Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 835 Are You Not Very Possessive?

Chapter 835 Are You Not Very Possessive?

The servant was puzzled, but still nodded, watching Ding Ning slowly drive the car away, she murmured, "It's all right, what's the deal?"

After a while, she thought of the pajamas upstairs again, and suddenly realized something: Did Miss Ding misunderstand something?There was a woman at home last night, but it was Mr.'s sister.

Later, the servants also forgot about this matter, mainly because Gu Mingzhu came back later and was a little tired after helping clean up for a long time, and Gu Changqing came back late, almost at twelve o'clock at night.

Gu Changqing was very tired after a day of socializing. He went back to his bedroom and sat on the sofa without moving for a long time. He rubbed his shoulders until he gained some strength and went to the dressing room to get his clothes and prepare to take a shower and go to bed.

But after opening the closet, he was stunned.

Afterwards, he went downstairs and asked the servants at home, "Has Miss Ding been here today?"

"Come to get some things." The servant said cautiously, "Sir, is there something wrong?"

Gu Changqing looked at her indifferently for a while, and then said, "Nothing?"

He sat down and lit a cigarette: "Did she say anything?"

The servant thought about it carefully, and then said: "I didn't say anything, I just took my things and left."

She thought about it for a while, and said the matter: "Miss Ding saw the pajamas upstairs, I guess she misunderstood."


Gu Changqing just remembered, and laughed silently: "Why would she care?" '

Holding the cigarette butt between his slender fingers, he took a sharp puff before pinching it out, and then slowly went upstairs.The servant looked up at him, feeling even more strange in his heart, it's all right, what's the deal?

On the second floor, Gu Changqing sat on the sofa in the bedroom, then took the pajamas, looked at them, and finally made a call...

Ding Ning answered the phone, his voice was a little hoarse, he could hear him falling asleep and then woke up: "Gu Changqing?"

He grunted and asked her, "I came here to get something, why didn't you tell me?"

Over there, Ding Ning sat up and scratched his fluffy hair: "There's nothing to tell, it's getting late and I'm going to bed."

"Wait a minute." Gu Changqing called her to stop, and then said slowly, "Why don't you question me when you see the pajamas?"

Ding Ning smiled over there: "Long love, we broke up, even if you bring the woman home, it's your freedom and I can't let me ask."

'So generous? ’ He smiled lowly: ‘I always thought you were very possessive, but it turns out you are not. '

Being ridiculed by him like this, Ding Ning got a little angry and lowered his voice: "Gu Changqing, I don't want to quarrel with you. If you call just to talk about this, then I have nothing to say."

"I'm just upset." Suddenly, Gu Changqing lowered his voice: "I was dumped, so I can't have any emotions? And you have to make up behind your back to look like a scumbag. It's clear that I didn't do anything when we were together. Sorry about your business."

Ding Ning gritted his teeth: "Gu Changqing, you are crazy."

She hung up the phone directly, ignoring him.

Seeing the pajamas, wouldn't it be best for each other not to ask questions? What else is he dissatisfied with?

points are divided.

She pulled up the quilt to cover her face, not wanting to dwell on this issue.

Over there, Gu Changqing looked at the phone - she hung up?

When Ding Ning seldom has such emotions, is he angry?

He laughed silently again, he thought she wouldn't be angry, especially because of his affairs, she would be angry too.So it took me a long time to find her WeChat, and sent a message: Mingzhu was here last night.

Of course, Ding Ning didn't reply.

Gu Changqing felt lonely, and finally went to take a shower impatiently, and drank two more cups before falling asleep...


Early in the morning, Gu Anxi woke up and counted Uncle Bo's beard before getting up and being held back.

"What time is it?" Uncle Bo's voice was a little hoarse.

Gu Anxi crawled over and looked at his phone: "It's almost seven o'clock."

"Then you have to get up." He stretched his waist and said while getting dressed: "There is a meeting early in the morning. By the way, Mr. Wang and Director Hao can help him to have a checkup. If there is no problem, you can eat today. .”

Gu Anxi sat on the bed and nodded like a puppy: "Okay."

But his gaze was fixed on his back, it was so pretty, his legs were so long and his waist was so good, it was so pleasing to the eye.

Bo Xichen turned his head and pinched her little cheek: "Get up."

She came down obediently, put on a sportswear, brushed her teeth and washed her face together, very clingy.It's almost time to hug and hold high.

And the upper and lower members of Siyuan have long been familiar with them.

Well, how should I put it, Anxi is very infatuated with their young master!That's all.

Gu Anxi ate the loving breakfast prepared by Bo's mother, and went to work with Bo Xichen full of energy, while the remaining three old ones chatted about homework.

While Bo Nianyao and his wife were talking, Master Bo said with some disappointment, "It's been so long, why hasn't Xichen produced a baby yet?"

Mrs. Bo poured him a cup of tea, "It should be there sometime, Xi Chen has worked very hard."

Master Bo didn't take it seriously: "I only see wind blowing, but no rain."

Bo Nianyao and his wife: ...

Over there, Gu Anxi went to the hospital in Uncle Bo's car, and received a call from Wang Qin in the car, telling her the shocking news: "Gu Mingzhu has class today."

Gu Anxi smiled: "I guessed it." '

Now brother Changqing is the last straw for her, so why not be obedient?

Wang Qin wowed: "Anxi, you are so good, you can guess this. Did you know that many people in Beicheng University said that she would not go to school?"

Gu Anxi sighed: "It doesn't matter what others say, why can't you, a little god, figure it out?"

Wang Qin blushed all of a sudden, and whispered, "I'm not some little fairy!"

In fact, she has a crow's mouth, and usually bumps into a few things, but the ones that can really get her hands on are... all Anxi's cheating, and she blushes when she thinks about it...

The two talked a few more words and hung up the phone.

Gu Anxi tilted her head: "Gu Mingzhu has gone to school."

Uncle Bo smiled slightly, and Gu Anxi put his hands behind his head as a pillow: "It's pretty good, I don't want to go to clean up the paralyzed man in the middle of the night... Oh, by the way, it seems that Min Xin hasn't paid yet."

(Another chapter at ten o'clock)

(End of this chapter)

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