Ms. Ding had blown it up, but they didn't know the reason. Ms. Ding is a very nice and capable woman, so what is there to be dissatisfied with Ms. Ding?

Ding Ning nodded, "I have some things to take away."

After all, she is a well-educated daughter of a famous family. After a pause, she asked again: "Do you need to go up and take a look?" '

The servant has always admired her, so he didn't dare to monitor her, so he quickly said: "No, no, if Miss Ding can't trust her, then no one can trust her."

Ding Ning just smiled faintly, and then went upstairs.

She didn't come here three or four times in total. Originally, Gu Changqing planned to move here. After all, they were busy with work and no one cooked in the apartment, so they wanted to live at home when their relationship was stable, but she didn't either. I know why I made a decision so quickly, and I don't know why it is so difficult to maintain.

She is not a hypocritical person, she just let go, and he didn't say anything, so let it be.

Stretching out her hand to open the door, she went to the dressing room to pack her clothes, because she wanted to come and live here, she put a lot of clothes here, of course she had to move out now, and Gu Changqing hadn't contacted her so she could only come here by herself up.

Just as he was about to leave with his suitcase in hand, his eyes fell on a set of sofas by the window.

On the sofa imported from Italy, a women's silk pajamas was hanging on the back of the sofa. That pajamas... She recognized that she bought it by herself, and she hadn't worn it once, but now... someone wore it, right?

Ding Jing looked at it quietly for about a minute, and his eyes were a little sore. At this moment, a hesitant voice came from the door: "Miss Ding, do you want me to help you carry your luggage? It looks very heavy."

Ding Ning shook his head: "No need."

Her eyes still fell on the pajamas, then she moved away and went downstairs quietly.

The servant also saw the pajamas, and quickly asked: "Miss Ding, is this pajamas yours? Do you want to take it away? It looks quite expensive to me."

Ding Ning didn't look back: "It's not mine."

The servant let out a cry, a little confused, if it wasn't Ms. Ding's, it could be someone else's, and the husband didn't bring other women home.

At this moment, Ding Ning had already gone downstairs, walked to the back of the car and put away his luggage.

The servant ran over again: "Miss Ding, are you leaving?"

Ding Ning had already sat in the car and fastened his seat belt, and said softly, "Don't tell Gu Changqing that I've been here."

(End of this chapter)

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